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Marcel's P.O.V

(Knock on the door) I woke up to a knock at the door. Careful not to wake up Monica, I get up and walk down the steps. Who could be at my door this early in the morning? I opened the door to see the police officer from last night at my door. "How can I help you, I say in a puzzled voice.""Sorry sir , the man you shot last night died on the way to the hospital, he says in a low voice." Five minutes later he walks away and soon gets in to his car. Monica would be so happy to hear he gone. When I got back to the room Monica was awake sitting on the bed. "What was that all about?"" The police officer came to tell me the man I shot is dead." She looks away from me and a tear falls. "His people will come after you marcel ,she says sadly."" I know Moni but we will be fine, I say. I got back in the bed and held her close to me. Monica fell asleep I loved how Monica slept all curled and snuggled up under me. A couple hours later we woke up. Monica got in the shower and I followed after her. When we got out we sat on the bed and talked. "Moni what you want to eat For breakfast?" IHOP she says with a big smile on her face, Looking like a kid in the candy store. We got in the car and soon pulled up to IHOP . I opened the door for her and she walked in with her sexy self. We were seated quick by the manager. "Good morning I'll be your server coco , she says." Shit I say trying to hide my face." What the fuck Marcel why you here with this hoe, coco yells." I could see Monica's getting upset. "Don't call her a hoe bitch you the fucking hoe sleeping with four niggas while we together, I snap back."(Monica laughs) " What you laughing at, she yells ." " Your ugly ass boo boo, Monica says in a smart ass voice." "Laugh at this bitch I'm pregnant. " " Not with my fucking baby, we never fucked so get the fuck out my face with that bullshit." I was so mad she would even say that. Monica came and sat next to me " Basic bitches will do anything to be with you." (Laughs and kisses me on the cheek)  I look over at her and laugh. Coco come back ."What you want for drink , she says and rolls her eyes." She comes back wit our drinks and slams it on the table and it gets in Monica. She gets a napkin as and cleans it off . "What you want for breakfast, coco says with an attitude." Monica gets up ,"bitch what the fuck he don't want you get the fuck over him u not pregnant with his baby leave him alone before we have problems." (Coco hits her) Monica started beating the shit out of her. I go and get her off coco , Monica come on she not worth your time. The car ride was quiet I hated that she was mad.

Monica's P.O.V

I just sat in the car quiet. I was so mad when we pulled up to the house I went straight to my room and didn't go to Marcels. "Moni ,he calls" I don't say any thing. "Moni come back to our room."  I played there ignoring him . "Okay Moni I guess this our room." He comes and lays behind me. I feel kisses on my neck. He knows what this does to me. He starts taking off my cloths and puts his self inside me. I let out soft moans.

To be continued....

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