Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 12*\

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OK! My lovely couch potatoes, before this story starts, this is a FILLER chapter. I just wanted you to wait for a main chapter because i'm evil. So, it'll probably have absolutely NOTHING to do with the story line. It might have bits and parts but that's about it. Now, sit back, grab a pack of egg rolls and enjoy. Oh, and this takes place in November..


I sat up and rubbed the crap out of my eyes tiredly. What day is it? I looked around my room blindly until my vision came to focus, then I looked over at my calender. Huh, it's November already. My legs swung over the bed and came in contact with the cold floor. I shivered. Why is it so cold? I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it tightly around my body before walking over to my mirror. My hair was sticking up in every place imaginable. I looked like I just got shocked by lightning..without the burnt skin and smell of cooking flesh.

A snoring sound made me jump. I spun around and saw Karasu sound asleep in mid-air. "HEY! KARASU WAKE UP!!!!!" I shouted. He just snored and turned over in response. "Mm.. that's my Eggo waffles.. get yer own.." I sighed and glared at him. I swear, he could sleep through a hurricane of freight trains!

After I managed to get my hair to stick up even more and make myself look like Medusa, I gave up and tied it in a messy bun before trying-and failing- to wake up Karasu. My cheeks puffed out and I contemplated whether to try and hit him with a frying pan or just leave him be. Wait, Shinigami can't die.. does that mean they can't be hit?

Let us find out, shall we? I stalked into the kitchen, pulled out the biggest frying pan I could find and went back to my room. Raising the large instrument over my head, I braced myself and slammed it down onto Karasu.

My result? It went right through him and I fell forward, hit my head on the front of my desk, and fell to the floor. I groaned and rolled around on the ground while holding my head. That's going to bruise for sure. I heard Karasu laugh. I growled. Sure, now you wake up, stupid Shinigami.

I sat up after a few more seconds of rolling around in pain and glared at him. "Don't laugh." He stopped and looked at me for a second before laughing even harder. He suddenly stopped and stared out the window. I raised an eyebrow and turned to where he was looking. My eyes widened as a ghost of a smile made its way onto my lips.

Snow. It was snowing! I ran to the window and pulled it open. I was greeted by a breeze of cold air and a bit of frost. I looked around and gasped. Everything was covered in snow! It looked like a wonderland. I reached my hand outside and allowed snowflakes to cover it. A laugh slipped past my lips and echoed throughout the buildings.

I hadn't seen snow in so long, I forgot what it was like. Cold, wet, and well, white! I pulled my hand back inside and made a mad dash for my closet. Halfway there, I tripped over my slippers and crashed into my cabinet. All the papers -we're talking about over 100 here- piled on top began to sway.

"Ah-oh." I squeaked before the large pile came crashing on top of me. I could just picture Karasu laughing himself to death over in the corner. I squirmed around in the pile until I heard a 'pop' and I fell onto the floor face first. My house hates me. I got up, glared at the pile of papers, yelled curses at Karasu, and dove for my closet once more, this time successfully reaching it. I quickly looked back at my window before opening my closet and diving in, looking for my winter clothes.

Finally, after 20 minutes of battling with my closet monster; Phil, I managed to get everything I needed and got dressed. Right after that, I grabbed my phone and dialed L's number quickly.

It rang three times before I heard his voice. "Ai? What's wrong? Are you OK?" I smiled slightly at his worry. "I'm fine, just meet me in the park in an hour, and dress warm!" With that, I hung up.

Karasu raised an eyebrow at me. "Don't worry about it. Stay here, eat waffles, watch TV, do whatever. But, stay off my computer! I don't trust you anymore!" He gave me a small smile along with a sheepish laugh. "Hey, that was one time!" I rolled my eyes and began to search for my favorite hat. "Doesn't matter, I still don't trust you."

I managed to find it after wrestling with my evil dresser, -it bit me a few times- and falling over more than ten times. I sighed with content as I admired its swerved pattern. My fingers traced over the black woolly texture before I put it on my head and looked at it in the mirror. I smiled at the cute cat ears sticking out from the top. There, all ready.

I grabbed my keys and stuffed them in my pocket, said goodbye to Karasu and began walking towards the park happily.

Once I made it there, I saw Ryuzaki standing there, looking around a bit. I laughed silently to myself as I snuck up behind him and tried to scare him. He turned to me just as I was about to yell 'boo' and raised an eyebrow at me. "What are you doing?" He asked. I pouted and let out a childish whine. "I was gonna scare you, but you caught me!"

He shook his head, but I could tell he was fighting back a smile. "Why are we here?" He questioned after a few seconds of comfortable silence. I smiled at him. "To have fun of course!" I chirped. Ryuzaki gave me an 'OK then' look. My smile widened and I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the center of the park and ran back a few feet. He watched after me with an amused look. I turned away from him and picked up some snow, made it into a snowball, turned back around and chucked it at him.

It landed 3 feet in front of him and he just stared at it. I sweat dropped. This boy really doesn't know how to have fun, does he? I made another one and threw it at him again. It hit him in the arm, causing him to look up at me with surprise.

"What'd I do?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Nothing, silly. It's called a snowball fight." He gave me a weird look. "What's that?" I shrugged. "Not too sure, saw it on TV somewhere. Apparently, you're supposed to make balls out of snow and throw it at each other. It's like a friendly competition." I explained. Ryuzaki nodded slightly, understanding the concept and picked up some snow, molded it into a ball and threw it at me.

Soon enough, there was a full-on battle. Right now, I was up in a tree, right above Ryuzaki, holding a large snowball. He was looking around, trying to figure out where I went. I let out a war cry and leaped from my branch. He looked up, but not in time, I landed next to him and cracked up at him. He was just staring at me, confused with snow covering his entire head.

I finally stopped laughing when he got a evil grin. I gulped. "Good game Ai. Let me give you a hug." He began to walk towards me and I let out a squeak and tried to run away from him. Not such a good idea. I ran into a tree. Oh, come on! That wasn't there before! Curse you Karma!!! I yelped when I was hugged from behind and covered in snow. "Ryuzaki..." I hissed dangerously. His grip just tightened on me.

He let go of me after a few seconds. I turned to him with a playful glare. We were now both covered in snow. A few seconds of silence passed and we both broke into laughter.

We had both said goodbye after it got too cold for either of us and parted. I walked home with a smile on my face. Just as I got to my door, I sneezed and shivered. I ignored it and went inside. Karasu was sitting on the couch, munching away on a waffle. He turned to me once I shut the door. "Yer noser ish fred." He mumbled with a piece of waffle hanging out of his mouth. (Translation: Your nose is red.) I shrugged, surprisingly being able to understand him.


We both went silent at my voice. It was all nasally. I gulped and sighed. Great. I was sick. "Ugh." I groaned and began to trudge up the stairs. "Don't. Say. A. Word." I snuffed at the Shinigami.

He just laughed at me.

Chasing Broken Dreams ~A Death Note Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now