Maybe? CH.4

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"Yo Homies!" I heard a girl voice scream from behind me. Riley and Niall were walking into the lounge we were all in. They both had Starbucks cups and sunglasses ontop of their heads. You could tell they're related. "Yo!" Ashton screamed back dramatically throwing up a peace sign making all of us laugh. "You wore it!" Harry screamed while laughing. We all looked to Riley and noticed her 'I Love Harry' shirt making us all laugh again. "I told you I would, Styles." She laughed taking a seat beside me on the couch I was on. "We have to take a photo. I'm not letting this one go." he laughed pulling his phone from his back pocket and pulling her off the couch. He handed the phone to me. "Riley get on his shoulders and flex." Niall said before sipping his tea. Harry and Riley looked at each other before he bent down giving her access to his shoulders. She climbed up and sat holding his head keeping her balance as he stood straight. She flexed and stuck out her tongue like Harry and I took the picture. 


@Harry_Styles: well, that just happened. 

@RileyDrew: I love Harry lmao


Niall and Harry left to go play soccer with Zayn, Louis and Liam so now it was just Riley, Luke, Ashton, Michael and me. We were all sitting on the couches on our phones until Luke got a bright idea. "Let's twitcam!" He said before sitting up and walking to get his laptop. 



"This is our friend Riley!" Michael introduced me by pulling me by the hand onto his lap making me say 'hi' to the people watching. "Hi, I'm Riley." I smiled waving before pinching Michael and standing up. "Yes, she's Niall's cousin." Luke answered looking over at me. "Riley they want to know if you still have your web piercing and if you finally got a tattoo." Calum said turning to face me. "What the fuck is a web piercing?" Michael asked cocking an eyebrow. I sighed and walked over to the laptop. "Yes I still have my web piercing I got grounded for like 2 weeks because I didn't tell my mom but I'm not grounded anymore and she got over it. And yeah I have a tattoo. I actually have 2 I have a skinny cross on my hip bone and a quote from an All Time Low song that says "Here's to the fast times; the times we felt alive" and that one is on the inside of my arm." I said showing them the messy print that I had chosen. "You have an All Time Low lyric on you? That's so sick!" Luke said holding out my arm and staring at the print. "Are you getting more?" Ashton asked staring at me. "Yeah actually, I have an appointment soon." I nodded my head smiling. "What the hell is a web piercing?" Michael asked again. I looked to him and laughed. "It's under my tongue" I told him before opening my mouth and lifting my tongue to show him. "You should've pierced your tongue cause you know." he winked laughing. "You're a pig" I shook my head standing up and leaving their twitcam to sit on the couch and watch them. Calum looked at me and waved me over. I shook my head no. He pouted and mouthed 'why'. "You're on twitcam." I whispered not wanting to talk over Michael,Ashton, and Luke who were talking to the fans and answering questions. Calum stood up and dragged me over to the floor to get into the camera. I sighed and silently sat beside him watching as he and the boys laughed at questions and made fun of each other. I'm not sure when it was but at one point I laid back and I guess I ended up falling asleep considering I woke up to giggling boys. I opened my eyes and looked around at the four of them who were red in the faces laughing at me. "What the hell are you guys laughing at?" I groaned sitting up. They just kept laughing I shook my head and got my phone to check what they did you my face and saw a penis drawn on my cheek. "How mature you shits." I bit my lip trying to not laugh. I shook my head and stood up keeping a pissed off look on my face walking to the bathroom. "N'aw, come on Riley it was a joke!" Ashton called after me. "Yeah Riley don't take it so hard!" Luke called still giggling at his dumb joke. I just flipped them off before closing the bathroom door. It took quite a while to come off but it did. I walked out of the bathroom to see they calmed down and looked guilty when they saw me. "We're sorry we're douche bags." Michael apologized. "Yeah we shouldn't have." Calum added on. I just bursted out laughing. "You guys are lam. Wait until I get you back!" I continued laughing before I walked out of the lounge going to walk around and see what there is to see.


