Maybe? Ch.20

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Our fun was ruined when we were spotted getting off the roller coaster by a couple of girls who obviously have been looking for the boys and seeing Niall with us made them a bit crazier. The boys were too polite to reject taking the photos and Frankie and I decided to leave them be and went to go ride the drop that was set up beside the roller coaster. 


"Well, that was fun while it lasted" Ashton said as we walked away from the pier to find somewhere to eat since we never got a chance to eat at the pier.


"Hello!" Calum greeted my mom hugging her as soon as we walked into the apartment she was making tea or something. "Calum! Hi how are you?" She smiled hugging him back. "I'm great and you? How was the flight?" He asked her taking a seat at the bar. "It was great, a bit rough but I pulled through. How was the tour? Are you ready to wrap up the last few shows?" She asked him before pouring the water into 5 mugs and putting tea packets and some sugar in all of them placing one infront of Calum then me and calling Niall and Frankie. "It's bitter sweet I think, I'm just happy this isn't the end of the tour for good and we still have the Australia dates in a month and some" He answered before stiring his tea a bit and taking a sip. "That's good, okay well I have a interview I need to be at so I'll be back in a little. If you guys leave make sure to lock the door. Bye" She said blowing a kiss as she walked out the door with her car keys and purse and tea. 

Frankie and NIall came out to get their teas. "I'm going to go meet with Louis" Niall said pouring his tea into a plastic cup and taking his phone off the charger it had been on in the kitchen. "How are you getting there?" I asked him. "Louis is with the driver out front we're going to go see a movie I'll be back after" He said. "Wait, I'm going with you! There's no way I'm third wheeling here" Frankie whined pouring her tea into a plastic cup as well and running out the front door following Niall. 

"And then there was two" I commented in a deeper voice. Calum laughed and stood up from the bar before lifting me up with him and running out of the door. "Where are we going Einstein" I asked him laughing but holding on tightly not wanting him to drop me. "To go exploring!" He screamed before hitting the elevator button. "Put me down you fool" I laughed jumping out of his arms. I ran back to the door and went in quickly and got my ID some money and my keys. I locked the door and put the lanyard around my neck. Calum was sitting in the elevator, literally leaving his foot in the sensor so it wouldn't close. "You're strange, Calum Hood" I laughed before sitting next to him. We took the elevator sitting the whole time and didn't pay attention to the strange looks we got from people getting into the elevator we simply smiled and waved not moving from our spot in the center of the elevator. We finally reached the lobby floor and ran off laughing like morons. 

This probably wasn't the best first impression on my new neighbors but whatever, I don't really care.

Calum and I exited out of the building and calmed down from all the laughing and looked around to see which way we were gonna walk. 

"I now live in LA and I kind of really want to get a penny board, so I'll fit in" I admitted laughing a bit. "What the fuck is a penny board" He asked looking up from his phone. "Like a skateboard except smaller" I told him shrugging my shoulders. "Where do they have them?" he asked looking over to me. I lifted my shoulders and let them drop "I don't know, I want to go in here though... C'mon!" I said dragging him into the boutique. 

I dragged Calum around and ended up not liking anything so we walked back out.  "Michael, Zayn, Louis, Liam and I are going to go and get tattoos tonight" He told me before he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close to him. "Do you want me to go hold your hand?" I teased sticking my tongue out at him. "Now that you ask, yes I do." He admitted chuckling and sticking his tongue out at me in mockery. "Then I'll come, what are you going to get done?" "I'm going to get 2012 in roman numerals on my chest." "Why 2012?" "Because that's when everything changed." he smiled a little. "You cutie" I pinched his side and wrapped my arm around his waist. 


"I love you so much" Calum yelled. He and I were laying in the grass at some random park we found our way to. "shh there's people here!" I laughed covering his mouth blushing from all the people staring at us. "So what?" he mumbled through my hand before sticking out his tongue and licking it. I pulled my hand back "you're silly" I laughed wiping my hand on his shirt. "You didn't say it back." he pouted. "You're a nerd" I laughed kissing his bottom lip. "Don't kiss me if you don't love me" he said before covering his mouth. I laughed again. "I love you, Calum Hood" "Now you're just saying that for my kisses, if you really love me you'll scream it." He said not moving his hands from his mouth but I knew he was smiling. "I'm not going to scream" I shook my head. "Then no kisses for you." he shrugged. "Why not?" It was my turn to pout. "Because you won't scream it!" He said shaking his head. "I love you Calum Hood!" I screamed before putting my head down and hiding it in his chest in hopes that nobody would think it was me. He took his hands away from his mouth and laughed before turning his head and kissing me. "and I love you Riley Drew" he whispered against my lips.

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