Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 4*\

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  • Dedicated to That... kid.... You know who I mean. Yeah him!

I waited for the impact. I didn't feel a thing. I opened my eyes to see my father clutching his heart and gasping. His eyes were wide and nearly popping out of his head. He gagged and began to choke on his own blood. I stood frozen as his body hit the ground with a loud 'thud'. I took a second to process what had just happened before diving to his side and checking his pulse. It was slow. Very slow and getting slower.

A few seconds later, it just stopped. My breath hitched in my throat. Was he really dead? A trail of blood trickled down the corner of his mouth. I stood up, my hands covering my mouth and backed into the wall. "Oh my God." I whispered. The phone suddenly rang, making me jump. I picked it up and hit talk.


The only response was laughter, dark, evil laughter that sounded fingers scraping on a chalkboard amplified. "Just wait. Just wait until that fool L is dead! Then... THERE WILL BE A NEW WORLD!!" A voice suddenly shrieked before hanging up.

The phone fell from my hand. L. The greatest detective in the Japan region. He was working on the Kira case, wasn't he? I swallowed the lump in my throat. Then, a plan came to mind. It was stupid, reckless and would probably get me killed, but it was way better than staying here! I ran into my room, gathered all my clothes (which wasn't much) and gathered enough food from the kitchen to last me at least a week. I went back into the small hallway thing near the door and picked up the phone.

I dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" I heard the female voice speak on the other end.

"My father had a heart attack." I hung up before she could say anymore and ran out the door. I stopped around the corner and stuffed all my clothes and food into my school bag. then I took out my pocket knife and hid it in my sleeve. Never know when there's going to be some weird pedophile out on the streets. Or a guy coming up in a black van and tells you to get in because he has candy.

After walking for at least an hour, I sat down next to a nearby building and examined my wrist in the moonlight. It was swelling as well. I took my watch off and wrapped it tightly around my broken wrist. Yes, it's a stupid idea, but I don't see you coming up with a genius plan. See? That's what I thought.

My stomach growled and I jumped five feet in the air. Dear Gandhi! What was that?! Oh right, my stomach. I looked around only to realise that I wasn't in the best part of town. And I had no money. Could this get any worse?

I was suddenly pelted with rain. This isn't over, Karma. You're going to get it later. I stood up and looked around. Where to sleep. There's an alley. Yep, i'll sleep there. While i'll do that, i'll just give my pocket knife to a stranger and tell him where i'm sleeping! Yeah, that's not going to happen. I'd rather take my chances fighting a hobo.

I sighed and sat back down. I could get a job, but none of the stores are open this late so i'd still have to sleep somewhere until morning. And even if I do get a job, I have to wait until I have enough money to buy a house. I know what you're thinking, 'why don't you just go back to your old house?'. Hello? Have you been paying ANY attention to the story? I'm not going back to a house that had a murderer living in it! I want a clean slate.

Another idea popped into my head. It was still stupid, but it would have to do. The woods were near me. Perfect. I stood up again and limped over to the very fist tree in the forest. I took off my school bag and tossed it up to the middle branch that would just be big enough to support my weight and began climbing. Hey, I may not look it, but i'm very flexible.

When I got up to my branch, I layed down, using my bag as a pillow and sighed softly. I wasn't going to eat. Not tonight anyway. I need to save it as long as possible. Eventually, I fell into a very uncomfotable, restless sleep.

OK, think of the freakiest dream you've ever had. I bet I could top it. Don't think I could? Well, it started out with me sitting in a normal meadow. Suddenly, all the mushrooms popped up from the ground and began dancing around me while singing 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles. Never heard it? Look it up. They were pretty good. That was until jellyfish flew in from a nearby lake. The mushrooms jumped on top of the jellyfish and rode them like horses.

Then the scene dissapeared and was replaced with darkness. I was picked up by a guy that looked like an elf, but he had a sheep body. With tenticals. He let me go and I fell into a bowl of cereal. And then I woke up.

Topped it didn't I? Ha ha. Told you so. OK, back to the story.

When I woke up, I looked at my watch. 6:30 a.m. That's good. Maybe I could find a job before school. I jumped down from my little bed and ripped off a piece of my shirt and tied it tightly around the first branch. There, now I knew where my bed was. I glanced down at my outfit. A long-sleeved wool shirt that was navy blue. I wore regular jeans that were ripped from scraping my knees yesterday. And converse. I decided I looked OK and headed for town.

My first stop was a small coffee shop. The worker there was a middle-aged woman with short blond hair that was slowly turning grey. She looked up from the cash register. "Hello dear, how can I help you?" She spoke in a quiet, wise voice. I forced a smile. "I was wondering if I could apply for a job here?" She nodded slowly. "Let me talk with the manager." She walked through a door behind her that I just noticed. Gasp! Magic door!!! Run away!

While the lady was away, I looked around the shop. It looked like a shop from the 60's. The walls were painted a light blue with music designs all across. A jukebox rested in the corner. Right now it was playing some kind of jazz music. The tiles were multicolored, like a dance floor. And up on the ceiling, there was even a disco ball.

It was actually kind of peaceful. I liked the aura it gave off.

The woman suddenly came back with a bright smile. "The manager said it was fine. Now, you look pretty young, are you still in school?" I nodded. "Yes ma'm. I have to be there in.." I looked at my watch. "Two hours." She nodded and handed me a broom. What? Are we going to fly somewhere? You should know by now that i'm int that fantasy stuff, it amuses me. "Good. Once after school, you can come back if you want and keep working until seven. You'll make 100 yen an hour." Wow, that's not bad at all.

"OK. Thank you. I'm Aisuru Yume."

"It's no problem dear. I'm Anna Monet."

Hm, nice name. I got to work, sweeping the entire shop. Once I was done, Anna let me work the cash register while she made orders. Before I knew it, it was 8:45 and I was heading to school. Darn, that job was actually kind of fun. It was pretty easy and Anna was really nice.

I'm not going to bother telling you about school because, well it was boring. The only eventful thing that happened today was that I played a very short game of tennis with Ryuga again. He beat me. When we finished, I glanced at my watch. Huh, I should get to work.

"Bye Ryuga! I'll see you tomarrow!" I called over my shoulder, waving to him as I made my way off campus. "Bye Aisuru." He called back.

I smiled.

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