September 17, 2013

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"The entries get gradually longer as time passes," Jimin flips through the book and scans them. "There's a lot of detail, so hopefully, we'll be able to find some answers."
"We're back," J-Hope announced as he and V entered the room.

Suga had his mouth open, about to ask where they were, but V's pained appearance prevented the words from coming out. Instead, he offered to read the next entry. Jimin passed the journal to Suga and he glanced down at the page before starting. Jin looked over his shoulder to take a quick peek at the tattooed pages of the journal.

"Park fucking Daesul. Why the hell do I have to know you?

Today I realized a lot of stuff... I feel like everything that I ever knew at school was a lie! I feel so betrayed! I guess this is the price you pay when you are constantly absent from school to train with your band members...

First, I found out that Daesul is my a month. One month! Miso-noona told me after I returned to school from the MV shooting. I was surprised to figure that out. I always thought that I was the older one. Noona knew he was being a jerk to me. Of course, she never sees Daesul much. But when she told me that she was still his noona, all of my worries immediately dissipated.

For a little while, everything felt stable again. Noona started talking about her aspirations, which kept my mind off of Daesul. She said she wants to go to America and possibly find some acting jobs there. She also said that she wants to travel around the world. While she was talking I couldn't help but stare at her. She has the most heart-warming smile and chocolate brown eyes. And then her hair. It's a medium length and kind of wavey. It's like an orange-red color—super attractive. Her skin is smooth and white; she's probably just as pale as Suga-hyung! Aigoo! Noona is just so beautiful...I can't stop thinking about her...

But everything came flooding back when first period started. Daesul and his entourage began chanting 'Baby Kookie' before the teacher came. I'm used to occasionally being called that by my hyungs, but they way they said it was just offensive. After a few minutes, I kind of outburst in front of the entire class. I did it at the perfect time too—right when Mr. Park walked in. I heard the door open and everything flew south from that moment on.

Daesul walked up to Mr. Park and explained everything that happened—but it wasn't the truth! I tried my hardest to stand up for myself, but it was futile. And today was my first day transferring into the men's advanced choir class, so I had to make a good first impression on the teacher. Usually, I'm able to set things straight, but this was particularly difficult. Especially after I learned that Mr. Park is Daesul's father! Just my luck...

So now, I get a whole period where Daesul can do whatever the hell he wants and has permission! God, I thought I dreaded school before, but now it's just ridiculous! Maybe I'm over-reacting on this whole Daesul situation. I don't know and I really don't want to talk or think about it anymore! I don't need to get anyone else involved with my problems anyway...

So other than school...practice is going well. There are a lot of events that we'll be going to later in the year and there's still a lot more practicing to do. RapMon-hyung has been writing a lot of great lyrics. Not only that, but he's also teaching himself Japanese! He's so smart! In fact, he taught himself English! I wish I had his knowledge. I also wish I could cook like Jin-hyung. He has a blog all about his hobby, cooking. His food is amazing! If I could cook like that, I'd be in the kitchen all day. Ah, I just love food! Especially Jin-hyung's food!

Then there's Hobi-hyung and Jimin. They're really good dancers and performers. I can't describe their talent! They practice constantly, perfecting every move and note, while I have to do schoolwork to keep up with my education. V-hyung, on the other hand, has recently gotten me obsessed with anime—specifically, Attack on Titan. Aish! Why did you have to do me like that V-hyung? Oh, and to mention another thing I've learned today is to NEVER EVER WAKE A SLEEPING SUGA-HYUNG.

But overall, my hyungs are amazing. I hope I can be as amazing as them one day. If I work hard enough, I'm sure I will be. Squeezing in extra practice time is hard, but mandatory. We had another dance practice the other day and I was getting tired even though we had only been at it for about an hour and a half. We still had another hour and a half to go. I nearly fell a few times and got behind during Jin's solo. I could tell the hyungs were upset with me. I was too. I knew I could do better. If only I hadn't procrastinated on reading that play...

Aish, now that I look back on everything that I've written, I've realized how much I've slipped on my practicing. Speaking of, I shouldn't be writing away thirty minutes of my life. If I have free time to do this, then I have free time to go practice. Hopefully, the next time I write an entry, my day will be a little better," Suga read.

Suga immediately closed the journal and contemplated the maknae's writing. His dongsaengs were all exchanging expressions. However, Jin was relentlessly staring at Jungkook with a vacant look. Time always seemed to stop directly after the hyungs had finished reading an entry. During those long moments, they all seemed to sit motionless with swarming thoughts in their heads as they looked at each other.

"So this noona...," J-Hope started uneasily. "She sounds interesting. What was her name again?"
"Park Miso," V answered.
"Have we met her?"Jin asked. "I feel like I've met a Park Miso before."
"I don't think so...," Rap Monster thought.

Jin's dongsaengs continued to talk to each other about Park Miso. Over their loud comments, he searched his brain for any connections he could make to a "Park Miso". His eyes ran around the room looking at different objects as he kept thinking about Jungkook's noona. Orange-red hair...chocolate brown eyes...

"I remember something!" Jin suddenly outburst.
"What is it, hyung?" J-Hope asked.
"I was picking Jungkook up from school early one day and I walked into the office to sign him out. As I was waiting for him, I could see him being escorted by some girl with brunette hair. She had the same features as Kookie described her. Her hair was a medium length and she did have chocolate brown eyes. I'm surmising she dyes her hair a lot. But they seemed to be real friendly with each other. That must've been her. It was a little over a year ago when this happened."
"Alright, So this girl is basically Kookie's best friend—and crush. Maybe she knows more about this than we do," Rap Monster thought out loud.
"I'm excited to figure out more! Suga, give me the journal, I'll read the next entry!"
"Okay, hyung, but there's swearing," Suga reluctantly grasped the journal.
"Just hand it over!"

Jin took the book and opened it up to the following entry: September 31, 2013.

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