Chapter 24

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Its been a year now and not much has changed. Minato is still working himself to death, the Hokage is still Tsunade, and my friends still go off on missions. But as for Sasuke and I, we are now buisness partners. It's weird.. one minute I loved him then the next I hated him.. and now well.. Im unsure of my feelings towards him. Although I appreciate everything he has done for me. But my heart just can't move on from Naruto. I get this feeling he is still alive inside my heart. I wake up thinking todays the day he'll return someway somehow.. but then I come to the realization that that's never going to happen.

- Hinata! -

I snapped out of my thoughts, yea? I yelled.
We have a meeting today around 2:30 It's a pretty big meeting! We might just start expanding the U.C (UzuChiha) company! We're slowly getting our name out there its a pretty big deal so you cant be late to this one!

Alright I won't. I replied.

You know you can at least be a little happy for us. Sasuke said with a glare.

I am happy for our company! It's just a big step. Can we do it?..

Sasuke walked towards me and sat next to me on the couch and sighed.
Yea I was wondering the same thing he replied while rubbing the back of his neck.
If we don't take this opportunity then there's no telling when something like this is gonna happen again..

So we gamble it. Hinata replied.

Sasuke smirked his devilish smirk, yea, just like old times. He replied.

I gave a small half smile.
Alright I'm all for it. Im behind you 110%.

That's my girl! He yelled and gave a small kiss on my cheek. I'll see you at 2 he said with a wink and walked out the door.

I let out a deep breath. I sure hope the odds are in our favor this time..
We've always gambled our luck but just like everything else it's either in our favor or we get screwed over in the end. I guess thats the fun part of doing what we do, the rush. It's either a win or a loss. But no matter what Sasuke and I get through it. He's never once gave up hope like I have. And that's something that I really do admire about him.. he plays this big bad guy and puts up a front with everyone outside but once he steps foot in the house it's as if the mask instantly falls off and he becomes the Sasuke I know and love.. well loved.
Just thinking of him makes my heart flutter sometimes. But i suppress my feelings.. I can't be hurt again. I need to stay focused on the bigger picture. Maybe one day when things get a little more settled.. just maybe something between the two of us will happen and we can try this once more. But until then nothing can come of us.. I can't afford it. Not again..

*Sasukes POV*
*Before Sasuke talked to Hinna*

Man this is a big step in our company. We've worked so hard for this since the war ended. I need to go tell Hinata!
I rushed home and pulled up to our drive way got out the car and opened the door.
Yea. I heard her reply from the living room.
I walked over to her and had to control myself.. she was wearing a blue spaghetti strap with black short shorts and her hair was wet. She just got out the shower I can smell her shampoo.. it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra.. I hate when she does this. It makes it so hard to focus. Ugh snap out of it Sasuke.
*tells her the news*
I'll see you at 2 I said with a wink and walked out the door.

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