Chapter 18

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I drove down to the pet store rolled the windows down for the dogs and ran inside buying them food, bowls, toys, shampoo,beds and flee medicine. That should do it for now.
*Hinatas POV*
Geez he's been gone for a long time now. I wonder if everything is ok.. I hope nothing happened to him. I can't call him because he forgot his cellphone here. Shit.. please be ok Naruto..
I went to sit down on the couch and put on some music and try to get my mind off it. Next thing i knew i heard a car pull up to my drive way and i quickly ran outside but my smile quickly turned into a frown.. what is he doing here..
I watched him get out of the car and walk up towards me.. and like nothing, all he said was..
Hi Hinata.
I took a step back. What are you doing here Sasuke. What do you want! I yelled.
I want to talk Hinata. I Need to talk to you.
Get out of here. There's nothing to talk about.
There's a lot we need to talk about.
No theres not Sasuke.
Leave now.
Fine if thats what you want. But this conversation isn't over. I still love you Hinata. He said as he got back in his car and before he drove off I quickly ran to him..
I opened his door and pulled him out and looked him in the eyes..
He looked at me right back. He leaned in and so did I..
Right before our lips touched I punched him in the face.. hard. He stood there looking at me confused. What the fuck was that for! He yelled.
Don't ever come back to my house. And don't ever tell me you love me again.
I hate you Sasuke Uchiha.
Stay away from me.
Oh Hinata.. You dont hate me.
You just hate what I've done. And I can understand that. I was a fool to ever lose you to Him.. I'll be back Hinna. That i Promise you.
I looked at him not knowing what to say to that.. I suddenly felt uneasy..
No you won't Sasuke. I heard an angry voice tell him.
It was Naruto..
Leave and never come back.
Im giving you fair warning, next time you come here I swear Sasuke.. I will fucking hurt you.
Whatever you say Naruto. Sasuke replied in a cocky tone.
I looked at Naruto and his eyes were beginning to change and his fangs were starting to show.. this is gonna be bad.. is all i thought.
Sasuke smiled and said..
I guess when we meet again it'll be a little bloody.. he gave a small laugh and jumped back into his car and drove off.
Naruto just stood watching him drive off as if he wanted to kill him.. those eyes.. I haven't seen those in a long time.. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around him embracing him tightly. I could feel his rage and anger slowly start to subside.. but still.. This feeling is so unsettling.. He turned to me and looked down at me and smiled.. his eyes were back to his regular saphire color. And his fangs slowly made there way back into his gums..
He leaned his head down kissing my forhead and softly said..
I have a suprise for you..
I looked at him and said what is it? Then thats when i noticed he had blood on his hand and shirt. I took a step back and observed him once more. Nothings wrong with him.. but why does he have blood on him.. Naruto what happened?..
I'll explain later.. go to the back yard and make sure the gates are closed he told me. I looked at him and said ok.
Confused as hell i walked to the backyard closed the side gate and sat on a chair waiting for Naruto. Next thing I knew i was flat on my back getting attacked with slobbery kisses. 1,2,3,4! Four dogs.. I started laughing because I couldn't take the licking anymore. I sat up and looked at them.. oh shit... what..what happened to them I said looking up at Naruto trying to hold back my tears..
*Narutos POV*
I explained everything to her. And shockingly she didn't cry for that long. She just sat there petting and hugging them telling them everything's going to be ok now. I couldn't help but smile so much knowing she fell in love with them just as much as I did.
We took them inside, fed them then after we bathed them. She even took the time to clip their furr and blowdry them. I seen how happy she got, I didn't realise how much she loved animals. I watched as she groomed and spoiled them. In fact it wasn't till she was siting on the floor with them is when i realised how big they were. The male was taller than Hinata when she sat next to him and the female was Hinatas size! They are only about a year or two so there not even done growing really. Oh shit.. what did I get myself into I thought to myself. Oh well.. as long as she's happy. I walked over and sat next to her and helped groom them. To tell you the truth.. I couldn't be more happier.
*2 hours later*
She fell asleep on the couch next to the dogs so I decided to go fix up the backyard for her. I mowed the lawn and brought the stuff out from the trailer to the backyard. I bought a bench that looked exactly like the one in Hinatas picture where its her and her mom feeding the coi fish. I went over and cut some vines and bushes fixing the corner up and i placed the bench where the old one use to be. I even fixed up the coi pond I put new stones, lillipads and bamboo around it and I cleaned out the water. The only problem is, is that theres no coi fish right now. I'll take her to go buy some later.. I bought this pretty fountain that I know she'll love and set it in the middle of the front yard. I also bought her this awesome canape that i set in the middle of the backyard, I moved her old table and chairs underneath it to make it look nice. Finally I was done.
I sat down under the canape enjoying the fresh air. I turned my head when i heard the sliding door open and it was Hinata holding a big pitcher of pink lemonade.
Oh sorry doll did I wake you?
She nodded no and just stared at me with teary eyes. I got up and asked what was wrong and again she just shook her head. I took the pitcher from her hands and set it on the table and asked once more. Until finally she answerd me.
*Hinatas POV*
No ones ever done something like this for me.. never took the time to even think about me the way you do. Thank you so much Naruto-kun.. It means so much to me I said crying. I just couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I love you so much I said hugging him. He just stood there in silence hugging me..
Hinata, theres some things we need to talk about..
I looked up at him confused and kind of scared.. my mind was starting to race..
*Narutos POV*
I sat her down on the chair and sat in front of her.
Ive been thinking a lot about when we were kids and the things we'd do.. and i feel that there are some things that i need to tell you.
Do you remember when we were kids and always use to hangout..
Yea i remember she said staring at the ground..
Well.. I really liked you back then and to be completely honest.. I was in Love with you, Hinata. I know I blew you off a lot but it was never intentional. See my dad would end up taking me to work with him.. its this family buisness he has all planned out. So I couldn't just tell him no.

