Chasing Broken Dreams /*Chapter 13*\

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Ohhhh. The unlucky 13! Let's see what happens, shall we?


Pacing around in front of the equipment, I felt the last bit of sanity I had slipping away from my grasp. I was going to go through with this? This was such a big risk...yet, I wanted to be caught, but I didn't. Make sense? No? Good. Finally, I turned to the computer and pressed the record button. If I WAS going to get caught, I was going to make it hard. I opened my mouth to speak and next thing I know, I was pouring out a half lie, half truth speech.

"L. Kira. I am Kanashimi (Sorrow). You may call me K. I am neither justice nor evil. But so you know, I am on a side of my own. I have the same powers as you Kira. I can kill at whim." I quickly glanced at my Death Note, making sure the name and time/cause of death was still there before continuing. "Don't believe me? In a minute, a man, convicted of murder, named 'Byakuya Suna' will die, killed by an accidental gun malfunction."

I shut my eyes, hating the adrenaline coursing its way through my veins and forced myself to continue. "Now, I want you both to heed this advice: Never trust anyone by you. They could easily betray you if you lay your life in their hands. Then again, you might mistake them for the wrong person. Be careful Kira, L. I will win in the end. This world is rotten. We all deserve to die."

With that, I pressed the stop button and rested my head against the wall. I hate when i'm right.


"Ai, have you seen this?" Ryuzaki asked the second I walked in the door. I blinked. "Umm, I can't answer that until you show me what I might've seen Ryuzaki." I stated, walking over to him. He moved slightly and showed me the video I had made a while ago. I bit back a smile when I saw that it was on the news. Perfect. "Have you?" I snapped out of my trance and glanced at him from the corner of my eye. "No. What is it?"

He pressed a few buttons and it played exactly as I had made it. My voice was disguised and my 'symbol' I used to represent Kanashimi. A grey 'K' in Cloister Black font in the middle of a firey background. I must say, it looked pretty darn good to me.

When the video finished, I turned to Ryuzaki. "What do you think?" He questioned, staring at me intently with a piece of cake stuffed in his mouth. He expects me to take him seriously when he looks like that? Oh, L. I shrugged slightly. "I couldn't tell you. This 'K' person seems evil to me. They have the same power as Kira and they want to wipe the Earth clean of humans.. What do you think Ryuzaki?"

He swollowed his bite of cake and set down his fork before speaking. What manners. "It's slightly confusing. Though I agree with your logic. 'K' is evil. But, they could be helpful if we're cautious."

I nodded. No I couldn't. I'm just here to lose my mind and end up getting caught. Hm, seems like a distraction for Light. Bah, it might as well be. "What about Kira? What if this is just a distraction to get you off track from the Kira case?" Ryuzaki didn't answer. Instead, he stood up and began to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" I called. "Outside." I heard him mutter before leaving the room.

I looked out the window. But, it's raining... My feet began to move on their own accord and took me after L against my will. Stubborn feet, you need to be stomped on. Then you might listen! See, i'm threatening my feet. Told you I was losing my mind.

Ryuzaki went onto the roof. I followed unwillingly. I was instantly pelted with heavy raindrops, shuddering when the cold liquid sunk past my clothes. Good thing I wore black. He just stood in the center, staring up at the sky. It seems as he didn't even notice me. OK, kinda creepy/cute.

"Ryuzaki?" He jumped slightly, as if I had snapped him out of a trance and turned to me. "Ai.. you followed me." He stated blankly. I nodded slightly. Way to observe buddy. "What are you doing out here?" He looked back to the sky, the rain rushing down his face like tears. "You don't hear the bells?"

I blinked and stared at him weirdly. Bells? What bells? "No..Ryuzaki, are you OK?" I stepped closer, slightly worried for him. I think he's beginning to lose hissanity. He nodded slowly. "Yeah... never mind." I raised an eyebrow. "OK? We should get back inside. I don't want you to get sick." I muttered, lightly taking his hand and giving a gentle tug. "No. You go on back inside. I'll stay out here for a while."

I frowned. Stop resisting! Your resistance is futile! OK, maybe not. But that's only because your stronger than me! Curse these chicken arms. I sighed and gave in, getting the idea that he wouldn't budge and began to go back inside. "Alright, just don't stay out to long, please?" Ryuzaki didn't answer again, he just nodded and kept staring at the sky. My frown deepened as I went back inside, passing Light on the way. I stopped him and said, "Hey, can you bring Ryuzaki inside? He won't move for me and i'm getting worried he'll get sick."

Light nodded and we both parted. I headed for the bathroom, grabbed a few towels and went back to the hotel room. While I was drying off, a weird -and we're talking stupid weird- saying came to my mind and I couldn't help but say it. "La da da da da, lost my mind. La da da...~" I cracked up at my own little song and fell off the couch. "Ow.. furniture... you suck." I sat up and shook my head like a wet dog, only to get half my hair in my mouth.

It's official, everything hates me today.

Finally, about an hour later, Light came back in with a slightly damp Ryuzaki. Aww. They both sat down and went back to work as if nothing happened. OK? But, get this, next thing I know, we're watching this video of a guy and he has a freaky notebook a lot like Light's and he's talking to nothing! I think his name was Mikami from what Light told me. I had my complete 'OK then, this person's nuts' look clear on my face. "Who is he talking to?" I muttered, wondering if he was Schizophrenic.

Suddenly, the screens went blank and an alarm went off. I gasped and looked around with everyone. Alarms are never good! What's going on?! Ryuzaki looked calm through this whole thing. "Watari." He muttered, catching everyone's attention. My eyes widened when the screens suddenly said 'all data deletion'. "Watari?" Ryuzaki asked again, getting slightly frantic. "Data deletion? What's happening?" Matsuda asked, staring at the screen in fear.

"I told Watari that if something happened to him, he should make sure not to leave any data behind." A shadow cast over Ryuzaki's face. "Something?" I questioned. "It can't be happening." Matsuda whispered. Everyone looked around in question, I kept staring at Ryuzaki.

"Everyone, the Shini-" He stopped in mid-sentence, eyes going wide. The spoon that he was holding fell from his hand. Everything was suddenly in slow motion. L fell from his chair, Light jumped after him, and the spoon hit the ground. "Ryuzaki!" Matsuda cried out, rushing to his side along with the rest of the task force. I stood frozen in my spot, staring at the scene in front of me with wide eyes. "What's wrong?"

I came to my senses when L's eyes closed and he went limp in Light's arms. I was the only one that could see the smirk on his face. That's when I lost it.

"RYUZAKI!!" I ran forward, pushing everyone out of my way and fell to my knees in front of him. I gripped his baggy white shirt in my thin hands and shook him. "Wake up! Please wake up Ryuzaki! You can't be dead! I know your not." My body shook as I sobbed silently. I watched as a tear fell onto his now pale face. One by one, the rest followed. I screamed out in agony and buried my head in my hands. " can't be just can't be."

I was pulled into Light's arms as he attempted to calm me down. Then, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. Light killed L. He killed my best friend and my crush. I clenched my fists and kept shaking, but now in anger.

 Light Yagami. I am going to kill you.

Chasing Broken Dreams ~A Death Note Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now