Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 3*\

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Well, surprisingly, I didn't die last night, but I wasn't much alive. I'm pretty sure my father broke at least two of my ribs and snapped my wrist. I stared into the mirror and leaned over the sink, holding my sides and waiting for the pain to subside, so far, no luck. I was at school of course, there's no way I could possibly do this at home. I kept taking in deep breaths, ignoring the immense pain I was feeling. If you hadn't noticed already, I was pretty good at dealing with physical pain. Not perfect, but good enough to hide it behind a mask of happiness as I always did. Wondering why?

Well, I promised my mom before she died, that I wouldn't show weakness to anyone, especially my family. I don't want sympathy, I just want to be alone. I lightly touched one of my ribs and bit my lip to keep in a scream. Yep, that one's broken. I kept poking all my ribs to see which were bruised and which were broken.

After I was done, I had counted that I had four broken ribs and two bruised. The bell rang from the hallway, signaling I had 3 minutes to get to class. I walked out of the bathroom and put on the best fake smile I could muster up. It was small, but it would have to do. My good hand somehow made its way into my pocket and fiddled with my pocket knife. I stopped for a second before continuing to walk. No, I promised her I wouldn't put myself that low.

Walking into the classroom, I sat down in the desk I was in yesterday and saw that Light wasn't here yet. The teacher suddenly walked in with said boy trailing behind. He sat next to me and gave me a smile. A fake one. He's hiding something. I smiled back and turned to the teacher, i'll get it out of him. But i'll do it secretly.

"Miss Yume,"

I jumped, slightly annoyed from being woken up. Hey, you try sleeping in that cellar. It's creepy down there. "Yes sir?" He looked at me over his glasses that were sliding down his nose. "Can you please translate the sentences into Japanese?" I glanced over at Light's book to see he was open to page 32. I did the same with my book and stood up. "Of course."

"Watashi-tachi wa, reihai to watashi-tachi no kami wa yorokonde watashi-tachi o teikyō suru koto o heiwa no tame ni negatte imasu. Shikashi, wareware no sekai no baransu wa watashi-tachi jishin no te no unmei ni kakatte iru."

Everyone was staring at me with surprise. Even the teacher. What? We are in Japan. Can't be that hard to learn Japanese. "Correct, Miss Yume..." The teacher spoke, being the first to come out of his trance. I nodded and sat back down, fiddling with a pencil that I randomly found on my desk.

The rest of the classes went by so fast that I couldn't even tell you what they were about. But soon enough, school was over and I was starting to walk home when I was stopped by...that kid. The one that was staring at me yesterday. I dunno what his name was! I looked at him, confused. "Can I help you?" I questioned. He smiled lightly at me. "I'm Ryuga. I was wondering if we could be friends?" I blinked. Okayyyy awkward moment. "Sure. If you want, i'm Aizuru. But you probably know that." He nodded. "do you want to play some tennis?" He asked out of nowhere. There's a tennis court here? How come I didn't know about this!?

"Umm, I really can't. I have to get home."

"Please? Just one game?"



Wow, this guy was persistent. I sighed and gave in. "OK. Just one game though." I'm going to regret this later. I know it.

I stood on the other side of the court, watching Ryuga carefully a he bounced the ball on the court before serving it. I easily hit it towards him. He hit it back. This went on for a while until I scored. How is that possible? I suck at tennis. He's going easy on me probably.

Once the game finished, I won. Don't ask me how, I have no clue in the whole world. But we were both panting and leaning against the fence. I checked my watch and nearly screamed. 7:00!! I was supposed to be home 3 hours ago!!!!!! I'm dead. I dropped my racket. "Good game Ryuga! See you tomorrow!" I said hurriedly and bolted out of the tennis courts, grabbing my bag and running off campus as fast as possible. I hit something hard and fell on my butt. Please tell me that was a rock. Yes, a rock in the middle of the sidewalk, that's likely.

I looked up to see that I ran into Light. What is he doing here? "Sorry." I muttered, standing up and dusting myself off. I looked back up at him to see him staring at me strangely. I looked around. "What?" He shook his head. "Nothing. Do you want me to walk you home?" Well, that was random. I blinked and stared at him for a minute. "Um, no it's OK, i'm pretty late and I don't want to cause you any trouble."

I was already running down the sidewalk before he could respond. "See you tomorrow Yagami-kun!" I rounded the corner and ran faster. Ow, ow ow, OW that was a rock! I tripped and hit the rough concrete, scraping my knees. Oh, come on! I checked my watch again, 7:45. You're kidding me. I stood up, biting my lip at the burning in my knees but continued sprinting to my house.

I opened the door to see my father glaring at me darkly, making me want to crawl under the floorboards and cry. I gulped and looked down. "What took you so long?" His hate-filled voice spat at me.

"I-I was playing tennis with a friend."

"Playing tennis with a friend?" He took a second to laugh. "You don't have friends, you're a freak!" I nodded. It's true, I was a freak. I took the risk and looked up. Just in time to see him raise his hand, ready to hit me.

I shut my eyes tightly and waited for the impact and the taste of blood after.


Here's the translation for the Japanese sentences: We worship and hope for peace that our God would willingly provide us. But the balance of our world rests in the fate of the hands of our own.

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