November 27, 2013

833 13 2

"Rumors have been going around school since I've been gone performing. They're not bad rumors, at least not as bad as I thought. I'm sure Daesul started them since he returned from being sick. He was probably thinking that the best time to make my social life miserable was when I wasn't there.

And he was right.

Miso-noona told me that people thought we were dating. I liked the idea of us dating—I still do—, but from the way she presented it to me, I don't think the feeling was mutual. AT ALL.

That sucked.

So for the past few days, we've been trying to explain to the whole damn school that we weren't dating. The girls at school now completely hate me. They're really stubborn and they refuse to believe that we weren't dating. I didn't think of Miso-noona much when I thought of the girls, but then I realized that her friends started to ostracize her. But they're not true friends anyway, if they were to hate her for loving me.

She had no one to go to—except me. Was this their goddamn plan? If Miso-noona came to me whenever everyone shunned her for our 'dating rumor' as we continued to try and show that we aren't dating, people wouldn't believe us because we would always be together. (Does that make sense in my shitty writing?) So maybe it's obvious what happens next, but it wasn't for me.

We met in the courtyard after school that day. She said we needed to talk. That's always a bad sign. I saw her sitting on a bench in the corner of the courtyard with her head down. She had a red rose in her hands and was simply staring at it. I still felt suspicious, though. She was wearing a white button down, navy skirt, navy sweater, and navy tie today. She rarely ever wears navy or any dark color. She loves bright red and lighter colors. I immediately got a pessimistic vibe from just what she was wearing. Then her pastel-dyed hair was all pulled back into a messy ponytail. Another bad feeling.

'Good morning, noona,' I timidly greeted her.
'Good morning, Jungkook-ah,' she said.
'What did you want to talk to me about?'

She looked up at me as if I was a stranger. Maybe I said something wrong? She remained silent and her jaw began to shake as she struggled to think of words. I was truly scared of what she was about to say.

'Jungkook-ah...I don't know how to tell you this without it coming out harshly, so I guess I'm just going to get to the point,' she started. 'I don't want to see you anymore.'

Why was it so painful to hear that? We weren't even dating. Hell, we were barely friends! I knew damn well we weren't dating. I just stood there locking up all of my emotions. I bit my lip and quickly looked away from her. I could hear her softly sigh and turn her head away from me. We couldn't even stand to even look at each other.

'O-okay...,' I quietly said.
'Jungkook-ah...don't hate me,' she muttered.
'I could never, noona.'

I turned my head back toward her and noticed that she didn't even look up at me. She just began to pick at the rose. Her fingers ran over the soft petals and began to pluck them. One-by-one, they fell to the ground.

'Um...can you please leave? I just can't bear to see you anymore.'
'Alright, but before I leave, can you please tell me why?'
'The father.'
'Your father?'
'I told him about the rumors and how I was losing friends. He noticed how upset I've become and he doesn't think I should see you anymore. He never really liked you—but we both knew that already. He thinks I would be happier if you just never met me. And...I don't really have a choice anymore. And if you stay...he'll do something to you. I don't know what,'s always bad. You have to leave; I have to leave.'

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