Not What You Think

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Rap Monster's expression quickly grew grim as he stood silently in the middle of the room. The other end was not happy to talk to him.

"Wait! Let me explain," he interrupted the caller.

But the caller continued to upbraid him. Suga tried gesturing to Namjoon to put the person on speakerphone so they could all answer, but he remained ignorant. As a few more moments passed, he grew more impatient and then suddenly snatched the phone out of Rap Monster's hand and put it on speaker phone. Rap Monster shot Suga a sarcastic glare as the band listened to what the caller was yelling about.

"Please, wait!" Rap Monster said.
"I've got places to be!" the person raised their voice. "If you want to talk you've got five minutes, but after that, I'm done."
"Wait, what's going on?" J-Hope intervened.
"Who is this?"
"Listen, I don't know who this is or why you're so pissed," he continued as Rap Mon muttered something under his breath, "but you're on speakerphone and six other people are listening now so just calm the fuck down!"

Everyone was surprised and looked at J-Hope in shock. He's usually not one to curse. Silence answered him from the other end. They could hear the person stutter and breathe out.

"B-Bangtan?" she stammered.
"Park Miso?" Jimin silently murmured.
"Listen, I don't know why you guys decided to call me. I really wish I could help, but I just can't. I regret everything."
"Can you please explain?—" V asked.
"Wait...he didn't tell you?"
"From the few entries we've read, we realized we don't know shit about Jungkook," Suga snapped.
"Aish, that kid...," she sighed.
"Miso," Rap Mon started, "we don't mean to intrude or bother you, but we really need some answers. Can you please tell us about Jungkook?"

She remained frozen on the other line, lingering. The Bangtan Boys could hear her bite her lip and sigh with relentless regret.

"Three questions, that's all you got," she curtly said.
"We better ask wisely," Jin thought out loud. "Who's going to ask the first question?"

The boys repeatedly exchanged looks and pointed to each other to make the first move. Rap Monster took authority and leaned over toward his phone, which they set on the table for everyone to hear from.

"Who is Park Daesul? Tell us everything you know about him," Namjoon said.
"Park Daesul's a bully. He's the biggest piece of shit I've ever known. I hate saying his name, I hate hearing his name, but most of all, I hate how I share blood with him. He went to SOPA with Jungkook and me. He constantly picked on Jungkook, as you may have finally noticed. He caused so many unnecessary things to happen. I could've stopped it all, but I just didn't. I don't know why I didn't stop it all and I'm not going to give some shitty excuse. Like I said before, I regret everything," she grudgingly answered. "I'm glad he's gone...—"
"You said you would tell us everything," Jimin said.
"Just give me a moment, okay?" she yelled and then she tranquilized herself. "I need to...'collect' myself."

They let her calm down. She was nothing like Jungkook described her in his entries. She was supposed to be helpful, beautiful, kind, and optimistic. This person...this person was the complete opposite. And whatever happened to her to make her this "creature" must've been truly traumatizing.

"He's not dead," she cryptically continued. "He just feels dead to me. I don't even know him anymore. He just thinks he's better than everyone. He's supposedly a trainee at some company. I haven't seen him since I left."

The boys stopped and paused a moment. They could hear her force back tears and sniffle a little. V noticed how upset she was.

"Are you—," V said.
"Are you sure you want to waste your last two questions right here and now?" she asked and then lightly laughed. "I know that journal; I've seen it. And you haven't read anything yet."
"Well, we—," Jin started.
"May I ask you all a question?"

Her rude behavior blindsided them. J-Hope leaned toward the microphone to answer.

"One question, that's all you got," he mimicked Miso.

She smirked and giggled a little at his voice. His impression wasn't bad; she didn't completely hate it. Then she asked.

"Why did you call me, when I'm the one who Jungkook hates the most at SOPA?" she asked.

The Bangtan Boys froze in their seats. This was Park Miso, right? The first, only, and maybe last girl Jungkook ever had a crush on? How is she the most hated person?

"What the hell happened?" Suga murmured under his breath.
"Listen, don't waste your time asking me some dumbass questions. All of the answers you want are in that journal," Miso said.
"Hey! W—," Suga raised his voice.

Then the call came to a demise. Park Miso hung up on them. They all fell back in their seats and held their head in their hands. Some ran their fingers through their hair in anger and disbelief while others cowered behind their hands in hopelessness. She was no help at all.

"That bitch!" Suga cursed. "Who the hell does she think she is?"
"Calm down! We won't get much further complaining about her, so I say we just do what she suggested: read," Jin sternly said.

J-Hope pressed his hands around the journal and looked down at it. It was cut and bruised. The spine's covering was nearly completely gone and its red was now fading. He looked up at the person across from him and tossed it to V.

"It's your turn to read," J-Hope said. "Next entry: November 3, 2013."

V nodded and then wrapped the tips of his fingers around the broken cover and proceeded to opening the journal. He flipped through the inked up pages and finally stopped when he found the beginning of the entry. He opened his mouth, he was ready to start, but he was interrupted by the small buzzing of a cell phone. Namjoon's.

Have any questions? Feel free to ask as many as you like...
Unknown Number — Friday, September 31, 2016

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