Chapter 29

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I was inside the room getting ready for lunch when Caleb came in. I was currently a yellow summer dress and white flats. My hair was up in a messy ponytail and I noticed Caleb wouldn't stop staring at me.

"Hello babe, How was Ben's pack?" It took him a second to realize that I asked him a question.

"uh? oh ya, it was fine, you look beautiful by the way." he walked over to me and pecked me on the lips.

"Honey you should probably get ready for lunch too." He nodded his head and went to go take out a black button down shirt with black pants. "How was your run this morning?" 

"it was fine." I was debating on telling him about what Jacob said, maybe it's best if I don't. For all I know Jacob is trying to mess with my head. 

"Mel. Are you doing okay?" I didn't realize I was staring out into space until Caleb spoke to me.

"y-ya I'm fine." Caleb must have known something was up because he picked me up and sat me down on his lap. "What's wrong beautiful?" Even in a situation like this, he was able to make me blush. 

"Well after my run I knocked into Jacob and he talked about the history between you and him."

"Melody, I promise you I'm a different person. I'm no longer that kind of per-."

"It's not that, Caleb. He said something about your mother. What happened to her?" Caleb immediately looked away and he looked hurt. I put my hands on his cheeks and made him look me in the eye. "You can tell me, Caleb. Aren't mates suppose to be there for each other?" He gave me a long passionate kiss, "You're right Melody, my mother died when I was very young and left me with my father who was cruel and ruthless. She was taken away from us by rogues who tortured her and sent us videos of her being beaten, raped and just anything and everything they did to her. My father wouldn't do anything, He cared for her, but was too obsessed with power to do anything about it, they wanted ransom and he wouldn't give them the ransom for my mother and at the time the kingdom was falling apart. Packs were fighting for land and my father was paranoid that someone would try to take over the palace if he left to save my mother. When my father didn't give the rogues want they wanted they killed her and sent her heart in a box. After my mother died my father told me in a world like this you have to be heartless and cruel to get what you want and if you see something you want, you have to take it. That's how he taught me to take the crown and for a little bit I acted that way. I had warriors from a nearby pack hunt down the rouges that killed my mother and when we got a lead I personally went and killed all of them. Jacob deserves to be told that he was right all along, I feel really bad for what I did to him because I didn't see the destruction until the aftermath of all the wolves laying down on the ground motionless. I knew I had to change, but I didn't know how and I was only used to one way and I pushed everyone away so it was hard to change, but after some help from my beta and other people in the palace I changed a little bit and when I met you, well you changed me, Melody." He kissed me lightly before placing me on the ground. 

After he put me on the ground I hugged him and we stayed like that for a long time. "I'm sorry you went through that Caleb. No one should have to go through that." I started to cry because it broke my heart to see what he went through as a child. The next thing on my mind was the fact that this mate bond was working hardcore and bringing me closer to him. I guess Caleb heard me sniffle because he asked me if I was okay. Words couldn't come out so I just nodded my head. I guess he didn't believe me because his fingers went under my chin and lifted my head so I was looking into his blue eyes. 

"I never thought I'd ever see you cry and might I say you still look beautiful." He brought me in for another hug and when I was done crying we kissed me and we started to head down for lunch.

Both Caleb and I went straight up to Jacob so Caleb could talk to him.

"Jacob... I'm sorry for everything I did to you in the past. I realized that you were probably hurting just as much and I'm sorry I turned my back on you and didn't listen to you. Unfortunately, I can't give you the beta title back but I can talk to the neighboring packs about giving you more land and I would love to have you back at the house. Please let me know if there is anything-" Jacob pulled Caleb into a hug and stated, "The only thing I really wanted is you, brother. It got lonely without you and I missed you. I'm sorry you lost your way and I wasn't there in the beginning like I should have been. I'm glad you have Melody though, she's an amazing queen." Jacob turned to me and put my hands on his, "thank you for everything Melody." He pulled me into a hug and went to dismiss his pack to get food for lunch. "Don't worry food gets brought directly to this table." Once we all sat down food came out and we had good conversation while eating our food. 

The rest of the day we spent watching movies and learning more about Jacob and what he has been up to. Once the movie was over Caleb and I decided to go to bed to rest up for the journey back to the Palace.

We were laying in bed snuggling when I turned around to be met with his blue eyes. "Caleb.." "yes beautiful?" 

"I love you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I kissed him and snuggled into his body heat and fell asleep.


Look at that!! two updates in two days! I'm sorry if they are shorter than normal. If you feel like the book is going slow lmk and I'll change the pace!

Thank you for the support





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