Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 5*\

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FINALLY! A month had passed since I got my job and now I had just enough money for a house! Three cheers for me! I was walking to my new house right now. Of course it wasn't big, but it was enough. I pushed open the hard, painted oak door and walked in. Looking around, I actually smiled. It was barren, but it was still pretty nice. A stairway that led up to the second floor was in the corner with white carpet covering it. Fancy.

The room I was in now, was what I considered my living room. The floor was polished hard wood. And a sliding door rested in the back that probably led to the kitchen. Ooh!! I LOVE sliding doors!!! I walked into the kitchen. The floor was tiled this time. The walls were painted a blunt white. Wow, creative. A stove was set in the center with a counter top on the right, separating the refrigerator. A sink was on the end of the counterparts. I could live with this.

It'd probably take me a few months, but I could save up enough money and get some furniture. I went up the stairs and looked in the first door on my right. It was just a plain small room. It was too small to hold a bed, so i'd use it for storage.

After i'd checked the rest of the rooms, I decided on mine which was the farthest on the left. It was big. With a really cool window seat and it's own bathroom! OK enough of the explaining, it's tiring. I glanced at my watch. 7:45 a.m. Time to get to school. I walked down the stairs and tripped on the third step, tumbling down the rest of the way. Way to go genius. I picked myself up and glared at the stairs. I don't like stairs anymore. I'd rather take my chances with an elevator.

While I was walking to school, I was going over the list of things to do after it.

1. Try to beat Ryuga at tennis again.

2. Fail at beating Ryuga at tennis.

3. Go buy food.

4. Scold my stairs for tripping me.

6. Go around town and look for things I need.

7. Do whatever I want.

8. You readers failed to notice I skipped 5.

9. You're now going back to check.

10. I laugh at you.

That's a good list. I was just about to open the doors to the entrance when they suddenly opened and hit me in the head, causing me to fall to the ground. OW! Why do all inanimate objects hate me? I looked up, rubbing my head to see that it was Light who knocked me down. What the fudge? Why?

"Ow." I muttered, standing up and dusting myself off. "Sorry Aisuru, I wasn't paying attention." I heard Light say. Didn't pay attention? Well then. I shrugged and smiled at him. "It's fine. I don't blame you, I blame the door." He looked at me weirdly. I just laughed and walked inside. Oh, the joys of confusing people. Light caught up to me quickly. "Hey, have you heard about that one murderer who had a heart attack?" I glanced at him form the corner of my eye. "Which one? There's been a lot ever since Kira came into the picture."

"The one that killed his wife and daughter. They said that someone called 911 and said 'my father had a heart attack' before hanging up. But there was no trace of the caller once the police found the body."

I froze on the inside. "What do they think happened?" I got out. He shrugged. "They think that the one who called killed the guy. But there's no trace of wounds anywhere." Wow, now i'm considered a murderer. Disturbing. "I see. What do you think happened, Light?" He was about to answer, but I was hit with a door and got knocked down, AGAIN! That's it! I'm filing a restraining order. Yes, against all doors.

I glared up at the one who knocked me down. It was some guy i've never seen before. He had short black hair that hung in his eyes which I think were green. And he had a lip ring. Who has a lip ring? Well, he looked Gothic to me. He glared down at me. "Watch where you're going, brat." And he walked away.

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