Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 10*\

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  • Dedicated to All you loveable couch potatoes out there!

I sat down at my desk and stared blankly at the Death Note in front of me. Right now, I was debating whether to get rid of it, or keep it. I couldn't make up my mind. I wanted to call L and tell him about it so badly, but I also wanted to help Light to get rid of all the criminals in the world. I buried my head in my hands and let out a quiet sob. How much longer could I take this? Everyday, my sanity was slipping away a bit more. I always felt the urge to kill every criminal that set foot on this earth, yet I also felt the urge to tell L and git rid of it so I wouldn't have to have blood on my hands.

What if the people I was killing were innocent? I didn't want to become a murderer like my father. A laugh that came from behind me scared the crap out of me. I spun around and saw a Shinigami standing there with a smirk. It looked creepy. And I mean CREEPY! It had a human-ish body with freaky bat wings and a mask that looked like a mix of a pumpkin and a skeleton.

"In a little fix are we?" It asked in a tired, sluggish voice that made it sound like it didn't care a fragment about anything. I blinked. "Umm.. yes? Are you my Shinigami?" It nodded. "Yes, i'm Karasu."

I nodded back. I didn't really have any questions for him. "You do realize that the Death Note you hold is no ordnary one, correct?" My eyes wandered away from the ceiling and to his face. "Kind of. That's why it's blue, right?" He nodded.

"Lucky for you, the Shinigami King is the one that dropped it, but he was too lazy to come get it, so he sent me." I got up from the chair and snatched up the Death Note. "So, what are you? Like the Shinigami King's right hand man, err, Shinigami?"

He let out a raspy chuckle. "In a way, yes." I smirked. "So now, you're trapped in the Human World until I die or give the Death Note back?" He nodded again. "You're pretty smart for a human." I laughed.

"Not really, I just read the rules." I fell back onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling once more. "You know, I could help you. Unless, you just want to do the eye trade." Karasu spoke out after a few minutes of silence. I laughed again. "No. Sorry, but i'm not that stupid. I won't give up half my life for Shinigami eyes."

"There is another way. To see the names of people, along with their life spans."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. What is he playing at?

"I'll help you. You seem like a smart girl. Lucky for me, i'm on the Shinigami King's good side so I won't get in trouble if I just tell you the names." I quickly sat up and stared at him. "What's the catch?" I asked cautiously. He laughed again. "Smarter than you look. But, I want you to kill some people for me. You kill them, I give you names and pictures. Simple." He sat down in mid-air.

I thought about it for a moment. "Maybe. How many people?" Karasu shrugged. "Not too many, just some that have annoyed me with their ways of living." I bit my thumb like L did. Should I do this? Let's bargin first.

"I have a better idea." He looked at me with creepy reddish-yellowish eyes. "I'll kill whoever you want, as long as it doesn't bring L or Light into this. And you tell me the names and give me the pictures." He laughed once more. Wow, he likes laughing, doens't he?

"You care a great deal about them, don't you?" I didn't reply. "Alright, i'm up for your deal. Mainly because I love to see a good fight between a nut and a good guy!" I smirked unconciously. True, Light was a nut, but he was my nut.

I flicked on the TV and changed to the news. Yep, there was a criminal getting arrested. They didn't tell us his name though. I frowned. Karasu made his way over to me and flipped open my Death Note to a new page before tossing it at me. I caught it easily and grabbed a pen.

"Shosan Arashii." He spoke, going back to his previous position. I shrugged and scribbled it down along with a cause of death.

I waited patiently for time to be up. Finally, it was and on the TV a truck came speeding down the road that the criminal was on. It crashed into the criminal, luckily, the cops jumped out of the way. The truck just kept on speeding off into the distance, as if he didn't just run over a guy.

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