Chapter 7

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Monday hit and my weekend was complete shit. I lost one of my closest friends.. I wish I would've just lied.. but then again he would've just found out eventually and that probably would've led to an even bigger argument.. I don't feel like going to school today.. Its to soon. So I went back to sleep without a care in the world.

Kibas POV;

I wonder If I should go today.. its been 2 days since the argument.. I need to apologize to her.. its not worth loosing her over something so stupid. Yea. Ill go today and apologize on how stupid I was acting, hopefully she'll hear me out and we can go back to the way it use to be. It is my fault after all.. I dont blame her for going off on me.. I would've done the same thing if not worse if someone talked to me like that.
I arrived to school a little early hoping I'd run into her, but nothing. Maybe she's running late. Ill just wait till lunch.
11:00 hit and it was then I knew she wasn't going to be coming in today. Damn.. ill just catch her tomorrow then..
An hour left on the clock till school was over and all I could think was if I should drop by her house and try to talk to her. No.. that's a dumb idea.. I'll just wait... The school bell rang and class was dismissed I walked to my locker to put away my stuff after I walked home laid in bed and waited for tomorrow to hurry up and come.

Hinatas POV;

I woke up to my stomach growling it was 5:00 in the evening, wow I slept all day.. oh well. I walked downstairs and checked in my fridge but there was nothing I really wanted and I didn't really feel like cooking. I grabbed 20 dollars from my stash and decided to go get some take out. First I gotta at least shower. So I showered got dressed and the clock read 6:00. Brushed my hair locked up the house and I was on my way to go eat some ramen. The sun was setting but I didn't really care. I always liked the night time specially when the stars come out. I walked 10 minutes down the street and finally I was at the ramen shop. I placed my order, one to go and one to eat here. I loved to eat I ate anything and never gain much weight. I received my order and everything smelled so good I dug in and within 10 minutes I was done. I was full and happy. Oh man that was good I thanked the owner and grabbed my food and placed it in my little backpack I had and was on my way home. It was a nice night out so I decided to stop by a small lake that was surrounded by trees and as I sat on a rock near the water I just watch the sky for a bit. I was at peace.. my weekend was totally ruined but tonight.. tonight makes up for it. I watched the sky and gazed at the stars not realizing how late it was getting. Suddenly I heard foot steps from behind and I immediately turned with my hands in a stance and byakugan already in motion.

Whoa hold up! Its just me! He said with nervousness in his tone..
l immediately stopped when I realized who it was. " about that.." I snapped out of my studder..
"What are you doing out here alone at this time of night. It's dangerous ya kno." he asked. "Oh, yea well I was just grabbing some food and decided to relax out here for a bit its real peaceful tonight is nice." I replied while twiddling my thumbs.

His POV;

Wow.. she looks so different without that jacket on. It's nice not seeing her all bundled up. She looks so beautiful.. but then again.. I've always thought she was beautiful.. I'm just not good at showing my emotions and shit like that.. plus my bestfriend is totally in love with her.. I couldn't do that to him. Maybe that's why I act the way I act towards her.. it hurts to pretend to love someone you have zero feelings for.. (talking about Sakura) but I know it would hurt him more if he knew how I've always felt about Hinata.. Damn I wish I would've just spoke up sooner. But it's to late now..

"I guess it is a nice night out after all. Well alright I should be going now.. be careful on your way home and have a nice night Hinata.."

:Oh.. uh.. yea.. you.. you too Naruto" I replied with a slight blush.. I watched him walk away passing through the trees as he slowly disappeared.. he's never talked to me like that.. I mean.. he's talked to me when we were much younger.. but that was so long ago.. I wouldn't have even thought he would've remembered my name..

I waited till she left the lake and made sure she made it home safe without her even noticing I was watching her.. I watched her every move, every motion, I was always mesmerized by her. But the older we got the more I felt myself finding her more and more attractive, and the more and more awkward I became around her to the point where I didn't even know how to act to where one day I just stopped talking to her. That's my biggest regret.. What made me fall for her was her shyness. It was part of her charm but back then I just found it weird.. but what she didn't know is I love weird.. and now.. now she's not the shy little Hinata anymore. Sure she stutters still but I find it adorable. But ever since that day with Sasuke something about her changed. I'm glad she's finding herself.. I just wish it could've been me who helped her.. instead I'm pretty sure I just made her feel more low about herself.. She thinks I don't know she exists but in reality... she's the only one I want.. one day I'll prove that to you.. but for now.. the timing isn't right.. for either of us. I'll let Sasuke take care of you for now.. but just wait.. I'll be back to claim what's rightfully mine.. He may be my bestfriend.. but.. she's the girl I'm going to marry one day..

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