Chapter 17

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I woke up to birds singing in the trees by the window and arms wrapped arou nd me. I turned and kissed my girl on her forhead and gently got out of bed making sure not to wake her. I stretched walking towards the bathroom and jumped in the shower. Once I was done I left a note on the table by her night stand where she was able to find it quickly. I walked downstairs out towards the garage and jumped in my car. Hell yea I fixed this beauty up and now she's running like a champ! I zoomed on down towards an old friends hardware store, my dad use to take me there every weekend to earn my pay. Id help the old shop keeper with whatever he needed done. He was always such a happy man.

*ding ding*
Welcome Naruto! Long time since I seen you, how are you doing? How can i help you today? The old shop keeper said smiling with joy in his eyes when he seen me.
Hey Mr.Shing! I said walking up to him giving him a bear hug. Ive been good, been busy. How have you been?
Oh I've been alright, keeping up with the shop as usual.
Im glad to hear that. If you ever need help with anything just give me a call.
Always Naruto. Such a good young man he said smiling as he put his hand on top of my shoulder.
Now.. what do you need son?
Oh I came here for painting supplies and decorations.
Oh? Decorations huh? Is there a young lady in your life now? He said winking at me.

Yea she's great her names Hinata Hyuga she's the most amazing girl I've ever had the honor to meet.
His eyes opened wide and looked at me. You mean that cute little girl that you use to bring over at times? Oh wow I bet she's beautiful now! Congratulations son!
Wow you remember her Mr.Shing! It was such a long time ago!
Ah yes. I remember. I'd always hope that the two of you would get together. Such a lovely pair you were he said smiling.
C'mon now son lets go look around everythings on the house he said walking off.
Oh really? Thank you!
*Hinatas POV*
I rolled over to wrap my arms around Naruto and when I didn't feel him next to me my eyes opened quickly, I started to look around and noticed a note was on my night stand. I opened the note..

Good Morning darling,
I went to the store to pick up some stuff for today. If you're awake before I get back take a shower and throw on some old cloths you dont wear anymore. Be back soon.

I put the note down and rememberd that we were going to fix up the old reading room. Oh Naruto you're so amazing! I ran and quickly jumped in the shower.
*Narutos POV*
Oh man she's gonna love all these I couldn't decide what color to pick so I chose several. Might as well paint her room and any other room she wants to do. This is gonna be a fun day. I walked down an aisle and seen something that caught my eye.. I quickly ran to it. Yes.. This is perfect..
I grabbed everything I needed and walked to the register.
Son what are you doing? I told you everything is on me.
No I cant do that Sir, I need to pay for something that is kind of pricey that you have in the back.
Hmm? Mr.Shing raised his eye brow looking kind of lost. Ok show me what you're looking at and we can make some kind of deal he said smiling.
We walked back down the aisle and I pointed out what I was going to buy.
Oh my, this is what you want?
Yes it is I replied without looking away from it. Theres a few more things I'd like to buy as well. I took him and showed him everything I wanted and he just nodded and said alright.
We went to the register and added everything up.
Ok thats all going to come out to $1,800. Naruto I can easily give you these things half off.
I refused and told him I will pay the whole price.
Mr.Shing just shook his head. Just like your father he said teasing.
I paid him the money and took the paint supplies to my car. He walked outside with me and looked at my car and started laughing.
Hey whats so funny?
Oh Naruto son, how are you going to fit that stuff in your car? What you bought is bigger than your car he said laughing still.
I couldn't help but laugh with him. Oh man you're right!
No worries son, We have small trailers for items like that. I'll lend you the trailer just bring it back before closing tonight.
Thank you sir you're the best I said as I picked him up hugging him.
I hooked up the trailer to my car and waved to him goodbye.

Man I couldn't just take all this for free or half off.. I know his store isn't doing so well. $1,800 wasn't going to break me.. My family is rich but I've never botherd to tell anyone that. We didnt live fancy or anything like that, my dad enjoyed the simplicity and so did I. My dad owns a couple businesses and my mom does as well. Well, did..
My dad always taught me to work for my money because nothing was ever handed out to you for free in the buisness field. He taught me to work hard and to always be humble and nice.
Thats why id always go to Mr.Shings store and do anything he needed, that and because i enjoyed helping the old man out. He's an amazing person.