While walking around the arena a few girls stopped me for pictures and gave me 'I Love Harry' shirts which made me laugh.

I decided to text Harry a picture of all the shirts. I was in catering by myself because I wanted to get a snack so I laid them out on the table and took a picture before texting them to him with the message saying "I regret the tweet. :p" He replied quickly with "good! one for each of the California days! ahah ur bunk is next to mine and if you don't believe I will be making you wear them you better believe young one! :D x" I laughed and typed back "oh can't wait. -.-" before locking my phone and slipping it into my back pocket folding up the shirts neatly and putting them in a corner. There was people from the crew sitting around eating and on their phones. I got myself fruit and water before walking to find a spot to sit somewhere outside not really wanting to be around people. I wanted to call my best friend Frankie and ask her where she was at in line so I could go hang out with her and get her backstage with me. Frankie has been my best friend since preschool so she obviously knew Niall was my cousin but she never used me to get the the boys, in fact she never asked me to take her to any of the concerts, she preferred to do it on her own. I found a spot and sat down with the bowl of fruit on my lap and the water bottle beside me. I looked for her number in my contacts before texting.

Riley- Hey Frankie! are you here?

Frankie- I am indeed :D waiting by the fences tell those boys to get their butts out :p

Riley- haha if only it were that easy! do u want me to come get you? we can chill/ watch soundcheck go on

Frankie- umm sure yeah! that would be cool :D

Riley-okay hold on I'm gonna go get a lanyard for you after I eat and I'll be out go wait on the north side I'm closer to there :)

Frankie- yaya ok thanks girl ilysm

Riley- ily2


I went to get Frankie and saw her immediately. Her red hair was pretty obvious amongst the crowd. She was in a skirt, some flow-y tank top that showed a bit of her belly enough to see the jewel she had hanging from her belly button and some converse. Her hair was tied in a messy bun at the top of her had and she had a cardigan tied around her waist. It was so Frankie. Her style was my favorite. "Frankie!" I screamed running to her and jumping into her arms. "Riley!" She screamed back laughing. I got asked for a few photos which I posed for before Frankie and I walked over looping arms with each other and cracking jokes.


5SOS had just finished soundcheck and we were going to meet fans. I got a text from Riley saying she was bringing her best friend Frankie by. Frankie was something else, I've met her before she's a sweetheart but she has a different hair color every time I see the girl and she got a tattoo at the age of 14. She had a nose stud and tongue piercing but on the outside she looked very clean cut and like a good girl, Riley and her have been best friends since I could remember and Frankie and her mom had even came out one time with Riley and her mom during the X-Factor days. I texted Riley back and told her to take her by the 5SOS boys first so by the time they got here they didn't have to wait in line. Riley replied with a "haha very funny. but ok". I smirked at the thought of Riley and Calum going out. He would be good for her. Riley didn't have the best luck with boys and it was sad. She was broken and she needed someone to fix her. It's sad that she's so young but horrid things have happened to her and she's so strong. If only she were more open about all the terrible things the last boy did to her she could help save lives. Riley's innocence was taken at a young age and was forced to do it. She was so strong about it and I still remember the phone call I got from her at 6am one day in London. She was crying uncontrollably and told me not to tell her mom but of course I had to, I was so far away and the boy needed to be arrested. She was only 13. 


Frankie and I were still laughing at the jokes we were making about the girls who were singing the boys' songs and the security who kept giving them dirty looks only making the girls sing louder. "We're still on to go get our tattoos right?" Frankie asked poking me with her finger. I laughed and nodded my head "heck yeah!" we're getting tattoos of the semi colon in honor of us sharing a never ending story together as best friends. Most people would think it's stupid to get a matching tattoo with your friend at 16 but we've been through everything together and we have had a matching tattoo idea planned since we were 7. I don't think our ideas of each other would be changing anytime soon. 

"Hey boys, this is my best friend Frankie. Frankie this is Michael. Ashton, Luke and Calum." I said pointing them all out to her and smiling.

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