Maybe? Ch.11

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The concert was over for the night and I was actually pretty relieved. I was now driving back to New York with my mom while the boys drove off to wherever they would be next. The Hershey show was in a few days but until then I had time to do things that don't involve being a slave for Niall.

When I got home I checked my e-mail. I've been waiting to see if my auditions for this agency company have been accepted. Nobody knew about what I was doing except for my mom and Frankie. I've wanted to model and act for a while now so I decided what the hell and I sent some photos of me to an agency and 2 videos of me reading different scripts and I've been waiting for about a month now just crossing my fingers and hoping they pick me up and give me the opportunity to leave New York and move out to LA for work. I didn't want to use Niall to reach this goal of mine, I wanted all the work to be done by me and only me. 

My heart stopped when I saw two new emails. One from a woman named Katie Ramirez and another from the agency. I opened the one from agency first to read that they were infact interested in me but knew a manager who would probably be able to handle me better and focus all of her time on me. I was freaking out. 

I read through Katies e-mail to see that she had wanted me to come out to LA as soon as possible so we could begin working together. She told me she saw a lot of potential in me and that I was an excelent actress and she has plenty of opportunites for me. She also sent me listings of apartments and houses in LA for rent and for sale and recomended I rent instead of buy until I'm sure everything will go well. "Mom! a manager wants me to move out to LA! The agency replied!" I screamed out calling her over to the computer. She came over to me in an oversized shirt and a towel wrapped around her head keeping her wet hair up. She looked over my shoulder and read over the e-mail before squeeling. She took down Katie's cell number and called her. It was 9pm in LA but Katie said to reach her when we got the e-mail so that's what we did. My mom was on the phone for a good hour and a half planning out the trip and talking about contracts and when we would sign and cuts and the good living areas in LA and how long we would be out there for and if it would be a good idea to sell our apartment here in New York. 

My mom hung up her phone and explained to me the conversation she just had with my future manager. Basically, when I go out to California with Niall I will just stay in LA after the shows, my mom will then meet me there at the apartment she was trusting Katie to go see and tell my mom if it was a good buy, then I would have my first shoot with a professional photographer so I could make a proper portfolio and then from there we would be sending me out to plenty of auditions. My mom would get a job transfer to a hospital over in LA so she could continue working in the same field. I was pretty damn excited. I couldn't stop smiling. 

@RileyDrew: Big things coming up. Hard work pays off I'm so excited :)

@FrankieFrankie: @RileyDrew I already know what this is about don't I? SO PROUD OF YOU! <3

@RileyDrew: @FrankieFrankie 1 step closer to partying in LA babbaayyyy

@Calum5SOS: @RileyDrew @FrankieFrankie am I missing something? :(

@RileyDrew: @Calum5sos idk maybe :p

I clicked my home button on my phone taking me out of twitter and went to my messages to text Calum and tell him what was going on.

To Calum<3- so, basically nobody knows what I'm about to tell you except for my mom and Frankie.... I've been trying to get signed with an agency for modeling/acting for about a month now and I was just speaking to a manager who is having me move out to LA in a month because she is going to sign me :) that's what the tweets were about but don't talk about it it's kind of on the DL until everything is in black and white. :)

From Calum<3- I'm so proud of you! Don't worry I won't tell anyone. The boys and I will be out in LA for a month after the tour! I'm excited! goodnight beautiful x

To Calum <3- :D goodnight cal 

I locked my phone and went to take a shower... I was pretty damn excited.


Before going to sleep I made sure to call Frankie and explain details to her and then we talked about her date and I told her about me and Claum officialy dating. We also decided to go out and get our tattoos tomorrow. She was also meant to ask her mom if she could come out to LA with me for a month since it would still be summer. It was a night of excitement and I couldn't be happier. 


The next morning my mom left to work and I got up around 11 to a phone call from Frankie telling me she was outside waiting for me so we could go to my "cousins" tattoo shop to get our newest art.  Jake, was basically my cousin but not actually my cousin we've just known each other for so long we just said we were cousins. 

I threw on an 'Amsterdam' cropped top, from light high waisted shorts that had white daises along the stop, grey converse some stacking rings and black studs and my normal band and friendship bracelets that I rarely ever took off. I let my hair fall in its usual curly/wavy look I put on mascara, eyeliner, and chapstick and took my phone,keys, and purse and an apple before running out of my apartment locking the door and taking the elevator down before running out to the front where Frankie was sitting in her Jeep. "Hello, sleepy head" She chuckled as I hopped in. She handed me my usualy morning drink from Starbucks and I got really excited. "you're fucking awesome" I told her taking a sip from the tea. "I know" she said flipping her hair over her shoulder dramatically. I rolled my eyes at her laughing and turned up her radio letting the noise of The Neighbourhood fill the car. 

We got to my cousins shop and we pulled in hopping out of the car. "Hi, Jake" I greeted him hugging him. Frankie said hello to Jake and we walked to the back where he had been cleaning when we walked in. We said hello to the people we knew who worked there and continued walking back. 

I went last because I had decided to get two done today. The tattoo didn't take long at all. They were cute we stuck to our plan and both got the semi colons done on our right pinkies. I also went ahead to get a quote in honor of my grandpa tattoed onto my left hand pointer and middle fingers. The tattoo was facing towards me and said 'Write your worries in the sand' on my pointer finger and 'carve your blessings in stone' on my middle finger. "Sick!" I said admiring the two new pieces od works that were permanant on my skin. Frankie and I took a photo showing off our matching tattoos before I tweeted them out.

@RileyDrew: The newest ink with my girl @FrankieFrankie ; it's not over yet.

@RileyDrew: Also got this one in honor of my grandpa. Love it!

I locked my phone and Frankie and I went to go pay Jake for the tattoos before we said our goodbyes and left to go shopping. 


"Hello?"  I answered my phone as I waited in the dressing room while Frankie tried on every fucking item from American Apparel. "Hi Cal" I smiled realizing it was him on the phone. He had basically called to talk, he was adorable. "Yeah, I just got them about 30 minutes ago and now Frankie and I just got to American Apparel and we're gonna spend the rest of the day shopping and doing stuff for LA" I explained to him answering his question on if I really got tattoos and what I was up to now. The phone call lasted a while longer and by the time I was done Frankie was changing back into her own clothes and had decided what she was going to take and what she was going to leave and I had made plans with Calum to skype later on when we both had time. 

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