Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 19*\

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I sat up in my bed, panting and freaking out for the third time this week. Why? Why did this dream keep happening? It scares me to death. But... I can never remember it fully. All I remember is... Light. A creepy looking book labeled 'Death Note', some creepy guy or monster sitting atop a building holding a freakier-looking book. It was writing Light's name in the book.

That was all I remembered of the dream. It made no sense, yet... it seemed so real. Like I said before, Scared. Me. To. Death.  I didn't know what to make of it. Ignore it? Warn Light about some magic man err monster thing coming to write his name in a book?! I ran my hand through my hair and checked the time.

Wow, OK, no more coffee for me before I go to bed. A loud ringing made me jump and fall to the floor. I grabbed the phone and answered it. "...Hello?"

"Ai? Is that you?" Light's voice came through the phone.

"No Light. I'm a crazy stalker palm tree, WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS?!?!" I shouted at him. He sighed on the other end. "Sorry, sorry. Remind me to never call you at night."

"Never call me at night." I repeated tiredly, forcing myself back onto the bed. "Now, you've got.... 10 minutes to tell my why you called me at three in the morning." I heard a smacking sound. He must've smacked himself in the forehead. Ha ha.

"Right... anyway... I need your help..."

"Dude, the banana tree is behind you, and yes that was my favorite part of the day." I always wanted to do that to someone. "AI!!!" Light shouted in an annoyed tone. "LIGHT!!" I shouted back at him. Now do you see why you should never call me so late? I will bug the crap out of you.

He sighed again, this time a little more frustratedly. "Stop messing around! This is serious! I'm losing to N! They're beginning to think of me as Kira again!" I froze.

"Y-You're kidding..." I whispered weakly. Hey, Light can be annoying sometimes, but that's no reason to blame him for being Kira! He's not!! ....Right?

"No, i'm not." He replied softly.

I frowned. "Light... we have to talk about this more tomorrow, it's late right now.." I looked up to my wall, saw the picture of me and L, and flinched. "...W-We'll be more awake and...." I trailed off, unable to finish my own sentence.

"Ai? Ai! Are you there?" Light asked frantically. I shut my eyes and whispered, "No." Then I hung up. I fell back onto my bed and cried a bit. I couldn't do this case anymore. It was too freaking hard. L, the greatest detective in the world died, my brother and that Matt guy died. Then, Light's dad died. Who's next? Matsuda? Light? ..Me?

I eventually cried myself to a troubled, restless sleep.


Waking up, I still felt the inhuman presence. It followed me everywhere. I didn't even care anymore. If it was a spirit, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't even care if it was mad. Or a demon...

I slowly dragged my feet to the hotel the investigation was currently being held. Once I was in, I was hugged half to death by Matsuda. I didn't even have the strength or will to push him away. He let go and I slumped down in my chair.

Light came in a while later and looked over at me. He seemed to be relieved that I was still alive. Though, he didn't speak to me, he just sat in his normal seat and began research. I contacted N for no reason in particular.

"Hello?" The distorted voice came through.

"Yes, N, it's me, L. We've talked before." I cringed at what I was saying. I hated pretending to be L. I wasn't even close to as good as he was. It made me feel like a thief. "Yes, I remember. What do you need."

I bit my lip. What did I need? "I was wondering if you had any information on the Kira case..." I said as strongly as I could. "Yes, I do have some. The top students of the collage were Hideki Ryuuga, Light Yagami, and Aisuru Yume. Light Yagami being at the top, Hideki Ryuuga following closely behind, and then Aisuru Yume." I nodded. Hideki Ryuuga was of course L, Aisuru Yume being me, then... Light... No... it's not him! He was just at the top because.... because... he had to be...

"I see. What are the lowest grades?"

"It seems that there are only two who have not passed or just barely made it. One is Shunsui Inoue. The other is Kaien Iwa."

I nodded again. "Right. Thank you N. I will do further research to conclude who is more capable of being Kira. It is a pleasure working with you." I spoke calmly.

"You as well, L." N replied.

I switched off the communication thing and sat back in my chair. I had met everyone on that list. Shunsui Inoue and Kaien Iwa weren't even capable of sharpening a pencil without tearing their hands to pieces.

L was...L... and he was too good to be Kira. He was like a lovable panda bear... just more adorable. I know for a fact i'm not Kira. I don't even know how he's killing.

That leaves Light... I glanced over at him. His eyes were glued to the computer screen. Why on Earth would it be him? He just... doesn't seem like it. Is it him?


I was left pondering about who Kira could be until an alert thingy made me jump five feet in the air. Someone was contacting me.

It was N.

I slid to my seat and pressed the button on the microphone. "What is it N?" I asked calmly.

"L, I need to meet you as soon as possible." I raised an eyebrow. OK then... no time for questions.

"May we meet Thursday?"

"That sounds excellent."

Well, that went well.


I'm SOOO sorry about the long wait! I had MAJOR writer's block! Next is the final chapter!! TT^TT I loved this story so much. I'm gonna cry when it's over. All well!

See ya!

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