Chapter 13

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After walking for 15 minutes we reached Caleb's land. It was huge and big and just wow. Caleb must have noticed my reaction because he just chuckled and handed me the clothes in his hands. I took the clothes in my mouth and went behind a tree to change. 


"You live here?" 

"It's not much Melody." 

"Not much??? This is huge?" I gaped at him.

"Come on, let's go see how your father is doing."

After I had enough time to look at his lands we started to walk towards the hospital. The hospital was huge. It was like a hospital you would find in a city. It took up lots of space and had many floors.

"Why do you have such a big hospital?"

"Well many other packs come here to use this hospital. It's the most advance in the kingdom and has the best care for just about anything that could happen to us. Like I said, your father is in good hands. He should be feeling better." We walked into the  hospital and Caleb was immediately greeted by one of the doctors who walked with us to the elevators.

"How is he doing Dr. Clock?"

"He's stable and awake right now. He is in room 1229." Caleb pressed the button for the 12th floor and in a second we were on that floor. We walked down the hall until we came to room 1229. In the room Josh was sleeping on one of the chairs while my dad was watching TV. I scurried into the room and engulfed my dad into a nice, big hug. 

"How are you feeling Dad?"

"Good. This hospital is pretty top notch. I just can't believe I couldn't beat those rouges. Maybe I'm getting too old to defend myself."

"No father, your the best warrior I know out there. Josh said that they used some sort of weapon on you. For all you know they used wolfsbane on it and a strong enough dose can knock you out."

"Since when did I have such a smart daughter? If only Josh were as smart as you."

"Well.. he did call me and say you guys were in trouble." 

"Maybe there's hope for him after all." Suddenly there was a cough behind us and when I looked behind me I noticed that Caleb was still there.

"Alpha Dan, It's an honor to meet you." Caleb came to his bed side and shook my dads hand.

"King Caleb. enough of the formalities. I heard my daughter beat you in a match... maybe I can give you some pointers on how to beat my daughter." Caleb looked at me and then nodded to my dad.


"love you sweetie, now am I free to leave this place? I'm feeling better and I'm all healed."

"Let me ask Dr. Clock." Caleb left the room and came back with the dispatch papers. "She said it's alright for you to leave. I'm going to sign you out and then if you follow me I can show you to your rooms." 

"With all due respect Alpha, I would love to just stay at the cabin-"

"Father, don't forget our deal." I smiled sweetly at him.

"On that note, let me wake Josh up." Dad walked over to Josh and punched him in the shoulder. "WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!!!" Josh immediately shot up and looked around confused. 

"Are we going home?" Josh said while rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. 

"No King Caleb is showing us to our rooms. We will be staying here for now on." After my dad had collected all of his things we headed for the huge castle in the middle of his land. Well it was more of a mansion castle than a castle. He opened the door and the moment I stepped in my mouth flew open. The inside was huge, there were so many hallways and doorways and stairs that I just wanted to explore everything. 

I was about to walk away when Caleb came to my side and closed my mouth and took my arm and lead me away from the entrance. He lead us to the a secluded area in the castle and came to two room.

"This is my wing. My beta lives in the wing right there" he said pointing to the staircase right across from us. "He should be down to give both of you a tour of the place so you have some idea of where you are and where the necessities are. I live 3 floors up and my office is on the second floor. If you need anything please do not hesitate to ask." After my dad and my brother got situated in their rooms, Caleb lead me to the staircase and we climbed all the way until we got to the third floor. In front of me were two tall wooden doors with golden door knobs. Caleb opened the door and lead me inside. 

"Well... I hope you like it." He said shyly. The room was the size of the whole floor. It had a movie theater looking TV, King size bed, a chandler overhead and the view was just amazing. It overlooked the whole forest on one side and the ocean that was close by on the other side. There was a balcony that wrapped around the whole room and on one side of the wall was a bookcase filled with books. I started to get curious so I started to open doors. One door lead to his walk in closet and the other door right next to it lead to my walk in closet. I'm guessing it was mine. It was filled with clothes already so I looked at Caleb confusingly. 

"I had someone go out and buy you clothes." he shrugged. The next door I opened lead to a small office. "I thought you said your office was on the second floor?"

"My main office is, but if I ever feel like staying in my room I just use this office. It can be your office if you would like."

"nah.. paper work bores me." After closing that door I opened the next door and it lead to the bathroom. Just like everything else, the bathroom was huge! It had a bath tub that could easily fit 10 people. Next to it was a shower with a bench inside and two shower nozzles. One that you could attach and detach and the other one that was attached to the ceiling.  

"That door leads to a sauna and the door next to it leads to my private gym that only I use. There's other gyms in the house, but like I said, if I ever just want to stay in I just use that gym. In the castle we also have a pool, movie theater-"

"Is there anything you don't have here?" He started to stalk towards me until we hit the wall and he trapped me.

"Well we have everything now that your here." he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Tell me Melody," his mint breath fanning over my face, "Do you feel anything." he said running his hand up my arm and wrapping it around my waist. It was so hard not to moan, but the electricity between us was so pleasurable. "Let it out Melody." I saw him lean in for a kiss, so I did the one thing I could do to get out of this. I pushed him away and ran to the main room.

"Melody... Just give in." Caleb said while coming out of the bathroom. "The harder you fight, the harder it's going to push you towards me."

I stalked up to him until I was an inch away from him. "Give me your best shot, but I won't succumb that easily." With that Caleb quickly pulled me toward him and he went straight for the mark. He started to kiss and lick his mark making me let out a breathy moan. "Caleb."

"What was that babe?" I saw that his eyes had darken, but I was fighting so hard that it was making me weaker. "Whose are you babe?" I smirked at him, but that made him bite the mark making me loose control. "CALEB!!"

"Say it Melody!"

"I'm-I'm" I breathed

"Yes babe, finish it and I'll stop. I just need to hear it."

"I'm Yo-yours" He bit my mark one last time and kissed my forehead and let me go.

"And don't forget it Melody." 


Got a little steamy there didn't it ;)

-Sami xx

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