Why didn't you just tell me that Naruto? I would've understood..

Well.. I haven't told anyone at all before besides one person.. my family is kind of wealthy.. My dad owns a few businesses and my mom does as well.. well.. she did at least.

Hinata looked at me really shocked and asked What do you mean she did? Did she loose her job?

No.. that's not it.. remember the day we were suppose to go to the movies and I never showed up..

Yea.. I remember..

I didn't blow you off or not show up because I didn't want too.. my mom got into a pretty bad car wreck causing internal bleeding to the brain.. she had a 30% chance of surviving. My dad and I stayed in the hospital waiting.. the doctors later came to us in the waiting room and had said that she was pregnant with his child and they had to cut it out of her.. turnes out to be a baby girl.. she was only 5 months old.. I guess my mom was keeping her a surprise for us.. my mom passed away only minutes after.. and the baby only survives 5 days.. I went to school the next day.. everything was so surreal..I didnt want to believe what happened that night, I kept my mind buisy. The only person who knew about me being rich loosing my mom and baby sister was Sasuke.. It's a love hate relationship with us. There are times where everything is good and times where everything is completly bad. But he was there.. through it all. When i went back to school and seen you that day.. thats when i realized I didn't ever want to fall in love.. I seen what it did to my dad. He works 24/7 just to keep it off his mind. Shit theres even times where he forgets he still has a son. He loved my mom with all he had.. and now without her he's lost. I told myself I dont ever want to have to feel the pain of loosing the person you cherish the most.. Thats why i stopped talking to you. I knew I was already madly in love with you, I knew it the moment I layed eyes on you.. but I also knew I never want to experience his pain. But.. The longer I avoided you the more you consumed my mind. Once I seen Sasuke with you.. there was no way I was able to handle that.. I stayed my distance though only because I knew I didn't deserve you. I just wanted you to be happy.. Im sorry Hinata for ignoring you for all these years.. pretending you didnt exist.. Im so sorry..
I felt warm trails of tears make there way down my cheeks. I grabbed her hands and held them in mine.. Hinata can you ever forgive me.. I said as I sat there crying..
Naruto.. she said with a crack in her voice.. tears falling from her eyes. I forgive you.. you make me happy.. you're the one I love.. I never loved Sasuke.. I only thought I did because he made me feel good about myself.. but to honestly say that I loved him would be a lie.. I was only trying to fool myself and keep you out of my mind..
My heart wanted you.. it's always been you Naruto!
I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be the one you come home to.. I've always wanted to be yours..
I loved you, I never stopped and even when I thought I did I knew deep down my feelings for you were always going to be there..

Hinata... I held her as we sat crying.. oh man we were a mess..
I will never let you go Hinata.. Never again.. Thank you.. Thank you for loving me..
No matter what happens in this life time, I promise I will always be waiting for you in the next one..

⏳Your First Love Always Dies Hard.. ⌛(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now