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Marcel's P.O.V

*Next Morning

Monica was so sexy but now she got a nigga like damn who is that. By the way she was fucking last night I knew she had been faithful to me. I woke up to Miracle's whimpers so I went to her room where she was sleeping so peacefully. Carefully picking her up, making sure I didn't wake her I put her in the baby bath tub washing her. While I washed her she started crying , I rushed down the steps to make a bottle. I sat in the couch watching tv while she drank her bottle.

Monica's P.O.V

I woke up to no one next to me. Hopefully Marcel hasn't gone back to his old way. I walked toward Miracle's room to check on her, there was no Miracle. I began to get worried I walked down the steps only to see they were sleeping on the couch. It made me happy to see, he was happy to be a dad. I went to the shower and got dressed so I could have some alone time to myself I made plans to go to the spa. When I finished getting dressed I got in the car and headed to the spa.

Ramon's P.O.V

(Phone Rings)

Ramon: Wussup.

Marcel: Nothing much chillin' can you do me a favor?

Ramon: Yea anything for you man.

Marcel: I want to step down from my position in the trap, be the boss at a distance. Now that I have been with Monica and Miracle, it made me relies they need me more than anything. I only want to work in the trap when I have to. I know you can hold down the trap for me and keep it together.

Ramon: True I respect you decision, do what you have to do.

Marcel: I'll be there today to check on things at the trap but it will be the last time they will see me for a minute.

Ramon: Alright

*End of conversation

I couldn't believe Marcel was steping down from his position I'm the trap. I knew he would do it one day for Monica but I didn't think it would be today or anytime soon. Damn a nigga respect him for that.

Marcel's P.O.V

Monica mist of left earlier because she just walked in the house. "Hey baby, where did you go," I asked. "To the spa, I saw you and Miracle sleeping this morning so I took advantage of the opportunity and pampered myself." She smiled at me. "Well I have to go take care of some business so I'll be back later."" Marcel why, haven't you learned, yo just got out of rehab from being shot in the head, you were in a coma for 7 months, why do you have to go." Her eyes pleaded with me as tears fell, I hated to she her hurt but this is the only way I could step down from my position she had to understand that. " Moni I'm stepping down from my position in the trap, I have to get everything together before I can leave."" Does that mean you leaving for good?"" You can never technically leave unless they kill you. Once your in your in for life. I'm just going to be a boss from a distance for the safety of you and miracle." Still looking disappointed. "Baby I'm trying so hard to do everything I can to stay here longer with you and Miracle."" I understand Marcel but still." I hated seeing Monica disapointed so I walked out the house and got in the car. When I arrived at the trap they was all just just sitting around. "Is this all yah been doing while I was down?" None of them answeed . I held up my gun and pointed it at the workers . "Now is this what yah been doing." No they all answered. "Get back to work then." I walked to my office to see what was going on. I looked at the money we had and it was short. "Ramon, I yelled. Why the money short and you didn't tell me .""The money isnt short it's fine it just we losing all the big costumers because you was down and there's rumors that there's somebody new with better product than we have. ""Well why didn't you tell me this?"" I didn't tell you because I you only needed to focus on getting g out of rehab not fixing the trap and shit." He was right about that but we needed to find thus new dealer in my territory and do something about it. I called Big E to see if he knew anything about this dealer. Big E was one of the few people who got out without being killed but he still knew about anything and everything g that happened in the traps around town.

Phone Conversation

Marcel: Wussup Big E

Big E: Living life

Marcel: What's the word about this new dealer in my territory?

Big E: All I know is he traps in an abandoned house not to far from your trap.

Marcel: Thanks man

Big E: If you need any help call me up you know I'm here.

End of conversation

I know I told Moni I was stepping down but this may take me a little bit of work. I hate lying to her so I took care of my business and made reservations to dinner for my family. I texted Monica telling her to dress nice for dinner. When I got home Monica was in a short tight dress but I didn't mind because she was with me they knew she was taken. And my little girl was looking so nice too in her sundress with a bow in her hair. Thirty minutes later we arrived at the restaurant. They seated us and we ordered our drinks. "What is this all about marcel?"" Am I not aloud to take you out to dinner Moni?"" No foreal what's up Marcel?"" Well the money in the trap is low, word around is that there's a new dealer stealing costumers on my territory. I can't step away from my position in the trap till all this is resolved."" No Marcel let your men handle it."" What your not understanding is they need me so I'm going to be there."" We need you too , she said as tears fell down her face."Moni don't cry here, I wiped the tears from her face. " I promise I'm not going anywhere for a long time."


Keep reading please leave comments . Last 2 chapters will be long like this one. Then the sequal 😊😊😊

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