As I was driving I noticed I drove down a street I normally don't take I was so caught up in my mind thinking about my mom and dad.. oh well why not take a different rout. I seen a small box on the side of the road in front of an odd looking house. Im honestly not sure why I even stopped to look at what was in it but im glad I did. Inside the box was a cage with a lock that was connected to the house with a chain. And inside the box were two puppies.. they looked dehydrated and hungry. I felt my body begin to heat up and I walked up to the house and banged on the door. A middle aged guy walked out with a cigarette in his mouth. What do you want kid. He said giving me a mean look. I stared him dead in the eye and asked who's puppies.
Mine. He replied. I felt my fist tighten up.
Im asking $1,000 each.
$1,000 each! That's not gonna work. I'll give you 500 each. Considering how unhealthy they are thats the best you're gonna get. And im even giving you more than what they are worth.
Get the fuck out of here kid. $1,000 each or no puppy for you!
Ok.. I'll just call the pound and cops. The cops will take you in for animal abuse and I just dont think you want all that.
He looked at me knowing i wasnt kidding. Fine. Annoying ass brat. He went back into the house for the keys to the lock and when he did I seen a male and female dog run to the side of the gate. Im guessing the parents to the puppies. They looked even worse..
He walked out the door looking at me. They're mean dogs. Don't bother trying to take them. Can't seem to get rid of em.
So thats how you treat them! Look at them! Why have fucking dogs for!!
Wasn't my idea. My ex girlfriend wanted them so I bought them from someone i paid an arm and a leg for these dumb shits. Next thing I know she left me and these ugly ass dogs too. So then i got stuck with them.
I gripped my fist. I'll take them off your hands.. I'll even throw in an extra 300..
Look kid I told you they're mean. So don't bother.
I don't care. You want them off your hands or not.
He just laughed. Whatever. Fine. He went back inside and grabbed there collar and leashes. Here he said throwing it at me. I caught it with one hand. Unlock the cage to the puppies while I go take care of these two.
Whatever kid.
I walked towards the gate and the two dogs were growling and barking. They really are aggressive.. but i guess I'd be too if I were them in this shitty place .. I squated down to there level on the other side of the fence and talked to them trying to calm them down.
Hey guys I know your scared, hungry and thirsty.. but im here to rescue you and take you away from this place.. I promise im a good guy and I have someone very special that will love you like you guys deserve. C'mon calm down...
And surprisingly they did.. they stopped barking and growling. They looked.. scared.. and almost as if they were asking for help.. I opened the gate slowly trying not to scare them even more.
They will just attack you! So its your funeral! The nasty guy said laughing.
I ignored them and continued to stay calm. You guys won't attack me.. Good babies I said slowly sticking out my hand to pet them. As I was reaching for them one quickly pushed his head to my hand wanting to be loved and the girl jumped on me licking my face making me fall backwards. I started laughing and I yelled, So scary so mean and vicious! I got up and put there things on and took them out from the side of the house and brought them to the car. The male quickly jumped in the back but the female ran towards her puppies whimpering. I pat her on the head its ok girl there coming with us. I reached down to pick up the puppies and the guy quickly said my money now kid! I held the two pups in my arms and said give me a minute. I set them in the back seat with the dad and right when i was going to turn around the mother dog attacked the guy biting his arm making him drop the knife to the ground that he was gonna use to stab me with. I grabbes the knife and threw it inside his house and jumped on top of him punching him over and over till his face was no longer visible and all there was, was blood.. everywhere.. he passed out only 2 minutes in..
I grabbed the female dog that was still latched onto the guys arm and put her in the back seat while telling her what a good girl she was. I jumped in my car and drove off quickly. I wasn't planning on paying the guy anyways I laughed to myself.

Shit.. whats Hinata going to think when I bring her all these dogs..
Crap.. Im sure she'll understand..

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