Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 18*\

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A wave of nausea passed over me suddenly. I gasped and gripped the back of the couch. What just happened to me? I could've sworn I was just talking to someone. But who? And what about? Examining the room, I found no trace of anyone else there but myself.

Why did I feel another presence though? And I could tell it wasn't a pleasant one. It seemed...inhuman.

Suddenly, as if my thoughts had been read, the presence disappeared. No trace of it being left behind. Weird. I shook of the strange feeling and climbed into bed. I felt like something was missing. AS if I was supposed to something, but what was it?My hand twitched restlessly under my pillow. It ached to do something, I knew that much. But what?

It felt as if there was a hole in my memory. It scared the crap out of me. So in the end, I only got  about 3 hours of agonizing sleep.


The following morning, my entire body was stiff from tossing and turning so much. The strange thing was that I was low on waffles. I can't recall eating any before though. I blame it on the paranormal elves.

During my walk to the coffee shop I worked at, the presence I had felt last night returned. I looked back and saw nothing. OK, OK. Calm down Ai. You're being paranoid.

At first I believed myself, just for reassurance. I quickened my pace slightly. The presence seemed to follow me. I spun around, jumped, screamed and fell on my butt when I saw Light standing there. He's so quiet! I didn't even hear him!

"Ai? Are you alrig-never mind. Where are you going?" He cut himself off. I almost wanted to laugh. Almost. "Just to work. I gotta pay the rent ya know?" I smiled crookedly at him. "What about you?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. I guess i'm following you.."

I gave him a weird look for no reason whatsoever. "OK.." I replied awkwardly. Wow, i'm soo good at making conversations aren't I? Finally, I realized how stupid I looked just standing there and began walking again, my back to Light.

"How come I haven't seen Misa lately?" Eventhough I couldn't see it, Light's expression dimmed to an annoyed one. "I don't know.." He muttered quietly. "Did you tell her you didn't like her? Did she jump off a bridge?!" I asked eagerly before I could shut myself up.

What? You try hanging around that annoying brat and not want to punch her. I heard Light chuckle slightly from behind me. "No i'm not sure where she is really.." Wow Light, way to go on keeping track of your so-called girlfriend. I smirked at my own clever mental remark.

We eventually made it to the small shop. I walked in and was greeted by a sobbing Anna.

"Ai!! It's horrible! Cedric went off to the army! She sobbed into my shoulder. My eyes widened. "W-What?!" She didn't answer, she just sobbed harder. I looked up at Light who seemed to have followed me inside. "Light, can you give me a sec?" I asked, rubbing Anna's back gently. He nodded and went to sit at a table.

I took Anna into the back, sat her down on a chair and began preparing tea. "Now what about Cedric?" I sat across from her. She sniffed and blew her nose into a tissue.

"H-He wanted to help the police with something, but all spots were already filled so.." A barrage of coughs cut her off. I patted her back lightly and told her to calm down.

She did after a few minutes of hiccups and coughs. "H-He decided to go join the army! I-I'm so scared for him hon!" Anna finished shakily. I frowned and pulled her into a light hug.

Anna was tough. But when it came to her husband, she was so frail, that I was worried she would break. I was so afraid she would get hurt and never be able to heal. May it be physical or emotional injuries. I hoped that it never happened to her.


Eventually, she stopped crying and calmed down enough to talk to me without her voice breaking. She told me that she was going home. I replied that it was fine, I could handle the store. And that if she needed anything to call me.

So she left and I came back out to see Light still sitting where I had left him. Wow, I can't believe he stayed..

I sat on the other side of him, making him look up. "Sorry," I began sheepishly. "I didn't mean to disturb you." He shook his head. Wow, he was pale. He looked really tired too. Poor guy. "It's fine. I was just thinking." He murmured.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. He looked at me expectantly. "Come on! Let's go somewhere! It's really dead here." I smiled lazily at him and dragged him off before he could answer. Surprizingly, he didn't protest. He just followed quietly.

"Hey Light?" I asked as we walked down the crowded streets at a leisurely pace.


"Do you ever get the feeling of an inhuman presence following you?" I asked in a casual tone. Light stopped and gave me a funny look. "What?!" i probably shouldn't have asked that. "Never mind." I began to pull him along once more.

Note to self: Never ask Light things that sound normal in your head.

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