Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 16*\

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My breath hitched in my throat. I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach as hard as they could. So many memories flashed through my mind that it hurt. I couldn't even comprehend the fact that Light was shaking me and shouting, trying to get my attention.

"AI!!" He shouted.

I slowly came out of my comatose-like state and looked at him before breaking into tears and burying my head into his chest. He tensed but slowly put his arms around me. "..Ai?" I couldn't respond to him. My mouth wouldn't form any words. The picture fell from my hand and onto the floor.

Finally, after 15 minutes of pointless sobbing, I calmed down a bit and pulled away from Light. My heart suddenly hurt again. I stared at the picture that had fallen from my hand and held back more sobs. Matsuda placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped.

"Ai, what's wrong? Do you know him?" He asked in a concerned voice. For once, he looked serious and worried. I shook my head. "H-He's just...." I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. How was I supposed to speak about my brother after he just left me? I shook my head. "N-Never mind..."

Light grabbed my shoulders. "No. Ai, tell us. It could be some useful information for the Kira case." How? I sighed and pushed his hands away from me. "...He was my brother. Until he left me..." Why did this subject have to be brought up? I was just fine thinking he was kidnapped. But noooo. I have to face the truth. My brother left me because he didn't care.

They all stared at me with surprise and sympathy. I glared at them. I don't want sympathy. I said before, I want to be alone. "Oh.. that's harsh..." Matsuda muttered. I directed my glare to him. "I don't need sympathy Matsuda." I got up and began walking to the door.

"Ai! Wait!" Light called out. I didn't even glance back as I walked out. "I have to get to work." I muttered.


Anna blinked at me as I came in with a blank face. "What's wrong Ai? You look like your dog just died." Great way to lighten the mood Anna. I tried to fake a smile, but it failed and came out as a deep frown. I sat down in a chair at the counter and rested my head on my palm. "I'm stuck Anna... something from my past came up and messed up the plans with the Kira case."

Anna frowned and looked around. No one was in the shop but me and her. She leaned closer to me and began to whisper. "Don't tell me. You nearly got caught writing in the Death Note?" I shook my head and motioned for her to follow me.

She checked out and we went back to my house. I handed her a cup of steaming tea and sat across from her. "Anna. They found out about my brother... H-he changed his name to 'Mello' and is now trying to get the Death Note." She gasped dramatically and leaned forward in interest. "Really?" She asked. I nodded.

"I don't know what to do...I don't even know if I still love him or hate him for what he did to me.." My eyes cast down to the floor. "I'm scared Anna!" I cried out. She hugged me tightly. "It's OK sweet pea. Don't worry." She whispered soothingly into my ear. She let go and looked at me, holding my shoulders firmly.

"I can't control your destiny, but I want you to be happy. Go find him. Find your brother and confront him. Then you will know if you hate him or love him." Anna smiled brightly at me. I returned the smile. "OK.. Thanks Anna. You're the best." I hugged her. She laughed. "I know."


I sighed and rubbed my eyes tiredly before taking a sip of my now cold coffee. How can it be so hard to find one person? I typed in another pass code and it opened for me. Files showed up on the computer screen. Sweet, i'm in. Searching through the hundreds of files, I found it.

Michael Kheel


3rd smartest from Wammy's House.

Disappeared after graduation, never seen again.

I sighed at the small information they had given me on my brother. After a few more pass codes and some cursing at the computer, I got enough information to find him. I typed up the information and printed it out. Tomorrow would be the day I found my brother. And tomorrow would be the day I found out why he left me.


Have you ever tried avoiding your best friend and the police squad while walking downtown, trying to find a stupid address that's practically invisible? No? Well, you're lucky. Because it's nearly impossible! I've been walking around for at least two hours, talking to people I don't know, hiding in bushes, running away from rabid dogs, and yelling at things that scared me.

I was on the edge of snapping and having a break down. Then I ran into some guy. I looked up at him and saw that he was the guy that knocked me down in school a long time ago. I glared at him. "You! You never apologized to me that day!" He gave me a bored look. "Oh yeah. You're that brat that got in my way." He pushed me aside and kept walking.

"GET BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE YOU JERK!!!" I shouted after him. "You should apologize to me, brat." I twitched. HE ran into ME and I'M supposed to apologize?! Gah! I don't have time for this! I scowled and debated to whether throw my shoe at his stupid big head, or keep searching for my brother. I went with my first choice and chucked my shoe at him and ran. By the 'OW' I heard as I was leaving, I think I got him. Either that, or I hit someone else. All well, no pain, no gain.

Guess who I found? Yep! You guessed it! My brother! I was standing infront of the door ready to knock, but I couldn't seem to do it. My body just froze up on me. I was excited to see him, yet scared to death at the same time. While I was yelling at myself mentally, my hand decided to knock on the door by itself. I instantly froze the second the hard wood made the loud 'bang' sound.

Just as I was about to run screaming bloody murder, the door opened to reveal a guy with red hair and... goggles? He was smoking a cigarette. He raised an eyebrow at me as if to say 'what do you want kid?' I opened my mouth to speak, but got cut off by a familiar voice.

"Matt, who is it?"

I could feel the tears brimming behind my eyes at the voice of my brother. "Some girl... are you selling video games?" The guy, Matt said and then asked me. I gave him a weird look. "Uh.. no.. Can I come in?" Now it was his turn to give me a weird look. "No... Who are you?" He asked. "Who are you?" I countered.

"I asked you first."

"Well, I asked you second."

"First is best." He said.

"First is worst, second is best, third is the one with the hairy chest." I stuck my tounge out at him. He gave me the weirdest look i've ever gotten from anyone. "W-What the? That makes no sense!" Matt whined. I heard my brother sigh. "Matt, who are you talking to? And what are you talking about?"

Matt looked back inside. "She's some girl! And... I forgot what we were talking about.." I had the urge to laugh at him, but ignored it. My brother sighed again before appearing next to Matt. He had a delayed reaction.

At first, he just stared at me boredly. Then, 10 seconds after giving me that look, his eyes widened in surprise. I looked at him with sad eyes. "Michael.." I whispered. He kept staring at me and I looked away, unable to take the disturbing silence. "...Aisuru.." He finally muttered.

I shook my head and looked at him. "...Why? Why did you leave me?" His gaze faltered slightly but he kept staring at me. "....I didn't want to be there anymore." I glared at him. "What about mom? What about Yuki? What about me?! You just left! You left right after mom was killed and never even gave a hint to where you were! Did you even care what happened to me? You left me with that murdering devil!!" I panted and darkened my glare. "Why did you leave alone? Why didn't you take me?"

His expression hardened. "You would've slowed me down. Besides, I didn't want some brat following me everywhere."

My heart shattered. That was not my brother.

Chasing Broken Dreams ~A Death Note Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now