Chapter 2

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I woke up to a beautiful Thursday morning, the sun was hidden away behind the clouds. I laid in bed for a couple minutes not wanting to start my day, feeling quite lazy, I was thinking weather I want to attend school today or not.. I'll just close my eyes for a few more minutes then I guess ill get myself ready for school.. well little did I know a few minutes turned into a few hours..

I woke up startled to banging on my front door and a voice yelling my name... wait... I know that voice.. As I quickly ran down stairs nearly eating shit on the way down, all I could think was why is he even here.. shouldn't he be at home.. I hope nothings wrong..
I held my breath slowly opening the door with a million thoughts per second as to why or what's wrong.. then *wham* I felt a warm embrace and such a goofy grin on his face. As he let me go he asked where I was today and why I didn't attend school.. oh kiba-kun you really are an amazing friend for worrying.. to be honest he was one of my very few friends that I have..

"Hinata! You cant be missing school like that because you feel the need to sleep more.. you're going to fall behind, but lucky for you, you have someone like me who'll walk to your house in the pouring rain just to give you you're homework.. ( oh shit I didnt even realise he was soaking wet till now..) aaand I made an excuse saying you weren't feeling well.. but seriously Hinna you need to get your shit together, I love you way to much to watch you slipp now.."

I looked at him and with a sincere apology I replied "it wont happen again and im sorry for putting you through so much trouble I really appreciate it.." I look at him, "tell you what ill make you some of my special home made cinnamon rolls and some hot chocolate for doing all this for me." Kiba smiled and agreed with such a happy look on his face, it doesn't take much to please him and that's what I love about him, Such a great heart. But the funny part is he is only like this with me, his loyal companion akamaru and our other close friend Shino, (we all grew up together) you'll never catch him being this kiba with anyone else. He's an asshole to everyone at times and has a feisty temper. Any woman would be lucky to have him though, he goes to the moon and back for the ones he loves.

I hurried and got him a new pair of cloths to change and turned the fire place on for him so he doesn't catch a cold.
"Finally they are finished!" I said with happiness. An amazing aroma filled the air as the alarm for the cinnamon rolls started to beep, and all I could see was kiba bolt to the kitchen with practically his tong hanging out, and to think these where my favorite.. but he loves them just as much as I do, and I'm glad he does.. I swear if he had a tail it would be wagging a mile a minute! I grabbed them out of the oven and the smell filled my nose.. "yummm Lets eat!" I said handing him a plate.

Later that night it was still raining really hard out so I looked at kiba and told him he needs to stay here for the night.. He's not leaving in this kind of weather, you can sleep with me in my bed like old times.(it doesn't matter because I'm always home alone, father is always out on business trips or training my little sister Hinabi) He nods in agreement not even putting up a fight, he was so tired and it was written all over his face. I cooked us some dinner and we watched a movie in my room.. it was nice not feeling so alone, it gets lonesome when you're always left by yourself majority of the time.. sometimes even scary..

I turned off the lights and turned to kiba and whispered thank you for everything Kiba-kun.. and after that all I remember is falling fast asleep and feeling that I'm well protected and not alone.. specially on a cold night like this one..

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