August 14, 2014

446 11 5

The boys consolidated their feelings and continued to read. It became apparent that the next entry would be about Jungkook's second year at SOPA. Rap Monster volunteered to read next. As he grabbed the book, he cleared his throat and scanned the pages for any clues or suspicious markings. But there weren't any he could see.

"This week was my first week back at school. And so far, it's worse than last year. Miso-noona and I have many classes together—and so does Isaac. They're still a couple. My assigned seat is toward the back of the class, so I get the best view of them sitting in front of me. Last year, I was tortured physically. But now it's emotional pain and it just sucks.

Their display of affection for each other is just sickening. But I don't even really see Daesul anymore. Is that a good thing? I guess so? Honestly, though, I feel like he's going to sneak up on me one day and destroy everything.

Yesterday, I was standing in the hallway next to my locker. It was the end of the day, so all the other students were running out the door. But I could hear someone approaching me.

'Kookie-Oppa!' Yunji shouted. 'Today was great! This whole week actually. How've you been?'
'Fine,' I muttered, as I stared at a couple leaving the building.

I looked down at her with a fake smile and, sadly, she bought it.

'I bet you're tired. You had filming two weeks ago and all those assignments to catch up on.'
'Yeah. There's a lot that I have to catch up on. Our comeback stage is really soon and...I guess I'm worried.'
'Worried? I'm sure everything will turn out great! It always does.'

As we began to walk toward the exit, I looked down the hall and saw Miso-noona and Isaac together—holding hands. I stared for a few moments but then proceeded out the door as Yunji was waiting for me.

'What are you going to do this weekend?' she asked me.
'Practicing, of course,' I replied. 'There's always room for improvement.'

Yunji and I were pretty similar. However, she was so much more mature than me. She understood balance on a level that I could barely fathom. She would make an amazing idol or actress if she wanted to. Not only does she have the work ethic, but she has the talent and looks. She's just like Park Miso-noona...

However, there are a couple things I'm excited about for school. First, I'm excited for my art class. That's the one class where I don't have to see Miso-noona and Isaac together. It's just me with whatever I want to draw and paint. It's not at the end of the day like last year, but it's still pretty nice to have right after lunch, AKA drama period. 

The second thing is lunch. Now, it is a very dramatic period, but I can usually avoid the bulk of it by not eating in the cafeteria. Miso-noona, Isaac, and fucking Daesul-hyung sit together in the center of the cafeteria, so no area is safe. I eat in the courtyard with Yunji. Another great thing about lunch is that my hyungs aren't there to monitor me and I can restrict as much as I want. I've lost a little bit of weight, but not too much.

March 23, 2014
SW: 62 kg
GW: 52 kg
CW: 52 kg

July 21, 2014
SW: 62 kg
CW on 3/23: 52 kg
CW on 7/21: 67 kg
CW on 7/23: 65 kg
CW on 8/14: 61 kg

I am less than 5 kg away from my goal weight. (I'm going with 58.5 kg for now.) I'm pretty happy with myself. Because as long as I'm happy and functioning, everything will be okay. I just need to focus on the good things in my life.

Speaking of, our first album, Dark & Wild, will be released on August 20!! I'm so excited for all the A.R.M.Y's to hear our new songs. The filming for both the music videos was tiring, but I'm sure they'll turn out good. Jimin-hyung complimented me on my improved visuals! I'll keep improving like my hyung," Rap Monster read.

V turned to Jimin immediately after Rap Monster read the final two sentences. Jimin could feel V's intense gaze burning holes in him. So, he returned the stare until V finally snapped. Out of nowhere, V stood up, at the same time knocking over his chair, and pressed his hands up against Jimin's chest and gripped his hyung's shirt. He pushed Jimin against the back of the chair and against the wall of Jungkook's room.

"You did this!" he yelled into Jimin's ears. "You did this, Jimin!"
"That's hyung to you!" Jimin said back.

V only grew more aggressive and slammed Jimin back into the wall—but harder.

"If you weren't so self-conscious all the time and complaining about how terrible you look, you wouldn't have influenced Jungkook so much!" V yelled. "You're so self-obsessed!"
"Shut up!" Jimin shouted.
"You hurt Jungkook!" V pressed Jimin into the wall.
"You killed Jungkook!" V continued to attack Jimin.

Suga ran up to the younger boys and split them up. He tugged on V's shirt and pushed him into Jin, who restrained him. Suga stood, protectively and dominantly, in front of Jimin like a human shield from V. Rap Monster stood between V and Jimin and tried to quell the situation.

"Stop it you two!" Rap Monster said. "You two have been best friends for years and you're going to let something both unanticipated and uncontrollable destroy your friendship? Listen, blaming each other for this is unnecessary and more hurtful than it already is. Shit happens in life! But it doesn't mean it has to tear you down. 

We all have to understand that this isn't anyone's fault—at least it's not anyone's fault who is in this room. It's not Jimin's fault. It's not V's fault. It's not Suga-hyung's fault. It's not Jin-hyung's fault. It's not even Jungkook's fault. As mad and sad as we are, we can't force this whole thing on any one person. Jungkook went as long as he could, trying to keep plugging away and live. There's absolutely no shame in trying. And if someone thinks that this is Jimin's fault, Jimin is naturally hard-working and will always try to improve for others. Self-obsessed is the worst word you could use to describe Jimin. He's always trying for others.

Now, if there is anyone to blame, it's the people out there. Specifically, Daesul, Isaac, Mr. Park, and maybe Miso. They want this to happen. They want to see us at each other's necks spitting poison at each other. They wanted Jungkook to be miserable. These people want our downfall. And I'm not willing to give it to them. What about you all?"

All members of BTS and Yunji shook their heads.

"That's what I thought," Rap Monster said.

Suga and Jin let go of Jimin and V and they apologized to each other. Jin and Suga approached each other as well and hugged. Rap Monster smiled and sat back down next to J-Hope. And then he heard a familiar buzzing noise...

Unknown Caller — Friday, September 31, 2016

And then Rap Monster lost it.


I'm so sorry for not updating this story! My summer has been really busy and it's just now kind of settling down. Right in time for school, though, right?

I have a lot more planned for this FF and I'm going to try and get this story finished by the end of 2017.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading!

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