Chapter 23

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Today is a pretty big day and I'm really nervous!


"All is fair in love and war babe"

After he said that to me I chased off after him. We raced through the forest jumping over fallen trees and weaving in and out of trees. It only took me a few strides to catch up to him, but I did and we were neck and neck in the race.

Hey babe wanna see something.

I gave him a confusing looking thinking that I've seen everything that he has to give. As I was watching him and I didn't notice the tree in front of me and hit the tree head on. In the distance, I heard Caleb's wolf laughing taking the lead in the race.

Hey babe... Distraction is a good tactic

My wolf was furious.. She didn't like to loose and she looked like a fool. I quickly shook off my mistake and tried to catch up, but when I made it to the clearing in front of the castle I couldn't see Caleb anywhere. I smugly smiled to myself thinking that I won.

"It's about time you showed up." Caleb said standing in the middle of the clearing fully clothed holding clothes for me in his hand. My wolf didn't like to be mocked either so she turned her back on Caleb and hung her head. I heard Caleb walking behind me and begin petting me. She quickly growled and looked him in the eyes with her ears down, laying down and admitting defeat.

"Don't worry Mel... It' won't be the last time you lose." He joked while petting me between my ears. He knew exactly where I liked to be pet, because the next thing I knew, I was purring for him and he was laughing.

"C'mon babeeee you can't be mad at me forever." He said pushing my clothes closer to me. I picked them up in my mouth and ran behind a tree.

"Really? you still won't change in front of me?" I winked at him before I ran behind a tree to shift and change.

"I think I still won." I said beaming with a smile.

"Oh really? why do you say that?" He said walking the distance to meet me in the middle.

"Because I didn't play dirty." At this point we were about to kiss. He closed his eyes and that was my cue to start walking away. He didn't notice this until a few seconds later.

"HEY!! That wasn't nice." I looked behind me smirked at him.

"Ya well cheaters don't get kisses." I laughed out. This made him mad because the next minute, I pushed up against the wall of the castle and he was kissing my lips with full passion. Half way through the kiss I manage to wrap my arms around his neck and entangle my hands in his hair.

We pulled away and looked into each others eyes with love and admiration. "Well.. I may play dirty, but I got the one thing that matters to me in life." As soon as he said this I tried to hide my blushing face, but he caught me before I could do anything. "Hey... Don't hide from me, your beautiful, mate." He kissed my forehead and then stepped away from me a little bit and held his hands out. I gladly took them and then he looked into my eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I asked nervously?

"Melody... well.." he said nervously scratching the back of his neck. "I was wondering if you would... What I've been wondering is..."

"Caleb!! Just say it."

"Will you take your place as Queen? It's not a proposal, but a step that way. I just want to know if you accept your position as queen." He looked at me nervously thinking that he screwed up.

I automatically jumped into his arms and kissed him on the lips. "Of course."

-----End Flashback---

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