Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 2*\

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  • Dedicated to Fans of Death Note

I woke up to a sharp kick in the ribs. "Get up." I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at my father's annoyed face. I closed my eyes again and sighed inwardly. I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to just stay in my dreams where I couldn't be hurt. He kicked me again, harder this time. "I said get up!" I complied and sat up, realising that I was still in the cellar. My golden eyes wandered to his face again, avoiding eye contact. He threw some kind of clothing at me and walked out. "You have 5 minutes to get ready." And with that he left, slamming the door and leaving me in darkness once more.

How in heaven's name was I supposed to dress in the dark? Well, I was used to it, so I stripped down and slipped on the clothing that I still couldn't tell what it was. When I was finished, I trudged up the stairs and opened the heavy metal door and made my way to the living room. A bag was tossed at me which I caught easily. "School. Go. Now." My father pointed to the door with his free hand. The other was holding a sake bottle. Really? Drinking in the morning? Yep, that's my dad for you. Numbly, I nodded and walked out the door.

OK, let's see. New school, new people means new attitude. At my old school I was an outcast that everyone turned against because they thought I was emo. Hm. Let's go with shy quiet girl that stays away from people so she can be hated! I inwardly rolled my eyes at the thought of everyone hating me. Big surprise. Oh no. Whatever shall I do?

Pfft. I don't really care for any of that stuff.

When I finally came out of my thoughts, I was standing in front of the school. Don't ask me how it happened because I couldn't tell you even if I knew. Eh, i'm weird like that. I pushed open the door and walked in, looking around at the empty corridors. Wow, late on my first day. Great way to start out.

I flipped open my messenger bag and pulled out my schedule. OK, take a left. Turn right at 50 paces.... turn- OK, I suck at being a GPS. Time to walk until I run into someone that's willing to help me. Good plan. I wandered around aimlessly until I ran into a plant. Ow! Who put that there? OK, this plan failed horribly. Time for numbers and doors! My least favorite game! I looked back down at my schedule.

Math - 208

I can find that. I looked at the door nearest to me. 'Janitor's closet - 8' Dangit. Stupid large buildings. I sighed dramatically and wandered around for at least 15 minutes until I ran into a teacher. Hallelujah!

I stepped back and bowed, my face heated up. "Sorry. I'm new and i'm lost." She gave me a kind smile. "It's alright. You must be Miss Yume, correct?" I nodded in response. "Well, follow me, i'm heading to that class as well." She lightly took my hand and lead me to my classroom. Apparently, it was just around the corner. I would've found it eventually. Yeah, i'm sticking to that excuse.

She motioned for me to stay here while she went in. I complied and leaned against the wall until she came out a few minutes later. She shot me a bright smile and gave me a encouraging push. "You can go in. They're all waiting for you." I nodded and stepped in cautiously.

All eyes were on me instantly. I stood next to the teacher and looked down. The teacher cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "Well, as you all know, we have a new student." He gesturedto me. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" I nodded wearily and felt everyone's eyes on me again. Swollowing the lump in my throat, I regained my courage and spoke up.

"My name is Aisuru Yume and it's very nice to meet you all." I bowed respectfully before continuing. "I hope we get along well."

They kept staring at me. I tugged on my shirt sleeves self-consciously, pulling them over my hands to hide the bruises. A habit I developed a while back. The teacher smiled at me. "Good. You can sit anywhere you like Miss Yume." "Yes sir." I responded quietly, moving to the back as far as I could. But there was a guy already sitting there. Dang! He was staring out the window mindlessly, his brown hair was in his eyes but he paid no mind.

I took a silent breath. "May I sit here?" Don't blow it. Not on your first day. He jumped as if I snapped him out of a trance and looked at me with surprise. "E-Excuse me?" He questioned. I blushed and began tugging on my sleeves again. "Sorry, but there's no where to sit.. I didn't mean to bother you." I was about to turn away when he spoke up. "No, it's fine. You can sit here if you want."

I looked at him, surprised but nodded with a smile before sitting down. Hm, I like him. He's nice.  I felt eyes boring into the back of my head so I turned around and saw some guy with messy black hair and black eyes that were wide with dark rings under them. The weird thing about him was the way he was sitting. Who sits with their knees up on their chair? I blinked and gave him a confused look and he looked away quickly.

OK then...

During the class, I didn't pay much attention, it was just a review for me anyway. I couldn't even remember the teacher's name. So, instead I just called him sir. Much easier. And when lunch finally came around, I just kept away from everyone and stayed in a corner. I'm not a big fan of people. They're all backstabbers. Or at least that's what I believed.

I searched through my bag to see if my father packed me the smallest bit of food. No luck. I sighed and leaned against the wall. Why did I even bother? He would rather have me starve to death than keep me alive and healthy. Speaking of which, I glanced down at my leg and saw that it was swollen. I poked it and cringed when a sharp pain shot through it. Yep, broken.

I pulled my legs to my chest and draped my arms over them before burying my head into them and drifted off into my thoughts. My first one was of my little sister.

The memory of the day she was killed flashed into my mind.

My back hit the wall as I stared at my father incredulously. Yuki was in my arms, sobbing quietly. I wouldn't let him hurt her anymore. "Let her go you worthless little whelp!" She was suddenly pried from my weak 10 year-old arms and slammed into the wall. She yelped in pain and tried to remove his rough hand from her throat.

"Yuki!" I cried out and tried to move over to her, but my father held me back by kicking me into a wall. I fell to the ground and coughed up some blood before trying again. My eyesight was dimming and spots were filling my vision. The last thing I saw was Yuki's lifeless corpse fall to the ground with a huge gash across her stomach. I remember being covered in her blood before collapsing to the ground again.

"Never tell anyone about this." My father hissed before walking out of the room. That was all I heard before passing out.

My eyes shot open and I looked around frantically. I was in the same position I was before, still at school. Something wet trickled down my cheek. I placed my finger to it and looked at it. A tear. I was crying? I never cry. A movement to my left startled me. The boy I was sitting next to in class was there, staring out at nothing. How did I not notice him before?

I quickly wiped my eyes to get rid of any stray tears so he wouldn't see and stood up. Pain in my leg shot up again, causing me to cry out slightly. That got the boy's attention. He turned to look at me. "Are you alright?"

I stared at him as if he was an alien. Did he just ask if I was alright? OK Aisuru, time to act. I shrugged slightly and faked a smile. "I'm fine, my leg just cramped up. Sorry if I disturbed you." He nodded slowly as if he didn't believe me. Gah! Gotta work on my acting skills! I faked a bigger smile and began to walk away when he called me. I turned around to face him, only to find him right in front of me! Wow, he walks fast. "I, uh, never really introduced myself. I'm Light Yagami." He held out his hand and I just stared at it stupidly. Why is he so nice? Is there something wrong with him? I'm not used to nice people.

My hand somehow found its way to his and shook it lightly. "Nice to meet you Yagami-kun." Hahah! I'm back in business! 5 points for my awesome acting. I smiled and bowed to him. Then the bell rang. I gulped. I have 5 minutes to get to my house and it's a 20 minute walk. OK, plan A. Run as fast as I can and jump through a window. Let's try that.

"I have to go, see you tomarrow, Yagami-kun!" I smiled again and turned away from him before sprinting out of the campus and down the road, ignoring the searing pain in my leg.

Looking at my watch, I had 3 minutes to get home or I would be beat. Wonderful. And it's still a 10 minute walk! Even while sprinting! And I have a broken leg. Let's see if i'll live tonight shall we?

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