Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 20*\ (Final Chapter)

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  • Dedicated to My fans and supporters

I walked ahead of the group. Not by much. Just a bit. After I had my conversation with N, I told the Kira task force. Well, everyone remaining anyway. They all wanted to come. I didn't care that much honestly. I just wanted this case to end.

Suddenly, the inhuman presence appeared. But, this time it was stronger than it normally was. As if it wanted me to do something. So, following my gut, I turned and began walking towards a nearby alley when Light stopped me.

"Ai! Where are you going?" I glanced back at him and said the first excuse that came to mind. "I'm going to the bathroom, thank you very much!" With that I left and hid in between two alleys.

"It's about time you figured out I wanted to talk to you! Jeez, I missed my waffles..." I jumped five feet in the air at the voice. "Who said that?" I asked, looking around frantically. No one was in sight. I heard a sigh.

"Ya know, you're a lot dumber when you don't have possession of the Death Note." The voice muttered. My jaw dropped. The jerk! "What?! How dare you!!! I am not dumb! I'm just mentally challenged.." I crossed my arms and huffed. The voice turned into a raspy laugh. "You may be dumber, but your definitely funnier."

I sighed in frustration. What was I fighting with anyway? And why did the voice seem so familiar? Finally, the voice stopped laughing and turned serious. "Now, I know this is hard to believe, but a while ago, you became something like Kira. You had the same powers and everything. You just didn't look like Zac Effron." I gave the weirdest look i've ever gave anyone to the voice. "Eh?" I asked in confusion.

The voice sighed before speaking again. "Alright, i'm just too tired to deal with explaining. It took me hours to steal all those apples and waffles before I could persuade Ryuk.. so.... take this." A midnight blue book suddenly appeared in front of me. Again, I jumped five feet in the air at its appearance.

"....What is it?" I asked cautiously, poking the book, then jumping ten feet in the air when a creepy looking monster thing stood in front of me. Look! I broke my own record in one day! Aren't I special? ...Ed. The monster thing sighed in the voice I heard before. So that's who it was! He was holding the book instead of it just floating in the air.

"Take it. If you do, you'll get all your memories back." I stared up at him cautiously. "Why..?" He glared at me and I felt like hiding in a garbage can. Scary glare. "Take. It." He hissed. I gulped and nodded, taking the book from him.

Memories flashed through my mind repeatedly. Light, L, Death Note, Karasu. I groaned and leaned against the wall at the massive headache I got. Then, I glared at my Shinigami. "DUDE!! How dare you tell me what to do!" I tried to smack him, failed and smacked the wall. I groaned again. "Ow..." I caressed my aching hand and settled for sticking my tongue out at him. Karasu laughed at me.

Why do I always get hurt when I'M trying to hurt Karasu? It's official, Karma sucks...not furniture. Well.... maybe both.

My hand stopped throbbing and I looked back down at my Death Note. "Back to playing Death." I muttered glumly, sticking the book in my bag. "Woof." Karasu said. I smacked my forehead in annoyance.

We both walked out of the alley to see everyone waiting for me. Really? Aww, that's so sweet! I smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of my head. "Sorry I took so long....a garbage can grabbed me." They all gave me weird looks. Oh come on! They should be used to it by now!

I simply shrugged at them and continued on my way to the warehouse N told us to meet at.


I pushed open the door cautiously and stepped in. It was pretty dark, with a large window next to the door, pouring in sunlight. A large fan spun in it.

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