Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 11*\

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I walked through the door and stopped when I saw what was on the screen. Misa was in a room, tied up in a straight jacket with a weird helmet thing over her head. Right now, Ryuzaki was talking to her and she was calling him 'stalker-san'. What in the name of Gandhi is going on? There was another screen next to the one that had Misa on it. Wait, is that Light?! He was sitting in a cell in handcuffs and he was shouting at Ryuzaki that he wasn't Kira.

Was that his plan? Light, YOU'RE A BIGGER IDIOT!! I looked over at Karasu for help. "Misa gave up her ownership of the Death Note and now she can't remember anything that happened, but she still has feelings for Light. And Light said he might be Kira and told L to put him in the cell, then he gave up his ownership for his Death Note. So, neither remember being Kira." He explained. I stand corrected. Light's an idiot.


I looked up to the screen with Light on it. "Are you there?!" I walked over to the screen and pressed the button on the microphone thingy. "Yeah, why are you in a cell?" He shifted around frantically until he fell over. I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. Epic fail. "Ryuzaki thinks i'm Kira! I'm not! You know the truth, tell him!" I opened my mouth to answer, but no words came out.


Ryuzaki stopped talking to Misa and pressed the button on the microphone, shutting it off. I looked at him with surprise. "He told me himself he's Kira, Ai. Now he's acting as if he has no clue what he was talking about." I frowned. "Ryuzaki... he might just be bi-polar. Either that or he's nuts. Now, why is Misa tied up?"

"She's suspected of being the second Kira." I bit my lip. They're getting closer. But not close enough. I let out a sigh and looked away. Great, now if i'm not careful, i'll be suspected! Gr. Dangit Light!

"Ai, are you alright?" I turned back to Ryuzaki with a small smile. "Fine. It's just kind of depressing that Light had to be locked up." I lied through my teeth. He gave me a confused look before going back to what he was doing before; talking to Misa. I walked over to the couch and fell back on it while closing my eyes. What to do? "Ryuzaki.." I opened my left eye and gazed at Light's dad who had spoken up. Ryuzaki turned to him with a mouth full of cake. Heh, he looks kinda cute. No! Bad Ai! No falling for the detective.


"If Light is going to be locked up, lock me up as well. I'm not sure how long I could stand watching my son be trapped in that cell." Well, this just got interesting.

Arisawa gasped. "Y-You're not serious, are you?! That's crazy!" Ryuzaki finished his bite of cake and set down the mini spoon. Aw! I want one of those! "Are you sure?" Mr. Yagami nodded. "Yes, I want to be locked up like my son." Why do I work with crazy people? I'm pretty sure Watari is the only sane one. Then again, never underestimate the sanity of an old man.

Ryuzaki nodded as well. Two other police guys -I can't remember their names- came up and took Mr. Yagami away to another cell. This is such a weird case. I looked at my watch for an unknown reason. 3:30 p.m. Hm, I should go to work. I kind of miss Anna.. She was such a nice lady. I sat up and stretched my hands above my head.

"Hey, Ryuzaki. Is it alright if I leave? I have a job I should probably get to." He looked back at me. "That's fine. You'll be in tomorrow right?" I nodded. "Alright." He turned back to the screens. Now there were three. One with Light, one with Misa, and one with Mr. Yagami. I got up and began to walk to the door. "Bye, Ryuzaki."

He didn't even look at me as I left. "Goodbye Ai."


I pulled open the door to the shop and smiled slightly as I heard the familiar cheery ring of the bell at the top, announcing that someone had entered. I walked in and was greeted by a blast of cool air. Anna looked up from the cash register and gave me a surprised look. "Ai! You're not supposed to be back until the 25th! It's only the 19th. You still have six days until your vacation ends."

I gave her a warm smile. "Sorry Anna. I had to come. Can I at least sweep the floor?" She shot me a small smile with a playful, scolding glare. "I can understand that, but you need to relax! You're already on the Kira case! For dear's sake girl, take a break! You're going to over work yourself!" My smile widened at her worry. She was such a great friend. "Alright, if I can't work, can I at least have some coffee, i'm still tired." She nodded and took the money I handed her. She fiddled with the register and let out a frustrated sigh when it wouldn't open. "Darn thing hates me." I laughed softly, reached over the counter, and pressed the corner button of the register. Sure enough, it popped open with a quiet 'ding'.

Anna scowled. "Don't you hate technology?" I questioned with a soft chuckle. She nodded and put the money in before going into the back to make the coffee. I sat down on one of the pearl white marble chairs that sat at the counter. I rested my elbow on the hard marble glass and layed my head in my palm, shutting my eyes.

I went over my ideas I had and other plans in case something went wrong. They all seemed to be good enough for me to escape without getting caught or being labeled as Kira. Karasu's presence in front of me made my eyes open. Yep, there he was with a small smirk. "Are you sure your plans will work?" I brushed a strand of my light brown hair out of my face and nodded slightly, but didn't respond. No need to be labeled as schizophrenic. Anna came back out a few seconds later with a cup of hot coffee and handed it to me. I smiled and thanked her quietly before taking a sip of it.

Suddenly, an evil, yet perfect idea came to my mind.

Chasing Broken Dreams ~A Death Note Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now