Chapter 5

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Melody's POV

It's been a week since my last encounter with Caleb and I haven't seen him or smelled him. Maybe I lost him? Doesn't matter I have to keep moving. Right now I'm in the middle of Kentucky getting close to my destination... well closer. I haven't been in my human form since I left home and frankly, I don't mind staying in my wolf form. I realized that I was running low on supplies so I decided to look for the nearest town.

Once I got to the nearest town I shifted back to my human and changed into clothes. Man did it feel good to be human again. My dad gave me some cash before I left so I went to the nearest diner to get some food. Just as I was seated I smelled him. I looked out the window to see him and his guys coming out of the forest. I saw him smell the air and look directly at me. I saw him stride over to the diner. I was stuck and there was no getting out of this situation, I couldn't cause a scene in a town like this. It could blow our cover. I started to look around to find any exits only to see that the closest exit is the entrance. Maybe If I get up fast enough and leave he won't be able to catch me--

"There's no getting away now beautiful." He sat down across from me expecting me to speak. Too bad I wasn't.

"Well... now that you can't get away we have some time to talk. My name is Caleb and I'm the Alpha King. I'm going to take you back to the castle and you will not fight me." The waitress came over to put my food down.

"Oh, I didn't know you were waiting for someone. Would you like anything to eat sir?"

"no thank you." he said while looking into my eyes. The waitress walked away and I started to eat my burger and fries while my mate was watching.

"Are you going to say anything?" I shook my head and went back to eating. I could see he was getting irritated.

"What did I ever do to you?" He screamed whispered to me. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to enjoying my meal. Once I finished the waitress came back to take my plate away and put the bill on the table. I was just about to reach for the bill when Caleb stood up and went to pay for it.

The nerve of him. I looked behind me to see his gang behind us looking at me. One of them waved while the others just stared at me scared. I smirked at myself for making them scared of me. When I saw Caleb coming back I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom. Once I crossed him he took hold of my arm. I felt fire and sparks where he was touching and wanted him to stop touching me before I caved in.

"Where do you think your going missy?" I pointed to the bathroom and he let go of me watching my every move to the bathroom.

Melody, Melody, Melody... how are you going to get out of this situation I thought. Once I opened the door to the bathroom I saw that there was a small window on the opposite wall of where I was standing. I quickly went to the window and saw that it was capable of being open. I used all the strength I had and cracked the window open enough for me to squeezed through it and escaped. I dashed for the tree line and once I got to the trees I undressed and shifted to my wolf and continued running towards Florida.

Caleb's POV

I finally caught up to her and when I saw her she was breathtaking. He brown wavy hair fell to her mid waist and she was petite, but strong. Her eyes were emerald green and took my breath away. Her skin was so clear and her body was just perfect. I was so upset when she didn't respond to me. I just want to take her home with me and get to know her, but she just keeps on getting out of my grasp. Not this time though, I have her cornered and the only way for her to leave is to leave with me.

I was being a gentleman by paying her bill when I saw her getting up and walking towards the exit. I thought she was going to make a dash for the exit so I grabbed her arm and asked where she was headed. I felt the sparks flying between us and I couldn't understand how it didn't phase her. She smelled like heaven.. like a warm summer day.... What did I ever do to her to make her want to run away. I saw her point to the bathroom and understood that she needed to go to the bathroom I let her go and watched her walk into the bathroom.

It's been 10 minutes since she went into the bathroom and I haven't seen her come out. I was wondering if she got hurt. I quickly grabbed the waitress and asked if she could go and check up on her. The waitress went into the bathroom and as quickly as she went in she came out.

"Sorry sir.. no one was in there, but the window was open." Shit... I should have known she was looking for a way to escape.

"Thank you ma'am." I said as I motioned for the guys to follow me. I ran outside and around the dinner and caught her scent right away. Her scent was heading east. Being the stupid me I am, I never got her name or anything about her. It's not totally my fault though... she didn't say a single word to me.

"Come on men. We can't let her get too far." Once again she outsmarted us and it was starting to get on my nerves that she kept getting away soo easily. The next time I saw her I would have to go to extreme measures and tranquilizer her. It was the only way.


Hope your enjoying the book!!! I've decided not to do author notes, but always know that comments, votes and whatnots are always welcome!!

Thanks for reading!!!

Sami xx

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