Chapter 16

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It's been a week now and It seems that Naruto and I are beginning to become closer and closer each day.. Its crazy because two weeks ago I would've never imagined myself even talking to him.. It's weird at times though, he's changed so much since we were kids but at the same time not really.
*Knock Knock*
I snapped out of my thoughts and walked towards the door.
I opened it and there he was holding a boque of lavender flowers.
I looked at him kind of confused and asked can I help you..
Hi Hinata.. can we talk..
I stood there in the middle of the door staring at him.
*sigh* come in..
*30 minutes before*
I couldn't get my mind off her.. I need to fix this.. I got dressed and stopped by the store she loves before stopping at her house. I walked in and looked around. Hmm what should I get her.. I walked down the floral section and found the perfect gift. Lavender flowers, she loves the smell of lavender, these are perfect..
I purchased them and started to head towards Hinatas house. I dont even know what im going to say.. ugh.. whats the worst that can happen..
I arrived at her house and walked up the driveway. Hopefully shes home.
I knocked and prepared myself for the worst..
I moved aside so he could enter inside the house. I closed the door behind me and we walked over towards the table and sat down.
These are for you.. He said as he handed me the flowers.
Thank you.. I took them and found a pretty blue vase and put them in water, I placed them in the center of the table. So.. what did you want to talk about I asked him..
Look.. I'm sorry about everything. It was never my place to speak to you the way I did and act like such a douch bag to you. We were suppose to be friends and I was being the complete opposite of that.
I looked at him in the eyes. You know you really hurt me.. but.. We both said things that day, so im sor-
Don't.. please.. don't apologize Hinata.. I was in the wrong, you never were.. not even once. I came here today to make amends with you. I miss you..

Hey Hinata! Do you have a-.. oh.. sorry for interrupting your guy's conversation.. Naruto walked in from the garage with grease all over him in a white tangtop and black jeans.
No, you're not interrupting at all Naruto. Kiba.. came here to apologize to me..
Hi Naruto.
Hey kiba.
Naruto looked over at me and smiled. Im glad.
I looked at Naruto kind of confused as to what he was even doing here, yet alone him being glad about me apologizing to Hinata..
Kiba, You're one of Hinatas bestfriends. You mean the world to her, and im glad you two are making up. Everyone needs their friends he said smiling.

