Maybe? Ch.3

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"Midnight movies! Woohoo" Ashton and Niall were screaming in the car as Riley and Liam used their phone GPS to find a theatre around where we were to go watch Man Of Steel.

Finally we began to move as Liam read out the directions to Riley who was intently listening ignoring Niall and Ashton who were now making weird ass noises and laughing. Luke and Michael were laughing at some tweets they were reading. Harry was on the phone with someone, Zayn was knocked out and Louis was right next to him knocked out. 

The drive wasn't that bad and we got to the movies which was basically deserted. "I'll treat" Harry said getting off the phone and pulling his wallet out. "Fine by me, I'm a broke teenage girl." Riley laughed waiting for Niall to come beside her before they walked following behind Harry. 


"I didn't like it" Niall complained as we all walked out. "You were asleep." Riley shook her head laughing at him. "I thought it was good." Zayn said shrugging his shoulders. "Riley you only stayed awake because the guy who plays Clark was hot!" Michael laughed nudging her arm. "So what? It was still a good movie." she laughed along with him. 

It was 3am so we all decided just to go back to where we all sleeping had sleeping accommodations and call it a night. Riley had to drop us all off first, so I felt pretty bad for her but Niall was spending the night at her house so she wouldn't be driving around New York City by herself at 3am. 



We were now dropping off the 5SOS boys who were the last in the car. I was exhausted and I knew everyone else had to be feeling it to. I looked to Riley who was on her phone scrolling through it and typing. "Not gonna say good bye to your future boyfriend?" I teased as Luke the last one to leave hopped out of the car after thanking us for dropping them off. "There's nothing going on between Calum and I!" She groaned chuckling and throwing her head back. She rolled down her window and waved to the boys before rolling it back up and driving off. I was sleeping at her house tonight since I don't get to spend time with them that much. "It would be a cute couple." I explained to her before turning on the radio. "Niall, I have known him for literally not even 24 hours. You saw pictures of us walking on the dock to go get food with his band!" she laughed turning on the turning signal and driving down a dead street to arrive at her building which was as beautiful as the last time I saw it. It was a huge grey building with bricks surrounding the large glass doors. The interior was modern but it still stuck to the brick theme and it was cute and looked as expensive as it was. I knew Riley and her mom were definitely well off especially with Maria her mom, being a Doctor. 


I jumped into the shower that was in the guest room where i was standing before I knocked out on the bed. 



It's 10am and I woke up  to Niall thudding around the house humming to himself and talking on the phone. I groaned and got out of bed. "How the hell are you up so early, lazy ass?" I asked him before taking a sip from the orange juice he was drinking. "Paul called to ask where I was and to tell me to be at the arena by one." "Oh okay. Do you want to go now and we can go out to have breakfast the arena is an hour away from here." I told him before taking a bite into the apple I just got from the counter. "Yeah, let's go. Your mom got called into work and said she won't be going today but she told me to tell you to take your car because your tag came in and she put it on for you." My eyes widened "are you serious? Heck yeah!" I screamed jumping up and skipping to my room to shower and get ready. "What car do you have?" Niall called out asking. "An Audi A5!" I screamed back smiling to my self. I had to put in to pay for some of it but it was so worth it. I just got it about 2 days ago. It was my baby. 


I picked out some dark grey acid wash high waisted shorts and the I love Harry shirt the girls gave me yesterday along with red keds. I put on diamond studs and a Chanel watch that I got from Niall for my sixteenth birthday. It was really sweet of him and when I got it in the mail I almost shit myself. 

I did my hair in loose curls and a gold smokey eye and I was done. I sprayed on some perfume and met a freshly showered Niall in the kitchen. He was in basketball shorts a tank top and Supras. What's new?

"Vamos, Señor!" I called grabbing my keys from the basket my mom kept the keys in. I had a cute teddy bear key chain that my grandma got me. "Nice shirt" Niall laughed picking up a bag that had his clothes in it. "I told Harry I would wear one!" I laughed locking the door before he and I ventured to the elevator. 


Niall and I ended up going through a Starbucks drive-thru instead because traffic was so bad and by the time we were even remotely close to getting onto a highway it was already 11. I got a venti java chip Niall got some tea and we both got bagels and we were off. "Spill it in my car and I will chop off your balls." I threatened giving him a glare. He laughed and set his tea in one of the cup holders before biting into his bagel dramatically holding his hand under it to prove he wouldn't make crumbs. I laughed and shook my head before taking a sip of my drink and turning up the radio.



We were getting to the arena now. There was already fans outside sitting around waiting. I wondered when Riley would be getting here, I really wanted to hang out with her.

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