Maybe? Ch.17

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I was still on Twitter when Calum basically barged into the room. "Break it, yeah?" I spat scared shitless. "Why the hell did you leave without telling me?" He was fuming. "It was kind of self explanatory, Calum!" "No, you just got up and walked away I thought you went to get something to drink. Then I go look for you I ask the boys, I ask the bar and you're nowhere to be fucking seen!" He was screaming. "Stop screaming, for fucks sake!" I said angry. "You scared the shit out of me!" He was trying to not scream I know, but he wasn't doing a very good job at it. "It's hard when you're sitting around trying to be like a dad to me telling me I can't do certain shit because it'll make you look bad. Nobody knows I have a fake ID and I don't intend on letting people know I have a fake ID!" my words were venom and I could see his eyes softening but I wasn't going to stop I was too fired up. "I know whats going on! I know how to handle myself! I know that my life has changed! I know I won't be able to be the same girl I was ever again! I know I know I know!" I screamed while crying at the same time. Calum walked over to me and took me in his arms. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "For what, it's all my fault. I should've never told anyone I was related to Niall. I should've just kept it between me and him. I shouldn't have spent so much time with you boys. I would be in LA now just modeling not having to worry about what people thought of me" I admitted the things I never thought I would say. "No, I love you so much Ry. You don't want that you're just upset right now. I'm sorry for bringing it up" He consoled me. I was gasping from all the crying I had been doing I felt pathetic. I did my best to calm myself down. "I love you" I told Calum looking up to him. "i love you, Riley" He said wiping the  tears from my face with his thumbs. I stretched to kiss him before coming down flat footed and just hugging him. 


The next morning I woke up with Calum basically ontop of me. I couldn't help but laugh at his awkward position. He had his right leg inbetween mine and his arm was thrown over me and his other arm under his head which was on my chest. How did this even happen. I was still giggling. I felt him move and then groan. He opened his eyes and looked up to me. "Good morning" I smiled. I took him off of me and went to brush my teeth. It was noon and Ashton,Luke and Michael were still passed out. They partied hard I'm guessing. 

The boys had a show tonight so in about 20 minutes they would all have to be awake and at the venue even if they didn't want to. I decided to blast some music and hope they would wake up.

Calum was already in the shower and getting ready but the other three weren't budging so I had no choice. I picked up a pillow and it began. "Wake the fuck up!" I screamed before hitting Michael with the pillow. "What the hell Riley!" He screamed. "Get up Mikey!" I screamed back at him turning on the lights in their room. I went to Luke next "Get up Luke!" I called hitting him with the pillow. He opened one eye and if looks could kill I'm pretty sure just that one eye glare would have me dead in a second. He groaned and got up making his way to his suitcase and then to the shower. Michael was now out of bed and doing whatever it was he was doing. I went back to mine Calum and Ashton's room and shook Ashton awake not having the heart to hit him with a pillow. "Ash wake up." I told him. He groaned a bit but he woke up easily. 

The boys got ready and left. I stayed back at the room so I could have more time to get ready. I showered and blow dried my hair and curled it. I put on make up and then decided to get dressed. I put on a white cropped shirt, some black high waisted jeans, white DOCS and a black 5sos beanie. I'm a bit of a dork. I decided I was too lazy for contacts so I found my glasses and put them on clearing up my vision. I sprayed on perfume and called Niall to see if he had already left to the venue. To my luck he was just leaving now so I asked him to swing by and pick me up. 


 "I like that beanie! Let's take a picture!" Ashton said as soon as he saw the 5SOS beanie on my head. I laughed and agreed. He took me under his arm and pulled me in and we both made silly faces while Niall took the photo. 

@Ashton5SOS: Our favorite girl is repping us today :)

He tagged the photo and sent out the tweet. 


"Well sometimes I go out by myself and I look across the watterrrrr" I was dancing around in the 1D boys dressing room singing along with Louis and Niall. They were getting ready to go on stage in a little. 5SOS was on deck and checking wires the arena was full and loud. The energy was great. "Stop making a fool out meee" Louis sang throwing his arms up. We all laughed and continued dancing like fools. Eleanor was in town and she was sitting on one of the couches watching and laughing. I loved her she was perfect and her and Louis together were absolutely adorable. When the song finished I said bye to the boys and wished them all luck before leaving the room to go to the side stage to wish Calum and the other boys good luck. I found them about to hudle in and I squeezed in between Calum and Luke wrapping my arms around their waists. They all spoke asking for good luck and they said a small prayer before coming in and making some boyish noises before throwing their hands up. "Good luck boys!" I called out to them. Michael and Ashton walked out first I gave Calum a quick kiss and hit his butt sending him out. He laughed and fixed his in-ears shaking his head before walking out onto the stage a huge smile automatically taking over his face. I crossed my arms and watched from the side as the boys began playing.

The performance went smoothly and I decided to stay out to watch Niall. Calum and I went to the sound booth so we could watch from the front and sit with El.


Girls were trying to get Calum's attention and they were basically doing anything. Even hitting me with things. I tried my best to ignore it but then a cup was thrown at me and I got soaked with what smelt like beer. Why is there girls drinking beer at a damn One Direction concert? I was pissed. I stood up and didn't even say anything I just walked out. I went through the tunnel inbetween the sections and found a place with showers. I went in and texted Michael,Ashton and Luke in a group message for one of them to bring me clothes. 

I was showering with the complimentary shampoo and conditioner and soap the arena had supplied the boys with. The tears were coming I was embarassed and upset. I couldn't believe someone could hate me that much. Or what Calum's attention that bad. 

I heard someone come in. "Ry where are you? I brought you clothes where do you want me to put it?" I could tell it was Ashton. "Put it on the stool there. Wait for me outside please?" I asked him. "Alright, I'll be outside the door" He said before closing the door. I finished my shower quick and used the hair-tye I had on my wrist to throw my hair into a messy bun after I towel dried it. Ashton had brought me one of Calum's hoodies and a pair of my lounge shorts and slippers and underwear and some sports bra. I put it all on and walked out with the beer stenched clothes in my hand. He saw me and his eyes softened. "I heard, it's kind of all over Twitter" He admitted taking me under his arm and walking me out to the bus. "Great..." I sighed. 

"You'll be fine you have us boys. Those types of girls are just jealous and craving attention that they aren't going to get." He said before reassuringly squeezing my shoulder. I walked onto the bus and saw all of the boys sitting on their laptops and Liz was doing something on paper. "Hi" I waved to all of them before walking to where the bag we all decided to keep dirty clothes was. I threw in the clothes and walked back out to where everyone was. Calum walked onto the bus a bit out of breath. "Are you okay? I didn't know where you went! I went around the arena and backstage and to the dressing rooms and to the showers I couldn't find you I was scared. Are you okay? I'm sorry they did that, babe. They're just upset that they won't ever be you. They'll never get my attention the way you do. You'll always be my number one" He said to me pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

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