I looked at Naruto and thought to myself, wow.. if this were Sauske things would have played out a whole lot differently.. im so lucky to have you Naruto-kun..
Then I looked at Kiba, alright I accept your apology.. let's just go back to how we use to be. I was able to tell Kiba wanted to cry but he held it all in.
Oh Hinata.. he got up and ran to me pulling me in a tight embrace and didn't let go till he was ready. I returned the embrace just as long as he did.
Naruto laughed alright im gonna go back to working on my car I'll leave you two to catch up. Alright ill be out in a little Naruto-Kun. Dont worry about it Hinata! Spend time with him.
Thank you Naruto, Kiba said with a sincere tone. Naruto just smiled and gave a nod and left.
*Narutos POV*
I walked back into the garage. I can feel my body getting heated and starting to shake. I hit the punching bag that was in the garage hanging til my knuckles started to bleed. That Kiba.. he makes me sick. I know you love her Kiba.. and that's what pisses me off even more. Ugh.. I can't let Hinata know how I really feel about him, I cant do that to her. As long as he doesn't come between her and I then theres nothing I can do.
I cleaned off my knuckles and went back under my car. Not even 5 minutes into it I hear someone coming.
Oh great.
*Kibas POV*
Mind if I use your bathroom I need to seriously piss.
Not at all.
Ok thanks ill be right back.
I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. What the fuck is he doing here. I thought I was gonna have to be dealing with Sauske, not Naruto.. ugh that speech about friends ha! Get over yourself man. That smile was so fake I was able to see right threw you. Whatever.. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Lets go have a friendly chat with the Uzumaki.
I walked out the bathroom back towards Hinata. Hey im gonna go chat with Naruto really quick ok.
Oh ok she said kinda confused.
*Naruto & Kiba*
Hey Naruto.
I sighed and got out from under the car. Yea? I replied. What exactly are you doing with Hinata. Kiba asked with an annoying tone.
That's really non of your buisness now is it dog breath.
She's to good for you Naruto. And frankly, you dont deserve her.
That may be true Kiba, but ill tell you something, I stood up and walked towards him only inches away from his face, while looking down to him I said.. I can treat her and protect her better than any man can. I will always lay my life on the line to make sure that woman is safe, as long as im still alive and breathing I will always be there for her, no matter what. And anyone who gets in between her and I, well, then were gonna have some serious problems. I said with a smirk.
Thats funny Naruto. Last I checked you were off pretending Hinata didn't exists all because someone couldn't man up and confess how he really felt towards her. Instead you ignored her and made her feel even shittier about herself. Her first love and her first kiss and you just drop her.
Naruto looked at him wide-eyed. How do you know about our kiss.
Kiba laughed. Please Im her Bestfriend. She tells me everything. Specially about the time you ditched her at the movies, she waited all day for you. And again, you just left her standing, waiting, getting her hopes up and crushing her without a single care in the world. Yea Naruto, not that innocent are you.
Shut up Kiba. You have no idea what went on that day.
Oh yea? Enlighten me Naruto.
I grabbed Kiba by the collar of his shirt lifted him up and slammed him against the wall. I suggest you go back inside and play nice with Hinata, go back and pretend everything is fine and dandy. Otherwise I will make your life a living fucking hell.
¤I seen Narutos fangs starting to protrude outwards. His eyes were filled with hate towards me, even more now.. shit I just got Hinata back I cant loose her again.¤
Fine. Only because I don't want to see you crush our little Hyuga anymore. I said as I pushed Naruto off me. But right before I walked away I heard him say..
Come between Hinata and I, then you might just end up in a doggy bag, got that mutt!
Whatever Naruto, you dont scare me.
Mark my words Kiba. I will kill you with no hesitation. Stray from your feelings towards her, she will never love you.
Kiba just kept walking till he closed the door behind him.
*Hinatas POV*
He's been talking to Naruto for a while now.. I wonder if everhthing is ok..
Ugh im just over thinking of course everything's ok..
But still.. something didn't feel right..
I sat on the couch when I heard the back door open and Kiba walked inside. Hey! What took so long Kiba?
Oh you know just guy stuff. Kiba laughed and smiled.
Oh I'll be right back Im sure Naruto must be hungry. I walked out the door with a cup or ramen and a sandwitch on the side that I prepaired him while i was waiting for them to finish talking I even had a bottled water in my pocket for him. I walked outside and opened the door to the garage and seen him under the car. I smiled, Naruto I brought you some lunch, it isn't much but it should hold you until dinner. He got out from under the car, Thanks Hinata! You're the best he said giving me a big smile. Im starving its like you read my mind! I laughed at him as he started to eat his ramen first. So, is everything ok between the two of you..
He looked up at me with a full mouth and said yea, We had a good talk. Why? He said swallowing the food that was in his mouth.
Oh nothing, im just over thinking things I said laughing nervously.
Next thing I knew he was standing in front of me and said,
Hinata.. I would never do anything to hurt you, whatever or who ever you choose to have in your life is all up to you. Im not here to control you, as long as your happy im happy. I will always have ypur back on whatever you choose to do.. But if you need someone's ass kicked then ill happily do that for you too he said with a short laugh. But seriously.. I.. I well.. I love you, Hinata..
I looked up at him with my eyes wide open stairing at him.. I love you too Naruto-Kun... He cupped my face leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine..
It felt magical.. just like when we were kids...
He parted from me and looked me in the eyes.. Hinata, will you please be my girlfriend.. can we make 'this' official..
I looked at him with tears in my eyes, yes Naruto.. I'd love to be your girlfriend.. I felt butterflies in my stomach just like when we were younger. I've missed him so much..
*Kibas POV*
Man she's taking forever how long does it take to give someone lunch. I walked out to the garage but before I opened the door I heard him ask her.. and then thats when she said yes to him..
My heart broke that second.. I better go.. Naruto was right.. she'll never love me. I was a fool to think she'd ever be with me. Whatever..
I walked back inside and left her a note and I walked out her front door and didn't bother to look back.
*Hinatas POV*
You better get back in there he's probably bored out of his mind.
Ok Naruto, I'll see you in a little. He gave me a peck on the lips before I left. I walked back outside into the house and seen that Kiba was nowhere in the house. I seen a paper on the table..

Hey Hinata,
Something came up I had to leave congrats on the whole new boyfriend thing. Im happy for you. I'll talk to you later.

Huh.. I guess he must have heard Naruto ask me. Well ill call him tomorrow hopefully everything is ok with him. I walked towards the room with all the books that no one ever goes into. I opened a window and blinds and sat down on an old couch my mom use to always sit at. This room seriously needs to be redone. I sat there for a while just remembering the books my mom use to read to us. I miss her so much.. I felt two hands come up from behind me and started to rub my shoulders.. I looked up at him and he was already looking down smiling at me. Lets redo this room, you seem to like it in here, you come in here a lot whether you notice it or not. I looked up at Naruto and smiled yea it was one of my moms favorite rooms.
He looked at me and said well lets paint it and make it look nice again.. it'll be fun.
I looked up at him, really!
He laughed at me and replied yes really. He came and sat next to me and said this really  is a peaceful room. We'll start tomorrow he said smiling.
I just laid my head on his shoulder not caring about the grease. Thank you love.. it means so much to me..
Anything for you darling.. Anything for you he said resting his head on top of mine.
I love you Naruto..
I love you too Hinata.

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