Chapter 3

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"I found my mate." My dad was very indifferent if I had met my mate or not. It was my choice to accept or not. I was strong enough to live on my own and live my life without depending on someone else. I was grateful my dad trained me to be self-sufficient and strong.

"Ahh.. Well Mel.. I don't know what to say."

"Father he's out in our part of the woods tracking me down. He's the alpha king."

"I see... well if you want him to chase you than so be it, but don't forget to train everyday and keep yourself healthy. If he comes this way I'll protect you and if you get caught I hope to see you again my dear daughter. Queen of all wolves." he winked at me knowing that would get on my nerves.

"Thank you father. I said hugging him and kissing his cheek. Thank you for everything you have taught me and if I do get captured I'm making sure they capture you next so you have to live with me." I started to walk towards the cabin when I heard him chuckle.

I walked into my room and decided to pack knowing that I could probably town hop and pick up food and clothes that way. I also know how to hunt so if it comes down to it, I'll hunt in my wolf form for food. hopefully I can steer him away from here so I can return back to my family. I packed a few pairs of clothes and a water bottle.

"Sister where do you think your going?"

"Running away big bro. I've got my cell phone so I'll call when I can."

"Everything okay?"

"Of course. I met my mate and i'm running away so he can't find me. I don't need to go through what dad went through." Once I packed everything Josh followed me out the door and into our field. "Good bye Josh. I love you very much."

"I'd say be safe, but I have a feeling you can take care of yourself." We walked to the edge of the clearing and I was about to go behind a tree and shift when Josh took hold of my arm. He was holding a key out for me. "Take this. here is the address. There is a lake house in florida that I bought and it's still in our packs custody in case of emergency. Be safe and when and if you get there call." With that I went behind a tree and shifted into my wolf. My brother packed the clothes I was recently wearing into the bag and strapped it onto my wolf. My wolf was abnormally larger than most she wolves since I was an alpha bloodline and from all the training I've done throughout my life. Once everything was set and ready to go my dad came over to where me and Josh were and watched me take off into the forest.

Be careful my daughter and don't forget your tracking and fighting skills. I love you and contact us when you can.

After running a few miles away from the cabin I slowed down to a trot to see where I was. I sniffed the air searching for his scent, but I couldn't find any scent of him. He must have been here a long time ago or hasn't been here yet. The Cabin was located in California so I had to start moving East to make it to Florida. The journey won't be easy and I'll have to be smart about it now that the Alpha King is on my tail.

Just as I was about to start walking again I heard a wolf growl and I felt myself being slammed to the ground and pinned. I looked up only to see my mate's big black wolf above me. He growled with anger and his back up came shortly behind him. One of them went behind a tree and came out wearing shorts.

"My queen..... Caleb says to stand down and shift." the boy looked more nervous and scared than confident. I wasn't going to give up this easily, I was trained to get out situations like this. Using my she-wolf powers I licked Caleb's (I'm guessing thats his name) muzzle and almost instantly he calmed down and relaxed enough for me to use my hind legs to throw him off of me.

Once he was off of me a made a mad dash into the forest. Once again Caleb was chasing after me, but there was no chance he would catch up to me. Using the strategy that my dad taught me I started to run all over the place to make it seem like I was everywhere. I then climbed a tree and watched the show.

Caleb came crashing through the tree every which way until he stopped, shifted and changed into basketball shorts. The rest of his group shifted as well and stood attentively waiting to see what their orders were. Caleb on the other hand looked pissed. He went to a nearby tree and punched it with all of his might making a dent in the bark.

"Where could she have gone." He yelled to his men.... "She couldn't have vanished... again.. we need to find her. If you haven't noticed men she is smart, strong, clever, fast and just amazing." After his rant he calmed down. and sat down underneath a tree.

"Don't worry sir.. We will find her no matter what it takes." one of his men said while patting him on the back.

"Right! alright men.. we have to warn every pack about her. I want all of you to send a message to every pack and tell them to keep a look out for her." Oh no.. this can't be good. I mentally face palmed myself and knew that it was going to be a lot harder to keep a low profile from now on. It's a good thing he doesn't know what I look like in my human form.

"All Done sir." One of his men said.

"Good. Lets continue looking for her." In a minute I was left alone up in the trees.

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