Chapter 27

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"Hello brother. It's about time you came to visit the only family member that is alive."

"Jacob. What is this war all about?"

"Just some land expansion. You should know all about that since you are King and you technically own all of these lands. I'm just helping to extinguish the weaker packs."

"That is not your call on who you can and can't take out." For a moment I was utterly lost in what was happening, but I decided to stay quiet so that attention wouldn't be brought to me. 

"Also, you're taking pups and mates and killing them. Whats going on with you Brother?" Caleb looked concerned. 

"That's none of your concern since you've already found your mate." He growled while looking in my direction, "but I see that you brought her along. I'm sorry that this is your first impression of me." He walked up to me and held his hand out for me to shake. "My name is Jacob and I'm the alpha of the Blackwood pack. It's an honor to meet a member of the Dark wood pack." I shook his hand and I heard a growl from Caleb.

"Testy, Testy brother. I'm just shaking her hand. Nothing to worry about. I bet she could beat your a**." After that statement, Caleb growled and hung his head. "Oh, you already have. That's my girl....."

"Melody." I said finishing his sentence.

"Beautiful name, but brother I'm sorry I'm going to have to take your mate." I looked at him confusingly and then saw some of his pack members coming to me with silver laced chains. "Now don't worry sweetheart, you'll get your royal hospitality until your mate gives me what I want."

"And what's that?"

"I want to be King obviously, yes I'm younger but I'd do a much better job than Caleb. Do you have a brother?"

"Yes I do, and I was okay with him being Alpha."

"But you're stronger than him aren't you? Which is why you're okay with it."

"If you're not as strong why do you want the title?"

"Because then I can have you." Caleb let out a huge growl when he heard this and the people in the room started to come closer to me. That's when I decided to make my move and I took a knife out and turned Jacob around and pressed the knife to his neck. His pack members immediately stopped.

"Feisty. I see why you like her so much Caleb," Jacob said.

"Strong words for a pup who is weaker than his opponent," I whispered in his ear. "Now I think it would be smart of you to call off your members so we can talk this out in a civilized way. What do you say?"

"If I were your mate I would have put you in your place." With that, I placed the knife closer to his neck. 

"If you were my mate you wouldn't have the power to put me in my place. I come from the best warrior pack that was ever known in history and you think you can overpower me? Your brother can't even overpower me. You would be smart to know what fights you can and can't win." I took the knife away from his neck and pushed him towards his desk. He slowly walked around and sat down while Caleb and I sat in the two chairs on the other side. 

Where did that come from? 

What do you mean? He needs to know his place... Don't worry babe. Well, get through this. 

I love you, babe. 

I love you too

"Can you two stop mind linking each other?" I looked over to Jacob and realized that he looked uncomfortable.

"First thing is first. You have to stop being greedy." Caleb said looking sternly at his brother. "I'm sorry you didn't get the title, but it wasn't my choice and you know that. I thought the best I could do was give you your own pack, but I didn't know you would turn down the path of kidnapping. It's not cool, so what's wrong. I know it's not my title because it's never been a problem." Jacob looked down and exhaled before he looked up and spoke.

"I guess I just miss you and I'm kind of upset I wasn't invited to the party for the queen's ceremony. I feel like we've been out of touch and I didn't know how to get your attention other than acting out. I'm sorry Caleb. Forgive me?"

I looked up at Caleb to see he had tears in his eyes. I put my hand on his thigh and he immediately took it and looked into my emerald eyes and regained his focus. 

"I'm sorry brother. I've been so busy running everything and rebuilding what our father did to the kingdom. Also, Melody here wasn't exactly the easiest to get to commit to being queen and staying with me. I'm sorry I forgot about you for a bit. I promise to be better." I looked over at Jacob and saw that he looked surprised. 

The room was quiet for a few minutes until I broke the silence. "How about in a few weeks you come to the castle and we'll have a family dinner. You and my family so everyone gets to meet everyone and this family continues to grow stronger bonds."  

"Thank you. To both of you. I forgive you, Caleb. I know it's hard to be in your position now since the kingdom was a bit uneasy when you came to power, but you've done amazing and Melody, thank you so much for inviting me to meet your family and being a kind, thoughtful and strong Queen. The kingdom will prosper under both of your leadership."

"Now one last question before we leave..."

"Whats that?"

"Where are the werewolves you captured."

"We released them as soon as you came, we didn't harm them. We gave them food and a nice place to sleep in and told them they could go home today. But would you mind staying for a few days so that I can get to know you and rebond with you, Caleb? It has been 10 years since we last saw each other."

"Of course." I smiled and got up to hug him. Caleb being Caleb growled behind me.

Don't worry big guy, he's family 

"Max will show them back to their room." We followed Max to our room and as soon as the door closed Caleb pinned me to the door and kissed me hard, but passionately. 

"What was that for?" I looked into his blue orbs and only saw admiration.

"Because I can, I love you and you're amazing. You're kind heart and forgiving soul makes me fall in love with you all over again and think that I don't deserve you." I pulled his head close to me and kissed him. When we broke the kiss I could stop looking into his eyes, but told him, "I love you too Caleb, and we're perfect for each other." 



I kind of updated faster so I'm proud of myself. I'm very unsure about this chapter so if you can please comment if you liked it or not! It helps me to see if I'm heading in the right direction with this story!

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Y'all are amazing

xx Sami  

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