Chapter 13

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.. Beep..beep..beep..
Where.. where am I..
I looked to the left of the room.. I'm in the hospital, but why?.. I tried moving but all I felt was intense pain coming from all over my body.. shit.. what did I do to myself.. I turned my head to the right, Sasuke.. no.. still trying to adjust my eyes until they finally focused on who was sitting across the room.. I couldn't believe who it was. I would've never thought.
His eyes met mine and we both just looked at each other almost as if we were complete strangers. I finally broke the silence..
What are you doing here.
Oh you know its Nice to see you to Hinata. His voice so serious almost as if he was a different person but still with that same sarcasm.
He just staired at me. It wasn't until a couple minutes later he started looking as if he wanted to cry..
I held back my tears, I can't let her see me like this. C'mon pull yourself together dude..
You almost died.
Yea well I didn't. I'm fine n..
NO you're not "fine" look at yourself! You can't even move. So don't give me that "I'm fine" shit, alright.
¤I dont want to deal with him right now.. ¤ I played with my fingers not knowing how to act yet alone what to say..
Hinata you almost got yourself killed. What would I have told your father.. or Hinabi. Huh? Oh I'm sorry she died fighting off four guys insisting she was capable of handling herself, instead of fleeing and going to get help.
Alright! It was stupid I know ok! It was stupid and reckless! I.. I didn't know what to do.. I didn't expect them to be that strong.. I thought I had it under control.
Yea well you thought wrong!

That's coming from Hinatas room! C'mon Naruto!
¤A million of things rushed to my mind.. all i knew is that Hinatas voice sounded in distress.. I flung the door open seeing who it was.. not this idiot of all people why him. My anger took control of me and that was the only thing I was reacting on..pure anger, and without thinking everything escalated... ¤What the fucks going on in here! ¤I know that voice its my boyfriends..¤ I spun my head towards the right and seen Sasuke pissed as hell and Naruto right next to him with an angerd face.. not as pissed as Saskue though..
Get out. Now!
Whatever Saskue Why don't you stay the hell out of it asshole.
I'm the asshole? You're the one in here yelling at her, she's barely waking up and you decide to announce to the whole damn hospital "how you feel" yet I'm the asshole, right Kiba. Get the fuck out of my girls room, now. ¤his girl..¤ I looked over at Hinata with her head down playing with her fingers..
Kiba.. I think it's best if you go, now's not a good time. Naruto said with a firm voice.
Whatever. This discussion isn't over Hinata.
Oh it's definitely over kid. Sasuke stood only inches apart and a few inches above Kiba, Narutos standing right beside me so nothing would hit me.. Saskue's sharingan activated, kibas fangs already protruding and Akumaru right next to him in a fighting stance growling.. ¤Kibas gonna get himself killed, Sauske is more powerful than him.. I can't let this happen..¤
Leave Kiba. I'll talk to you later I said with a strict tone..
He looked at me, leave.. pathetic he said as he walked out.

Sasuke stood outside the door closely watching Kiba as he left. ¤shit kiba almost got destroyed by Sasuke.. I couldn't help but notice Hinata looked nervous.. should I talk to her.. mmm.. shit fuck it whats the worst that can happen¤ Well.. uhh.. glad you're up how do you feel? Naruto had asked.. fine I replied, not once taking my eyes off Sasuke It'll be ok Hinata, you just scared him.. hes not the easiest person to deal with when hes like this .. just give it some time.. I looked up an Naruto smiling at me, Thanks Naruot-kun I said as I watched him leave the room, my eyes reverted back at Saskue.. finally he turned to look at me his eyes meeting mine.. sadness and anger is all I seen.. enough for me to look away with no words being exchanged.. just silence.

¤My eyes met her's and all I could feel was fear and anger.. I almost lost her.. what would I have done if I lost the only meaning in my life.. I'd be lost again.. I'd fall back into my old self where all I would see is rage and destruction..¤
I walked half way in the room, get some rest I said as I walked out the door closing it behind me.
I didn't say a word, didn't try to make him stay with me.. nothing.. I just closed my eyes and fell back to sleep, the only thing that can take me away from this place right now..

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