Maybe? Ch.18

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We had another night in Vegas. All the boys went out and even though I spent hours during the afternoon trying to convince Calum to go out with them tonight without me he refused and insisted to spend our last night in Vegas watching shitty movies on the TV with me.

"What if I shaved all my hair off" I asked Calum we were discussing his love for me which was actually kind of cute in a barfy kind of way. "You'd still be beautiful" He laughed and turned onto his side kissing me. "You're actually a prick" I huffed sticking my tongue out of him. He smiled like a loser and pulled me closer to him. "Lets go find an ice cream place" He suggested. "But then I have to put on real clothes" I whined. "You look fine" "I'm in boxers and a hoodie, Calum." "So what? You don't have to impress anyone you already have a boyfriend come on!" He said standing up and holding out his hand. He at least looked more publicly presentable than me in sweats and some band t-shirt.


I ended up talking Calum into leaving me in the car he and I decided to go and rent for the night since I was legal and could drive. However, we had to had Paul sign for it since I'm not 18 and legally can't rent a car and techniacally I'm not allowed to drive a rental but what they don't know won't kill them. 

Calum came out with two cones one was cotton candy and cake batter mixed which was mine, and his was who knows what it was probably some strange flavor. He opened the door and handed me mine but not before he ate some of it just to piss me off. "Are you fucking serious" I groaned before shaking my head and taking some of the ice cream I waited for him to buckle up before I drove away. "Let's go drive around" he said while reaching to plug his phone into the USB and playing some music from his phone. "I've never been to Vegas before I don't really want to get lost" I laguhed. "Well, then let's just see where the road takes us. We have a GPS on our phones if anything. C'mon!" He pleaded pouting. I shook my head and gave in passing our hotel and just driving down the strip with our windows down blasting Chris Brown and eating ice cream. A bit strange but it was us.


Calum and I ended up literally in the middle of nowhere and we decided to pop the trunk and go sit in it and watch the stars. 

"We have to be up at 3 in the morning tomorrow, they say they're going to sneak us out because there has been girls sleeping outside of the hotel and in the lobby and just camping around" Calum brought up. I sighed at the idea of being up at 3am but I felt worse for the bus driver. "Those girls are dedicated" I commented not looking away from the sky. Calum's phone rang pulling our attention away from the conversation we were having. 

"We gotta go, they say they were checking traffic for the drive to Chula Vista is bad so they want us to go now. C'mon babe" He sighed holding his hand out to get me out of the trunk. "Can we take a picture before we go?" I asked him opening a timer app on my phone and putting the flash on I stood my phone up leaning it onto something so it would get us in the photo. I walked over to Calum who was looking up at the stars. I stood infront him and wrapped my arms around his torso I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his lips and we waited for the flash. 

"It's so cute" I said showing him the photo. It was only bright enough to make out our bodies and you could clearly see stars and the moon. I opened up my instagram and decided to post it. 

 RileyDrew: I love you. More than anything and everything in this big world.

I decided to refrain from tagging Calum in it because even though I knew people were going to know it was him, tagging him in it would just lead to more trouble.


When we got back to the hotel Paul came with me in the car to return it and the bus was waiting for us as soon as we were done. Ashton had packed all of mine and Calum's stuff for us. How they got him to do that I'm not sure but I made sure to thank him for it. 


"Babe come cuddle!" I heard Calum call from the couch in the back lounge. "Calum Hood, it's 2:30 in the morning don't yell" I whisper yelled at him as I walked into the back lounge. He smiled and opened up his arms leaving me a space to lay in.

He was only in sweats so his chest was giving off body heat and it was comfortable. "I love you so much" he whispered against the top of my head. "I love you so much" I told him back while mindlessly drawing patterns on his bare chest. 

Maybe? a Calum Hood FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now