Chapter 14

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Hey Saskue! Why arnt you in the room with Hinata? Not now Naruto.
Eh.. uh.. ok?..
¤ How could she be so stupid.. ¤

I wonder what happened to them, Maybe I should go check on her. I walked down the hall to her room slowly opening it and walked in hey Hinata you ok? Oh.. she's sleeping. I wonder what happened..

* 1 week later. *
I stood in front of my drive way that leads to my house damn it's good to be home. I walked up the drive way to my door and noticed some kind of lock on it hmm what's this? I dug a hole near my gardens till I finally dug up a small tin box where I hide my extra key, I stuck the key in only to find that it wouldn't turn.. whaaa! Why isn't it opening!! Then I noticed the locks are different!! Who changed my locks!! I said pouting.. maybe the back doors lock is the same! I rushed over my fence and ran to the old back door yes! It's still the same! It was kind of hidden because it blended into the color of the walls. The only other people who knew about it are Kiba, Shino, and Heather. I turned the key opening the door leading to a closet it was dusty and had cobwebs all over it, I haven't been through here in years.. I locked the door behind me and continued to walk in. It was a big closet that had old cloths and old pictures that I had forgot about I turned the light on that suprisingly still worked and sat on an old box and started rummaging through old stuff. Wow.. I came across a few old pictures of my family some of just my mother father and I, and some of all four of us.. but one picture caught my eye.. I remember this picture.. It was me and my mom when I was only 10 years old, my dad took a picture of us without us knowing, we were by the coi pond feeding the coifish. We were sitting on a small bench that was surounded by vines and pretty flowers.. I loved this one because it was unexpected and beautiful..suddenly I felt warm tears creeping out of my eyes and falling onto the picture leaving a stain on the frame.. I miss you so much mom.. I wish you were here with me.. I sat in that closet for an hour just crying.. It's been a while since I last cried like this..
That sounds like Naruto.. how did he get in here?? I quickly whipped my eyes and grabbed the pictures that I found and quietly walked out of the closet. N-naruto? Hey hinata! How'd you get in?? He said with a confused look on his face well anyways here I forgot to give you this. A key?? Yes haha see Saskue had me hold onto it for him and I forgot to give it to you before I left yesterday. I found it in my pants pocket and rushed to the hospital but they told me you were already released so I drove over here to make sure you didn't get stuck outside. Oh thank you Naruto that was nice of you I said with a smile and blush.. Yea Saskue and I cleaned up your place and I went half with him on the new locks and alarms you like them? Yes I do thank you! I said lieing because I haven't had a chance to even check out my home i was so caught up with flash backs of the old times.. uh.. are you ok he asked with a concerned face.. oh yea I'm fine Naruto I said with a smile again.
¤She's lieing.. that smile is as fake as it can get.. and her eyes are a bit swollen and red.. has she been crying?.. ¤ You know you can always talk to me about anything right Hinata?.. I may not look like it but I'm a good listener I said with a half smile. Thank you again Naruto, I'll keep that in mind. And almost instinctively I wrapped my arms around his broad neck and just started crying.. I couldn't stop..I fell to the ground leading him with me and I just broke.. he didn't say a word, he just held me while I cried we sat in the middle of the floor all you could hear was crying and nothing more.. between getting put in the hospital, fighting more with Kiba, not hearing from Saskue for a week.. and now to old memories hitting me in the face.. It wasn't till 30 minutes later when I finally calmed down and stopped crying.. I just sat there in Naruto's arms feeling safe, calm, protected.. loved... Saskue should've been the one here doing this.. he should've been here for me for the past week.. but it was only Naruto who stayed by my side the whole time.. everyday he would visit me.

¤ Why Saskue.. why are you shutting me out...¤
You ok now?.. yea.. I'm sorry.. ju- scared, tired, worried.. he said cutting me off. Yes... It's going to be ok, things will get better and I'll be here every step of the way he said with a big smile and small blush. Oh Naruto-Kun thank you I said hugging him. So.. again, how exactly did you get in here?? Oh haha follow me I'll show you! We walked down the hall into a room with couches a t.v bookshelfs everywhere and a small radio in the left corner i watched her walk to a bookshelf it was tall like the other ones and she pulled a book and I looked at it confused as hell, you got in here from a book I said confused. She started laughing turning red no no no come here and look she said smiling so I walked over and seen a knob from where she pulled the book .. huh?.. she turned the knob and it was a door! That's so cool!! Holy shit!! As the door opened it revealed a room with old boxes and cloths huh? It's just a closet? It use to be nicer but father decided to just store old stuff in here and make it into a closet since no one really used these rooms. Huh ok but how does this explain how you got in he said laughing. You're so impatient Naruto I said teasing him. I turned the light on and opened the back door that led to the backyard. wow!! This Is really cool! Its camouflaged into the wall even the knob and lock. Damn I'm jealous!
I laughed, yea father put a lot of time and hard work into the house. He was smart with things like this.. he designed it himself. Seriously? He's a creative man huh. Yea, he was.. was? What do you mean Hinata. Well ever since my mom died his creative side just stopped. She was the reason he was happy and she brought out his creative side, now he's just strict and angry all the time, we all kind of changes since she died.
I don't blame the guy, loosing the woman you love.. I couldn't imagine how he feels.. Naruto said looking at the sky with a sad look on his face..
¤ That's like me loosing Hinata, I couldn't imagine loosing her.. that's why I staid with her and visited her every day.. Saskue.. well I haven't heard or seen him since the day he walked out of Hinatas room just leaving her.. that's bastard.. I don't know how he could leave her in her time of need.. you don't deserve her.. neither do I, but I'm trying to make up for the shit I've done..¤
I snapped out of my head, sorry I was just.. Yea sorry. It's ok Naruto-Kun.
You have a nice back yard by the way. It's real pretty it just needs a little man power haha if you don't mind id like to fix it up for you. I blushed I mean.. if you want... I have no problem with it.. there's things i need to fix up as well. So maybe we can work on it together? Yea sounds like a plan! he said with a big smile again. Umm maybe this weekend if your not buisy? That sounds great I said smiling at him. C'mon let's go inside now I've been craving cinnamon rolls! Haha ok let's go we can go to the store and make some! That sounds like a great idea I said with a small laugh. We walked out to the drive way and I suddenly realized.. Naruto you have a car??? Oh haha yea! I got it a couple days ago I've been saving up for one for a while now and finally got my baby! It's not as nice looking as Saskues but it runs pretty good! It was a two door red racing car. It's real nice Naruto! I'm happy for you! You've been wanting this kind of car since we were kids I remember you always talking about it. Yea and like I promised before.. your going to be the first pasanger! he said winking at me as he opened the door for me.
¤ I can't believe he remembers promising me that.. that was so long ago.. when we use to be bestfriends.. when i use to think we'd grow up and marry one another.. but that was so, so long ago..¤
He jumped in the driver's side, you buckled up! Yea I am! Ok cool! He started the car it was loud and sounded nice and it smelt like cherries in here! It was so nice. Next thing I know I'm holding on for dear life! N-nar-naruto! Slow down you're going to fast you're going to crash!!
I looked over at her as I raced down the street and noticed her gripping onto my arm I couldn't help but love it, whaat? Speed up? Ok! Nooooo!! Ahhh! God her scream was cute.. ugh this girl is adorable!

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