Chapter 20

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It's been a month and a half now since he's been gone.. I recieve letters from him here and there but it doesn't make anything better.
The pain still hasn't stopped.. Now a days I just spend them in silence or playing with the dogs but my mind never leaves me alone..
I left school and finished up online. I didn't bother going to graduation, even though I know thats what Naruto would've wanted.. but still.. I couldn't have gone without him.
I visit his father a few times a week just for simple conversation or I go to cook him meals.
I enjoy his company not only because he comforts me, he reminds me so much of Naruto.. They both are such good men...
Oh Naruto..
I miss you so much..
*Narutos POV*

Its been about almost two months now. My comrads and I are exhausted. This war is never ending.. We split into 8 different groups since we arrived here. Tsunade made me the commander of mine.. I remeber specifically asking for Sasuke to be on my team.. but she said the team I have now is best suited for me. I didn't bother arguing with her because I knew she wouldn't change her mind.
I try my best not to think about home and how much I miss my loved ones. I can't afford to get distracted with others lives in my hands. And besides I made a promise that I will be returning back.. I plan on keeping that promise.

C'mon men! Were moving out. Let's go.

*Sasukes POV*

Fuck.. this is never ending. I've been put in charge of my team so I guess you can say im the commander. Its something i typically wouldn't agree apon but Tsunade wasn't giving me an option. Id always look around for Naruto but I can never seem to find him. Our teams are miles separated but still I hope to always come across him.
I guess I'd be a big liar if I said I didnt miss him.
He may be annoying but.. he is my best friend.
Fuck I seriously can't wait till this shits over. Then I can go and fix everything and possibly move far away from that shitty town.
Just two and a half more months..
Thats is I make it back alive..
*Time skip to 3 months now*
Just one more month and we'll have him back home I said to Minato.
Yea, I know I can't wait..
I haven't been much of a father to him since his mother.. but when he gets back Im going to change that.
Im glad to hear that Minato, I think Naruto would love that. I said smiling.
*Narutos POV*

One more month boys and we can go home.
Commander Uzumaki?
I stood up and said right here. A soldier came and deliverd a letter to me. It was from Tsunade.

Tomorrow at dawn all soldiers are to meet at the south gates. All teams will be traveling together for these last 3 weeks of war. Lets do our best to conquer and end this sick war once and for all. Be safe and be smart. I will see you all tomorrow.


I folded up the letter and gave everyone the announcments.
Alright soldiers lets get some sleep and in a few hours we will make our way towards the south gates.
Everyone went off to bed accept me.. I layed awake that night.. Sasuke.. there are some things we need to discuss.. I hope I see you tomorrow. I got up out from my sleeping bag and went to sit somewhere by myself. I pulled out a pen and paper and started to write my last goodbyes to the people I love.
I know I promised I'll be back, but still.. Just in case things don't go as planned..
*Sasukes POV*

I gave my soldiers the announcements and sent everyone off to bed. I stood awake that night. I went off and sat under the moon, I live for nights like these, the stars are out and the moons the only thing that lights up the land. I layed down and watched the stars. Tomorrows when yhe actual ear begins..
I hope I see you tomorrow, Naruto..
Theres no one else I'd rather be fighting side by side than with you my friend..
*The following morning*

The alarm rang and everyone was up and ready. I got everyone together and we were off.
It took us an hour to reach our destination we were the first to arrive and soon after all the other teams slowly made there way.
I sat in a tree as I watched all the soldiers meeting up with old friends and exchanging stories. I smiled seeing how happy everyone was. I scanned the area and he still was nowhere in sight. All teams accept 4 were here. I had a bad feeling something wasnt right. I climbed higher into the trees skanning all alond our area and nothing.
Somethings not right..
I jumped down and found tbe Hokage.
Tsunade! Something's wrong Sasukes team.. they haven't arrived yet, we have to find them!
We dont have time Naruto! The wars about to begin.
I stood gripping my fists.
So you're just going to abandon them!
I have no choice Naruto! Now go get in your team and get ready were moving out!
No Tsunade! Im not leaving them behind!! I yelled angrily as I ran towards my team.

Alright guys Shikamaru is going to be in charge now. Theres something I need to go do.
But Naruto you're our leader! You've got us all out alive if it wernt for you half of us wouldn't be here right now! A soldier cried out.
Im sorry guys.. I know its unexpected but I need to go help my friend..
Somethings not right and I know he needs me right now.
Then were going with you.
I looked at them with tears in my eyes.. you guys know Tsunade would never alow th-
We dont care what she does and doesnt allow..
Like they said before if it wasn't for you half of us wouldn't be here right now Shikamaru spoke up.
Were going with you.
I looked up with tears forming as I wiped them away before they could fall and said
Thank you.. you guys are the best team I could've possibly asked for..
Alright now lets go! I said as we started taking off.
We ran towards the only area that team 4 could possibly be at.

Narutooo!!! I heard Tsunade yell with rage in her voice.
You fucking brat! You better come back alive you hear me!

Will do old lady! I yelled waving. Not bothering to look back.

She shook her head and gave her attention back towards the other teams.
Move out everyone! She yelled with anger.
Lets go kick some ass! As she said leading the way towards the frontlines.

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