Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 7*\

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I let out a frustrated sigh and wandered around aimlessly. Let's go this way.. ARRRRRGGGG!! Dead end. I banged furiously on the wall. "OPEN YOU EVIL DOOR!!" I shouted, then cringed when a pain shot through my hand. Cursing, I nursed my throbbing hand and looked around. Where was I you may wonder.  

You tell me.

I was on my way to my graduation when I somehow managed to end up in this freaky building that looked like it was made entirely of glass from the outside. Most of the inside was made of marble though. It was really nice. I suddenly got an idea and pulled out my cell phone and stared at it for a while. "Shinyyyyyyy...." 

I snapped out of my trance. Note to Self: Get a new cellphone that's not shiny. I looked randomly through my contacts until I found what I was looking for and hit 'call'.

One ring...

Two rings..

Three rings..

"Hello?" The familiar voice questioned, making me feel happy.

"Liiiiiighhhttttt.. I'm losssttt. Get me outta hereeeee. Please?" Even though I couldn't see it, I could tell he face-palmed. "Ai, come on, you've been in this town for almost a year and you still got lost?"

"Well, I got distracted by the shiny building! Now I can't find the exit and i'm getting annoyed! Help me, please?"

"Why don't you just ask someone?" That's a smart idea! Shut up, Light.

"I don't like most people!"

"You're a person."

"......No i'm not, i'm a NINJA!!!" Good lie, good lie.

"Yeah, okay sure. I'll come and get you. Where are you?"

Darn him and his big brain! Not falling for my amazing lying skills. "I'm somewhere downtown. Look for the really tall building that looks like it's made of glass." I heard him sigh. "You and shiny things." "And you and your fluffy little pillow." I let out a line of maniacal laughter at his silence. I can't believe I was right! He finally decided to speak after another minute of awkward silence. "Fine. I'll be there in half an hour. Don't do anything stupid."

"Aww you're no fun. Thank you though!"

"Yeah, yeah. Bye."

"Bye!" I chirped and hung up. I sat down and leaned against the wall. Great, what am I gonna do for 30 minutes? I know! A conversation with myself! It usually works!

"Hello Ai."

"Hello to you too, Ai. How is your day going?"

"Not too bad, Light's gonna come and save me from the evil clutches of this building."

"I see. So he's coming to save you like a knight would save a damsel in distress?"

"NO! I can save myself if I wanted to! I'm just lazy."

"Suuure you are. You couldn't save yourself even if you were tied up with liquorish rope in a swimming pool."

"How dare you!" I slapped myself and glared at nothing.

"Don't you slap me!" I slapped myself again and groaned in pain. "Okay, I can't win here."

"Of course you can't, you're not athletic!" I bit myself and yelped. "Just stop talking to me!"




I looked away and let out a frustrated sigh. I hate getting into a fight with myself, I never win.

Twenty minutes later, I heard faint footsteps coming down the hall. "Ai?" Light's voice rang out. My eyes widened and I jumped up. "LIGHT!!!" He came into my field of vision and began walking towards me with his usual stoic look plastered on his face like a porcelain doll. I cheered and glomped him, taking him to the ground. "You found me!! Yay!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!"

He pushed me off him and got up, dusting himself off. "Come on Ai, do you really have to get lost everywhere you go? Just last week you got lost in a cemetery! How is that even possible? It's small!" I smiled happily at him. "Hey, it wasn't just a cemetery, it was a pet cemetery! Don't judge me."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist and began pulling me down the hall. "Come on, you. We're going to be late to graduation if we don't hurry."

"Is Ryuuga there?"


I gripped his other wrist with my free hand and ran down the halls as fast as I could, turning randomly until I slammed into the door face first. "Owwww." I groaned and slid down to the floor. I should've gotten that restraining order. "Ai, are you OK?" Light asked, kneeling down to my level. I gave him a stupid smile. "You look funny with those birdies floating around your head. Since when did you have them?"

He stared at me wierdly and helped me up. When I was on my feet, I turned to the door and glared at it. "How dare you come here and not open for me just because you don't like me!! OPEN YOU FOUL BEAST!!!" I pushed the door as hard as I could, but it wouldn't budge. I stopped and began shouting profanities at it.


"Not now Light! I'm teaching this stupid door a lesson!!"



He reached for the door handle and pulled on it. The door swung open, revealing the outside world. "But... how?" I questioned, dumb-founded and stared blankly at him. He pointed to a sign that was just above the door handle that said in big bold letters; "PULL". My eye twitched.

I hate doors.

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