November 3, 2013

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"Is it strange for me to start out an entry by saying it has actually been okay since the last time I've written? I know, it's strange. It's mostly been alright because Park Daesul has been sick and his entourage has no idea what to do. Of course, choir is still hell, but I'm trying to be a little more positive.

I've been able to spend a lot more time with Miso-noona. When Daesul wasn't around, we had a lot more time to talk and not fight and argue with him. There's a lot I learned about her. We share some things in common. We both like red and walking on beaches. (The beaches in Busan are amazing!) I really hope to take her to Busan and go to the beach with her one day, but we're both really busy...

But we did get to spend a lot of time in the courtyard together. We just talked. It was so easy to talk to her too. I've never felt more comfortable with anyone. Every day was simply amazing and I can't explain it in words.

One day, I didn't have rehearsal after school, so I was able to hang out with Miso-noona. We just walked around the city streets and I eventually escorted her home. I don't even really remember what we were talking about; I could only see her. She changed out of her uniform into the prettiest white dress with a jean jacket and red converse shoes. It was very American, in my mind. Her pastel red hair flowed gently over her shoulders and the way she smiled made my heart melt.

I'll admit it: I am in love with Park Miso.

She's perfect to me. I was so close to holding her hand that day. I can still see her sitting under that oak tree in the park, kicking her legs back and forth while looking up at the birds. We had ice cream that day—her treat. She insisted. That day was November 1, so not too long ago. I guess this is what it's like to be in love. I don't regret a thing.

So today we were discussing our next album, to be released in early 2014. We were given a theme from the company: first time in love. It was really broad, but it made sense to make an album on love. Our debut album was mostly about being a rebellious teenager and finding your dreams, etcetera. But now it was time for us to find a more specific theme about love.

'Alright, what should we narrow this down to?' Rap Monster asked everyone. 'I've got a few ideas in mind, but I don't think they're good.'

My hyungs tossed around ideas and thoughts as I sat there quietly and listened. Everything they mentioned didn't sound that good, to be honest. But before I knew it, I was day-dreaming about Park Miso-noona! Aigoo! What's happening to me? I guess I have a bigger crush on her than I thought!

'Let's ask Jeon Jungkookie,' Suga suddenly said.

I looked up at my hyungs with a surprised expression and had to think quick. I wasn't expecting for them to ask me, especially since I had zoned out thinking about noona!

'First time in love...,' I thought out loud and continued to visualize Miso-noona in my head, 'first affair'—I paused as I thought of the horrors of Daesul—'School...School Love Affair!'


'That's perfect!' Rap Monster exclaimed. 'I never thought about that.'
'Ah, the perks of being young!' Jin laughed.
'Way to go, Kookie!' Jimin smiled.
'Alright, so now we have a theme. Now, what about album titles?' Rap Monster asked.

The meeting continued and V came up with a brilliant idea of purposely misspelling 'School Love Affair' for one of the album titles to match the theme. It's now spelled 'Skool Luv Affair'. I like it.

Our schedule for the rest of the year is busy. We'll be doing a few live performances and will be working hard in the recording studio writing songs. Oh, and learning choreography. So I guess maybe it was just rough after debuting. It is starting to settle down a bit. The students at SOPA have learned to just kind of accept me as a normal kid, which I like. I'm not a celebrity—yet. I guess everything will be better in the upcoming year. Bangtan hwaiting!" V read.

V stared at the last few words and then slowly closed the book. He remembered that day clearly. Jungkook did come up with most of the idea of "Skool Luv Affair". Now the reason to why he thought of it became clear.

"Alright, so that Park Miso girl said that she's the person Jungkook hates the most at SOPA," Jin stated. "Why? I don't see any reason to why he would hate her."
"Omo!" Rap Monster shouted. "I think I know why! Alright, so the album was titled 'Skool Luv Affair' and Jungkook came up with that idea. Isn't it obvious? He had an affair at school with Park Miso and she must've cheated or something which made him hate her."
"Okay, that does make sense," J-Hope agreed.
"But with who?" Jimin asked aloud.
"We don't have to know," V replied. "As along was we know that she cheated, then it solves that question."
"Well, technically, we don't know because it's just an assumption I made," Rap Monster corrected V.
"But there's a ninety-nine percent chance it did, just because...y'know...they're teenagers and shit like that happens," Suga said.

The Bangtan Boys fell silent once more as the monotonous life support machines continued to sound. V passed the journal to Rap Monster, who hadn't read yet. He grabbed the journal and brushed his fingertips against its already torn cover. He glanced up at the clock and realized that he was beginning to feel hungry.

"Should we get lunch?" He asked.
"Let's finish 2013," Jimin suggested. "By then, maybe we'll have enough information to infer why this all happened."
"Sounds good," Jin agreed. "Let's just continue."

V sat with a blank expression on his face as he thought of Jungkook's surmised affair with Park Miso. Rap Monster opened the journal to the next entry: November 27, 2013. Questions and thoughts buzzed in his head like the life support machines. It bothered him. But suddenly, he came to a conclusion.

"I don't think Park Miso cheated on Jungkook," V said amidst the silence. "Something must've happened to both of them. Obviously, Miso isn't as nice and caring as we expected so something must've caused her to be so callous. Same for Jungkook. I think Daesul did something to both of them."
"Aish...that's possible too...," Suga groaned.
"I wish this was a little more straight-forward; it's so cryptic," Jimin sighed.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll figure it out sooner or later," J-Hope said to cheer up his family.

Rap Monster returned his focus to the journal and he flipped through the next few pages. There weren't many left, probably only three or four. Hopefully, Jungkook had a lot of information in the remaining entries for 2013.

"November 27, 2013," Rap Monster read aloud.

Suddenly, his phone shook and lit up with a message notification.

Isn't 2014 considered the "Worst Year for K-Pop"?
Unknown Caller — Friday, September 31, 2016

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