Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 14*\

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This story is only going to be 20 chapters so yeah! Enjoy!


The waves crashed into the hard cement underneath me. The sharp pointed rocks lay below, waiting. I clutched onto the bars tighter, praying that they would hold me. Let me tell you what happened, shall I? Well, after L was killed by Kira, I was angry for the first two weeks, plotting revenge. But soon, All that hatred and anger faded away and was replaced with sorrow and depression. It hurt. Horribly.

I don't know what made me do it, but, I got caught up in the moment, and my feet became unresponsive to my control. So, they took me here; the highest bridge in this town. That's where I am now. I don't want to be here, but my emotions got the better of me, well my feet anyway. I still had control of my arms at least.

My foot suddenly lurched forward, over the edge of the bridge. I cried out in surprise and tightened my grip on the bars. I was now hanging halfway over the edge. My hands began to get sweaty despite the chilling weather.

A strangled cry escaped my throat as my hands let go of the bars and hung limply at my sides. I felt myself falling forward. I shut my eyes and waited for the impact.

Strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist and pulled me onto the bridge fully. I began to struggle blindly. "Ai! Stop!" I froze at Light's voice. My eyes slowly opened to see him holding onto me for dear life with a worried look on his face. "L-Light?" His face softened a little. "What were you doing?!" I didn't respond for a second, my mouth suddenly wouldn't move.


"Let me go! I want to die!!" I shouted at him, struggling again. Why did I just shout that? My body wouldn't listen to me at all, it was the depression controlling it. Stubborn body! Light looked taken aback at my outburst but quickly tightened his grip and picked me up like I weighed as much as a rubber duck. I kept struggling against my will, but he wouldn't let go. Truthfully, I was grateful that he saved me from suicide, but I was still mad at him.


"Thank you.." I muttered as Light's mom handed me a cup of steaming tea. I tightened the grip on the blanket that was wrapped around me. Light had taken me back to his house after my whole scene. Then he disappeared somewhere. Just like he was reading my mind, he appeared in the doorway, holding a phone. Who did you call?

He made his way over to me and sat down on the other side of the couch, rubbing his temples. I stared at the suddenly interesting coffee table. "Why would you do something so stupid, Ai?" Light asked after a few seconds of awkward silence. I opened my mouth to say something, but seeing the annoyed/worried expression on his face made my mouth go dry. I quickly looked away, trying to wipe away some of the tears. What? I didn't like it when my friends were mad at me.

"I don't know.." I managed to whisper. Light slammed his hand down on the table, making me jump. "You don't know?! How can you not know!? You were seconds away from killing yourself and you don't have a reason?!" He shouted at me. I cringed and looked down. "I-I'm sorry.." I wanted to finish, but my mouth got stubborn again. He was going to shout again, but a flash of sirens shut him up before he could start.

I looked out the window to see a police car and an ambulance. So that's who he called. "It's about time." I heard Light mutter before he got up and went to the door. He was talking to either the police officer, or the medic guy, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Seconds later, medics came in and well, to put it simply, the next thing is I was being put into the ambulance on a stretcher. I was taken to the hospital and into a hospital room. Again? Seriously? The doctor came in soon with Light trailing behind. I just kinda sat there, trying to ignore the uncomfortableness of this dress. Yes, uncomfortableness is probably not a word, but... I don't have an excuse for that so deal with it.

The doctor looked at his clipboard and muttered something intelligent. Why do doctors' always tell you things in big words? So it reduces the bad of it? Fail, epic, epic fail. Anyway, the doctor talked to Light about me being depressed about losing my mother and little sister. Uh-oh, this could get really bad, really fast. Light just gave the guy a weird look and asked him to leave.

Please say no, please say no. He agreed and left. Crap! I looked around the room for something to distract him. I found nothing. "Ai." Light said lowly. I gulped. "..." I glanced at him before looking out the window. The bed shifted as he sat down on it. "What was the doctor talking about? You said your family was away to visit someone."

I knew my lies would get me one day. I just hoped it wasn't today. But, karma always bites you in the butt. "Fine. You caught me. My father killed my little sister and my mother. I don't even know where my brother is. He left me the morning my mother was murdered. Happy?" I shut my eyes and refrained from looking at him.

"Ai..." He didn't finish, the sound of a door opening cut him off. I opened my eyes and saw that the doctor had come back in. He held up a small orange bottle with white and red pills in it. "Here. These are anti-depressants. They'll make her feel a bit err...funny." I stared at the bottle like it was a bomb. I had to take THOSE?! They were huge! My eye twitched.

The doctor took out a pill and put it in my hand. "Swallow this." I looked at him, then the pill. "Chew it then swallow it, right?" He shook his head. "Whole." My jaw dropped. He had to be kidding. "I-I can't! It's like the size of an eyeball!!" The whole time I was arguing with the doctor, Light was just sitting there, looking amused. He needs to be slapped. I nominate Mickey the Mouse to do it.

I sighed and gave in. I put the pill in my mouth and swallowed it. "Ugh.." It tasted weird. The doctor smiled in victory and talked to Light about some intelligent stuff and left. I looked up at the clock and saw it was 9:00 at night. Wow, time flies. I was about to ask Light when I could leave, but he was gone from his spot and was hugging me. "Light?" I asked.

"Ai, i'm sorry." He muttered into my hair.

 "For what?"

"Yelling at you when you had all the reason to be upset."

I frowned. "No, Light I didn't.. In all honesty, I never wanted to kill myself.. my body was unresponsive to me.." He didn't respond, he just tightened his grip on me.

"Don't worry, this world will be rid of bad people soon enough, then you won't have to be upset." Oh, I wish you were right.

Chasing Broken Dreams ~A Death Note Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now