Deterioration: Part 2

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The simplest things in life can be sometimes the hardest. Simple things like breathing.  It's just so simple, that you don't even have to think about it much.

Inhale. Exhale.

But for some reason, simple things, such as breathing, become impossible. Jungkook knew that damn well.

Inhale. Exhale.

And even with people surrounding her, she still couldn't breathe. She was just standing in the opposite corner of the room, watching people huddle around her and try and calm her down. And she couldn't do anything. 

Inhale. Exhale.

She felt stuck, just watching herself suffer. She couldn't feel the air between her fingers, blown from the air vents, or the ground beneath her feet; nor could she feel her heart pounding out of her chest. She was beginning to wonder if she was dead, for she couldn't feel her chest slowly rise or fall—or move at all. Silence was inaudible. And she just couldn't do anything to escape.

Inhale. Exhale.

And watching her suffer made her dizzy and nauseous, even. A fuzzy feeling also entered her head. Whatever was happening to her, she wishes she could just get out. But she couldn't. And the silence in the room was deathly.

Inhale. Exhale.

And as these strange symptoms escalated, she was relieved that she could finally hear someone's voice.



Remember, inhale and exhale...

She thought about it and opened her mouth and forced her lungs to inhale, then exhale.


You're doing great...

And as Yunji continued to think about exaggerating her inhales and exhales, she began to slowly regain feeling in her body. Everything felt numb, though. And then it all came back.

"Yunji!" Jimin said her name. "Are you okay?"

Am I okay?, she thought to herself as she opened her eyes, What happened? Where am I?

"Yunji?" Suga examined at her eyes.
"She'll be okay," Dr. Mun said. "It was just a panic attack."

Yunji moaned in response. Then, Jimin and V helped her up onto the vacant hospital bed. She tried to distinguish the blurry colored blobs in front of her, but her vision was far too fuzzy. A pounding headache was building and she didn't feel too well.

"What happened?" she asked, still quite dazed.
"You had a panic attack. We were so worried about you!" Jin told her, in a mother-like way.

Yunji had never had a panic attack before. The whole idea of having one seemed overwhelming already.

"Why did I have a panic attack?" Yunji inquired.
"Because...because of the news about Jungkook," Jin told her.

Simply the sound of Jungkook's name brought all the memories back—all the heartache and all the fear. Tears welled up in her chocolate brown eyes as she pondered about it. Only a few days left...

"Only three days?" Yunji looked at Dr. Mun.

He only barely nodded in response. Yunji's heart broke a little more. A teardrop fell from her eye and she immediately looked to Jimin for some comforting. He leaned close to her and opened his arms for an embrace. She instantly threw herself into his warming hug and began to sob.

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