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Marcel's P.O.V

She smiled after I wiped the tears away but I could tell she was really disappointed in me. She has to know it's harder than she thinks it is to get out. "Moni you know I love you and Miracle and I'll do anything to keep you safe?" "Yea I do but what's your point." "Do you really think I'm going to let anything happen to you and Miracle."" Why can't you just take a break, you just got out of rehab after being shot isn't that enough for you to leave."

*Next Morning

Phone Rings

I got out the bed and walked to the restroom.

Phone Convo:

Ramon: Aye get to the trap nigga we have one the enemies dealers.

Marcel: Alright I'll be there in a second.

Phone Call Ends

I know Monica's going to be mad but this the only way I thought to myself. I kissed her and Miracle bye and was soon walking out the house. Thirty minutes later I walked into the trap, my men had already beat him up pretty good so all I had to do was ask the questions. I walked up to him and slapped him in his face, "Wake your ass up , who do you work for ?""Man I don't know all I do is pick the drugs up from a warehouse and sell them and then someone takes the money to my boss . Like I already told them, the man said ."" Your next drop you need to take us to the warehouse." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Nigga are you trying to die tonight."" Nah but we will find it with your help or without your help." Holding the gun to his head ," alright man you crazy though tonight at 10 is the next drop." I said ok and walked away. "Aye Ramon after we done with him kill him and depose of the body. We don't need anything coming back to us, I said." He nodded and walked away. Come 10 tonight there will be no one in my territory .

*Hours Later

Monica and Marcel's Convo:

Monica: Where have you been all day Marcel?

Marcel: I had to run to the trap to take care of some business. I'll be home late tonight. Don't wait for me to get home.

Monica: I thought all this was going to be over and you were going to be out .

Marcel: Moni we talked about this. It's either I die trying to get out or just step down from my position. I love you.

End of convo

With that said I hung up . 10:00 pm came fast before I knew it we were in the car riding to the enemy's trap. Every one of my men walked in there strapped down with guns. Bang...Bang...Bang.... Gunshots filled the abandoned wear house. Men falling everywhere, my men and the enemies. Our only priority was to get the supplier . Bang... Ramon was hit okay the leg he fell to the floor and yelled out in pain. I stopped. " keep going I'll be fine, he yelled to me ." I kept running i was planning on going back whether he thought i was or not. We came to a big door . To my surprise it opened like they were expecting us. I walked in with my gun facing the chair, the man was sitting in. " Marcel Williams, I told your dad the life would catch up to you it runs in the family. I knew once you found out someone was selling in your territory you would come trying to find who it was. You were always like this when you were younger into everything. So I bought this abandoned building hoping I would see you." His voice was so familiar , I could hear it in the back of my head I knew it from somewhere. " See I needed you to to come find me so I could give you a business proposition."


Marcel's Age: 5

"Come here Marcel, my dad called." I ran to my dad, he had not been home in weeks. "Where were you at daddy , were you leaving me and mommy?"" No of course not I had to take care of some business with important people."" Will i ever have to take care of business like you?"" One day little man." With that said I ran away to play in the slide, only to get swooped up into someones arms. "Uncle Que, I yelled."" Hey man I have not seen you in so long, your getting so big." He handed me a 100 dollar bill." Que stop giving my son money wen you see him", my mom yelled from the inside of the house.

*End of Flashback

"Awe hell nah, Uncle Que." I held my gun to the back of the chair. " Turn the fuck around."" Hold on, Hold on your just like your dad quick to shoot a gun you do not wait for any answers . Like I was trying to say before , Why dont we go into business together? "Look all I need to know is why you tryna get in business with me?Your not a man of your word. Where was you at when my dad was laid up in the hospital? Where was you at wen my mom was struggling to make ends meet? Just where was you at when we needed you most ? Look I'm out of here, don't sell nothing else or it will be your head." With that said I walked out. Ramon was nowhere to be found."Oh yea I sent your buddy to the hospital , que yelled."

Monica's P.O.V

I laid Miracle down in her bed after she fell asleep. Waiting for Marcel I must have fell asleep because next thing I knew it was morning and Marcel was curled up behind me. I got out the bed and went the shower. Turned one the water and put soap on my body. "Let me do that for you, Marcel whispered in my ear. Did you expect me not to get in with you." He winked and I smiled back.

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