Chapter 1

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The summer breeze drifted through my fur as I felt the sweat drip down from my dad's workout today.

"Melody!!! your not finished yet."

Yes.. thats my dad. Back when I was 5 years old our pack, The Darkwood pack, was attacked. Sadly the war didn't go in our favor. Not only did my brother and I lose our mom, but my dad lost his mate. He hasn't been the same ever since. My dad felt full responsibility for what happened to our pack and he decided to take it all out on me.

"Melody.... push harder!" Dad screamed

"Yes father." I breathed out. Currently he was having me fight my brother, who for me is really easy to beat. Some Alpha he would have made.

Come on sister.. You can do better. He mindlinked me while trying to go for the end move. My brother was slower than me and his moves were easy to predict.

"Melody.. finish him off already." My dad was getting on my nerves so I waited for my brother, Josh, to make his move. He tried to bite at my front leg and that gave me the chance to jump around him and attack him from behind, from there I quickly jumped on top of him and bit his neck while flipping him over so he was pinned.

Thats how its done brother. I mindlinked him while getting off. He hated when I beat him, which was always, so he sulked away into our wood cabin that he and my dad built for us to live in.

"Melody.. How many times have I told you not to wait. Even though he may be your brother, you shouldn't play around. Now it's time to see if you have learned anything." My dad shifted into his big sandy wolf and got into a fighting stance.

Father... can we take a rest? I'm exhausted. I felt my wolf giving into sleep, but the next thing I know my dad is attacking me. I quickly got out of the way only to be met with my dad attacking me again. I dodged him again and again until my wolf was too tired to move. My dad started to charge at me again, but this time I sidestepped and bit him in the shoulder. I heard him whimper as he started to come at me again. Garnering all the strength that I had left I quickly jumped as high as I could and landed on his back and bit his neck until his wolf slowly got down on the floor submitting to my wolf. I had finally beaten my dad.

After my dad and I were shifted and changed into our clothes we met inside the house.

"That's my girl, Melody." he patted my head and went to the kitchen to start cooking dinner.

Our life is pretty simple now. During the day my dad trains me. He doesn't pay much attention to my brother, but on the days he doesn't train me, he gives my brother pointers. I take care of the garden and go out to get the supplies we need. As a family we run every morning and we eat breakfast and dinner together. During lunch, we practice our hunting and tracking. For 14 years we have lived this simple life. We have minimal contact with the outside world and I'm okay with that. Less contact means the better chance of not meeting my mate. yes.. you read that correctly. My dad has trained me so I can live and support myself. I don't need some wolf telling me I need protection and how I should live my life. Also, I would never want to go through what my father went through. No thank you.

"Father!! I'm going for a run." I screamed

"Okay Melody, don't forget you have to do your chores early in the morning though."

ugh. I hate early morning chores. I never get to sleep in anymore, but I guess that's the consequence of having to live on you own for so many years. Once I was outside I quickly took my clothes off and changed in my my grey wolf with black stockings. I was naturally a fast runner, but I was even faster with all the training my dad had given me. In no time I reached my favorite spot, a waterfall in the middle of the forest. It was in a no mans land so it was free game. After we had escaped my packs defeats, my dad scouted the area to find out what packs are nearby and how close they are from us. Once I got to my spot, I laid down on the ground and put my head on my front legs and just listened to the forest. I must have taken a nap, because the next thing I know I hear a twig snap. My head snapped up in the direction it came from.

Who would be this foolish to come this far away from pack lands?? I thought. I didn't have enough time to hide, because next thing I know a huge black wolf comes barging through the trees into the clearing. He smells the air and once he got a good wiff of my scent he went behind a tree and shifted and came out in shorts and no shirt. I cocked my head to the side at this weird occurrence.

"Who are you she-wolf." I started to back away afraid of what he was going to do to me.

"Stop!" he commanded. He must be an Alpha. The power of the command radiating from his voice would make any other wolf stop in their tracks and submit, but not me. I was alpha blood too and I was strong enough to not fall for it. Just as I was about to turn around and run, I heard him sniff the air again and growl.

"My mate.. my queen. Where do you think your going?" This couldn't be happening.


I should be doing homework right now, but I'm not. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and you enjoy the rest of the book.

Sami xx

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