Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 6*\

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I was curled up in a ball, my breathing was ragged. Calm down, calm down. Laughter echoed from the other side of the door. I heard Light shouting, trying to reach the handle. But the noise was drowned out by the sound of a broom clattering next to me. I could make out a silhouette of a creature standing in the corner. Its red eyes dancing in the darkness. It let out a cold, dark, haunting laugh that kept ringing in my ears. Long fingers reached out to me. It may have been dark, but I could see them, clear as day. Reaching out. Trying to grasp all hope I held onto. My breathing quickened. I tugged my legs closer to my body. "Stay away." I whispered.

Let's go back, shall we? Back to just thirty minutes ago. When I was outside, out of this never ending darkness.

I walked out of the classroom, Light trailing slightly behind me, laughing. "Come on Light!!!" I whined, tugging on his arm childishly. "I want cakeee!!" What? He was buying. He sped up slightly, but not enough. I pouted. "You're doing this to torture me aren't you?"  He smirked. That's a yes.

We were almost at the entrance doors when a group of guys got in our way. Weren't those the guys I saw last week playing in the mud? They had creepy smirks on their faces and a mischievous glint in each of their eyes. What's going on? "Hey! Move!" I shouted, shaking a fist at them. It's not everyday you get cake you know.

Two of the group came forward and grabbed each of my arms and began taking me away somewhere. I struggled against them, but to no avail. Why were they so strong?! "LEMME GO YOU BIG POTATOES!!" They ignored me and kept walking. I saw Light try to chase after me, but he was stopped by the biggest guy in the group.

"We're not gonna let you go." One of guys said.

"You're gonna get what you deserve." The other chimed.

What did I do? Get what I deserve? What does that mean?! Ack! I hate being confused! The rest of the group suddenly caught up. Light was being held captive by the guy that stopped him. The two that were carrying me stopped. I tilted my head back and saw that we were in front of a Janitor's closet. My eyes widened, realizing what was going to happen. They found out my fear of small spaces. I began to panic and writhe around frantically. "LET ME GO!! I DON'T WANT TO GO IN THERE!!" I shrieked. The whole group laughed at me. I heard the door being opened. I gave a scared and begging look to Light. He looked back at me worriedly before I was thrown in. My back hit the wall and the door locked.

I got up almost instantly and began banging on the door roughly. "Very funny guys. NOW LET ME OUT!!" My breathing slowly became panicked and I banged on the door furiously. What was that? I turned around and saw that figure again. It smirked at me, showing rows of sharp silver teeth. I hit the door once more. "LIGHT!!" I cried out, sliding down to the floor.

And that's how I ended up here. The creature I was telling you about is something I see everytime i'm locked up like this. Occasionally there's more than one. I'm not sure what they are exactly. I call them 'Dark People' for their shadowy appearance. But no matter how many times I see it, it never ceases to freak me out.

I shut my eyes tightly. It's not real, it's not real. It's just a figment of my imagination. It'll be gone. I heard more clattering and something wrapped around me tightly. DEAR GANDHI IT IS REAL!! I struggled against the thing that was holding me frantically. My breathing grew faster and white spots began to fill my vision again. My heart beat quickened.

I opened my eyes and looked up at what was holding me. Ryuuga's worried face was all I saw before passing out.


 My eyes snapped open and I instantly shut them again at the brightness. I opened them again after a few seconds. What happened? It all came back to me. of guys... closet... Dark People... Ryuuga. I shot up in the bed and regretted it when I felt a pain explode in my chest. Grunting, I gripped my heart and took slow and steady breaths.

What is that annoying beeping? I looked over to see a heart rate monitor thing. I don't know what it's called. The thing that keeps track of your heart beat. Yeah! That thing. Why are there I.V.'s attatched to my arm? My panic attack wasn't that bad, was it? Voices came from down the hall. Oh, so i'm in a hospital. OK.... WAIT WHAT?! I looked around quickly before laying back down, hitting my head on the headboard in the process. OW!! Great, now I have a headache. I pretended to be asleep as I heard the door to my hospital room open.

"....panic attack was very severe. According to her health its been happening for a while now. Apparently she has Achluophobia and Claustrophobia." A deep male voice said. Must be the doctor.

"Fear of darkness and small spaces?" A familiar voice asked. Light?

"Yes, but her fears are very severe and cause her to have a panic attack. We also found some broken and bruised bones in her body. Along with a bit of internal bleeding." I've been bleeding internally? I never new that.

"What caused that? She's clumsy, but not that clumsy." Another voice spoke. Ryuuga..

"I'm not sure, but there were bruises and cuts on her body as well."

There was a tense silence in the room.

"She was being abused." Light spoke up. "By her father.."

More silence. "What?" Ryuuga asked, anger slipping through his voice. Since when does he get angry? There's something wrong with this picture here. "S-She was being abused... her father did it. I saw the bruises before and saw her father try to hit her." Light replied, sounding slightly scared. Was Ryuuga really that scary when he was mad?

The doctor finally decided to speak up. "Well, we need to keep her here for a few nights. Just to make sure she's stable. I'm going to give her some pills that will stop her panic attacks when they happen. I want each of you to carry at least one bottle in case she has a panic attack and can't reach her pills." I didn't hear a response so I assumed that they nodded. "Are there any side affects?" Ryuuga asked. "Only one. The pills will make her very tired so she'll probably end up falling asleep. It'd be best to let her sleep so the pills take effect. Let me go get them." I heard footsteps walking away. Pills that'll stop my panic attacks? Sign me up!

The doctor came back a few minutes later, something was rattling. Probably the pills. "Here, please do not lose them. It's very, very dangerous to her health if she has another panic attack." I won't die will I? I better not.

I tried to listen to the rest of the conversation, but exhaustion washed over me. Eh, i'll ask about the rest when I wake up. I quickly fell into a nice dreamless sleep. For once I wasn't worried about the 'Dark People' or anything. It was nice.

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