Chapter 10

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I drove her home that night, I couldn't help but have a smile on my face the whole time. When I'm with her I'm happy, almost as if I was sane. All I thought to myself was I'm never letting her go, Not without a fight..
I looked at Sauske and all I thought to myself  Is how he makes me so happy. He's never once made me feel like I was just some girl he wanted to fuck or anything. I felt appreciated for once..
We arrived to her house, here's where it all started..I'm glad I went to school that day as I thought to myself smiling. I walked her to her door, hey sauske.. would you want to maybe just stay a while longer and watch the star's with me.. I looked at her with a soft smile, how could I say no to you I laughed and grabbed her hand walked to the grass and we watched the stars. We didn't speak to one another, just laidback and enjoyed the night.
A few shooting star flew by.. I wish to never be without her and to never lose her.. this girl is mine. I looked over and noticed she fell asleep..... ugh you really do crash easily. I shook my head and sighed.. alright lets get you to bed. I swooped her up in my arms threw her over my shoulder ¤not much the romantic type when I'm tried myself.. ¤ I opened her door and carried her upstairs to her room I took her shoes off and covered her with her blanket. Ugh something tells me this might just be an every night thing with you I rolled my eyes and laughed. I made sure everything was locked up kissed her on her forehead grabbed my stuff and I was gone.
I arrived to my house 15 minutes later. I opened my houses door turned the lights on and immediately took my shirt off stretched and yawned. I put my groceries away made a cup of noodles and just sat and relaxed.

I woke up to the sound of rain it was 3 in the morning and noticed I was in bed I looked around and my room was empty. Oh geez.. I always fall asleep so fast.. He must have carried me up to my room.. i blushed just thinking of thr fact he was in my room with me.. he could've stayed if he wanted to.. My mind started getting really into it thinking of all the possible things that could've happened..  I felt my body start to get warm just the thought of it.. i shook my head it's still to soon.. i don't need him thinking I'm just an easy girl. But my mind stopped and attention took over..
*slow door creek*
My heart started to beat faster I immediately changed into a fighting stance with my byakugan already activated as I jumped out of bed quickly but quietly. I grabbed six of my kunai knives ready to kill who ever the hell was in my house. ¤ not aagain , not this time.¤ I grabbed a black jacket put it on to blend in with the dark room..  I walked outside my door slowly making sure I didn't make not even the smallest noise. I used my chakra and walked along the ceiling.. I started to count.. 1..2..3..4.. four intruders and one of me.. I can't take on four.. they're going to kill me if they find me.. or worse... why are they here.. what do they want.. I started the panick ¤ its all happening again ¤ almost losing focus and falling to the ground.. calm down Hinata.. breath, ..think, ..think, ..think.. got it! I made my way back to my room grabbed a few more kunais, walki-talkies and some rope. I went back to the ceiling and all of them were rummaging through everything in my house. Without them noticing I slowly placed a walki talki in the center of the living room and made my way to the roof and turning the power off to my house. My byakugan luckily can see through anything and can even see the chakra flowing through the human body. I grabbed the other walkie and watched carefully.. You boys looking for something I said with a small attitude. I noticed they were in pairs and all looked confused. They looked around surching for a light switch. That won't work. You all are blind and have no idea where I am, and what im capable of. I suggest you leave, Now! One found the other walkie talkie, oh we did our research little girl we just want your valuable shit in your house.. and maybe if you play nice we will let you survive. I laughed oh is that so? You'd have to find me in order to kill me first, that's if you are still alive. I can see the man getting inraged watch your back girlie I'm coming for you.. power or no power I will rape and torture every inch of you and maybe if I'm feeling nice ill just kill you after. I laughed, try me bastard. I shut off the walkie and could feel myself shaking.. fuck.. not again... it's just like before.. that one rainy night.. everything is playing out like it did before..what if it's just a replay... what if I fail again.. fuck.. I can't afford to be thinking like that again.. I'm older now.. more skilled, more angry, and a lot more hate flowing in me.. I won't lose. Not to them. I will not lose...not again.

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