Bad & British

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J-Hope explained the majority of their knowledge to Isaac when Jimin saw the three others approaching. He waved them over and Isaac turned his head to see them. Jin was the first to walk up to Isaac. He set the food on the table and greeted the boy.

"Hello. I'm Jin. He's Suga and he is Rap Monster," he introduced himself. "We brought some lunch for everyone, so feel free to have some."
"Oh, thanks! I'm Isaac, obviously," he replied.

The seven boys neatly set up the table and began to have lunch. Suga admitted it to himself. This guy did not look trustworthy at all. From his ripped leather pants to his jacket and the way he wore his hair, he seemed like trouble. Isaac reminded him of how they dressed for their "Dark & Wild" album MVs and promotions. They were just in character for that, though. This guy did this shit for real!

"So, are you—" Jin started.
"I'm British and the same age as Jungkook," Isaac rudely interrupted Jin. "Same grade, too."

Suga continued to harshly judge Isaac. He knew nothing of British and European culture, but he was extremely rude and very audacious. Isaac acted like everything was about him. Sure, he was a foreigner, but he acted as if all of the customs of Korean culture didn't apply to him.

"So introduce us to your 2014," Jimin said.
"What do you mean?" Isaac asked.
"What happened first to you in 2014? What interaction did you have with Jungkook in 2014?"
" friends and I were hanging out and they said I should ask Park Miso out."

Jin, Suga, and Rap Monster lost some of their patience and tolerance for this guy.

"They—" Isaac said.
"Who are 'they'?" Jin interrupted.

Isaac just shot the Bangtan Boys a resentful glare.

"Fuck it!" Suga suddenly said. "Guys, he's friends with Daesul!"
"Wait, what?" V, Jimin, and J-Hope all gasped.
"You heard him," Isaac mumbled. "I was friends with Daesul...and I was wrong for choosing him as a friend."
"Explain," J-Hope sternly commanded.

Isaac grasped his Americano and took another long sip, contemplating everything. His eyes ran across all of their faces as he drank the last bit of his coffee. Then he set the cup down and proceeded to lick his lips and then open his mouth.

"I started to attend SOPA the year Jungkook first went there. However, I joined at the beginning of the second semester," Isaac started. "I never really met Jungkook until our second and third year, though. But right when I started attending SOPA, I immediately became friends with Daesul and his friends. They liked how I looked and they liked my style. A few weeks into our friendship is when he told me about Jungkook. I had never heard of BTS or Jungkook before because my friends back in England don't listen to Korean Pop much. They told me awful things about Jungkook, so that made me avoid him. Anyway, it was around the end of 2013 when I met Miso through Daesul. She was beautiful and amazing. Daesul told me that Jungkook had a crush on her and I could definitely tell why. We exchanged emails and phone numbers over the break and were talking to each other after school.
"At the end of the school year in 2014, there was an end of the year dance for the entire school. It was major. One week before the dance, Daesul and my other friends persuaded me and I asked Miso out. After school got out for the year, we were communication nonstop. While I was in England, I was also checking out your albums and music. I liked your music. After watching all of the MVs and watching a few Bangtan Bombs, I grew curious of Jungkook. I mean, hell, I went to school with him I knew what he was kind of like. But in the Bangtan Bombs I watched, he seemed like a different person. I started to talk to Miso about Jungkook. She was reluctant to talk about him. I didn't know why until school started. Well, a little. That's when you guys went to America for 'American Hustle Life'. I saw the first episode debut on July 24, by the way. I wasn't really able to figure out what happened between Jungkook and Miso until after you guys came back.
"Miso revealed everything to me. About their friendship and secret love for each other. She told me about Jungkook's favorite color, band mates, and amazing characteristics. I could tell she still liked Jungkook—"

"Alright," Jin interrupted. "We get it. There's a love triangle between you, Jungkook, and Miso. Unrequited love caused it all. You don't have to explain every little detail."
"No, that's not it," Isaac said. "This story gets crazier."
"I don't know if we should trust you..."
"You don't have to."

The Bangtan Boys harshly stared at Isaac as he sat there with a vacant expression.

"You don't have to trust me. I'm just here telling you all what I know, did, and thought and think. So if you want to know if I'm telling you the truth check the journal," Isaac told them. "I dare you."
"We'd really like to, but we left it at the hospital—," Jimin told Isaac.
"No we didn't," Jin interrupted his dongsaeng.
"We didn't?" All (but one) of his dongsaengs simultaneously gasped.
"Of course not!" Suga told them as he pulled it out of a bag and lain it on the table.
"I would never leave something that valuable just lying around a public hospital. I brought the remaining things Jungkook left for us too, if we need them," Jin explained.
"Wow...," they all murmured.

Rap Monster took the journal into his hands and hesitantly opened it again and turned until he reached the first entry for 2014. He rested his hand on the page and slowly looked up at everyone. His eyes instantly met Isaac's piercing gaze.

"Do it," Isaac taunted him once more. "I dare you."

Rap Monster looked down at the tattooed page and took a deep breath.

"January 7, 2014," Rap Monster read.

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