Chapter 2

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It felt like time had slowed down. I sniffed the air and the scent I caught smelled amazing, it smelled woodsy and just masculine. I felt the electricity in the air and I felt the pull of the mate bond starting to work. Wait.. did he just say queen.. F**k my mate is the Alpha King. Before he knew what hit him I dashed into the forest. I had to be quick on my feet and not lead him to the cabin.

The second I left the clearing I heard him growl and heard heavy footsteps coming after me. I wasn't at full pace, but the next thing I know is he's right behind me. He tried to nip my leg, but I was quick to anticipate it and did a sharp right turn while he continued to run straight ahead. I needed to find water or something to cover my scent quick.

I started to pick the pace up and decided to head back to the waterfall. I ran so fast and so far that he was far behind me. I only had a short time to do this so I shift back to my human form and ran behind the waterfall. Once I heard him barreling through the trees I submerged myself under the waterfall. I saw him slowly walk around the lake trying to smell which way I had gone and once he realized that I outsmarted him, he dashed in the direction he came when I first met him. I waited another 30 seconds before coming up for air.

While in the water I changed into my wolf and slowly start to trot back to my house. I got back without being detected, but unfortunately the sun started to come up which meant that it was time to do morning chores. I shifted back to my human form and put the clothes I was wearing yesterday back on and sat on the cliff to watch the sunrise.

???? POV

She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. How did she get away from me so fast? She must be clever.. I kept thinking these thoughts as I ran back to the house. The more I thought of her getting away from me the angrier I got. Once I got onto my territory I growled as loud as I could so my beta knew I needed to talk to him.

Meet me in my office in 10. Once I reached the house I went upstairs to my room and changed into a black shirt and basketball shorts. I went to my study to find my beta waiting for my in a chair opposite of mine.

"What can I do for ya buddy?" My beta who was also my friend saw the expression on my face and knew this was serious.

"I found my mate."

"That great!! where is she?" looking around me to see if she was in the room. "She got away. I decided to run a little further than our territory and check on other territories when I caught this amazing smell. It led me to a small clearing with a lake and a waterfall and there she was backing away. One moment she's there and the next.. gone. I chased her through the forest only for her to take a sharp turn at such great speed and when I went back to the clearing.. her smell was gone.. vanished like she was never there. She's very smart James."

"Well.. what do you want us to do about this?"

"We need a search party. She can't be that far James. She has to be close by. There's also something else that I noticed."

"Ya? What's that?"

"I commanded her to shift and she didn't. I'm not just an ordinary Alpha. She disobeyed the king."

"Interesting... Well maybe she's of alpha descent?"

"I don't know.. a normal alpha would have submitted to my alpha tone especially at she-wolf. I think there's something different about her."

"Well if you think she is your mate... then maybe because she's soon to be Queen it's easier for her to disobey you."

"Maybe.. anyways the search party. I'm going to take a few men out with me and leave you in charge until I find her and bring her back. Think you can watch the pack for some time?"

"Yes sir." He said sarcastically saluting me.

"Thanks James." Dismissing him and heading to my room to pack some clothes for the journey. I mind linked 3 members of my pack to meet me outside. Too bad I didn't know what her human form looked like, because that would have made my life a lot easier.

"Thanks for meeting me out here men."

"Of course Alpha." They all said in Unison.

"We are going to go out and search for my Luna and your Queen. I don't know how long it will take, but now that I know she is out there we will search high and low until we find her. When we find her I will allow you to use force to get her to come with us.... as long as you don't hurt her too much." I quickly added.

"Yes sir." and with that we all shifted and ran off in the direction I had just come from.

Melody's POV

It was midday and my dad was making me do a patrol to make sure no wolves were in our area. I was doing the patrol when I heard a few wolves coming my way. My ears are highly sensitive and my dad trained me to hear the smallest sound up to 50 ft away. I quickly got down on the ground and rolled around in the mud and ran to a tree. I climbed up the tree and waiting for the wolves to pass.

Just as I reached the height I wanted to the huge black wolf that I saw last night came barreling through the trees and just my luck he stopped right below me and sniffed the air. He barked orders at the wolves around him and resumed running in his current direction. I quickly got down from the tree and ran towards the house.

"Father I need to leave."


Here it comes....


I really should be doing homework lol

Sami :)

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