Chapter: 25

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Monica's P.O.V

Days, weeks, months went by, Marcel spent less and less time in the house. I knew what he was doing but he never came forward to me about it to me. I would ask questions only to hint around the situation. When I asked the question straight forward he would always deny it like there was nothing to discuss. Marcel wasn't one to lie to me but I caught the sense he was lying to me about what he was doing in those early mornings and late nights when he wasn't laying in our bed. It was like i raised our daughter alone, he was never home and this was the last night I was going to allow that to happen to me. I tried to let it go but enough is enough and he had to understand it.  Marcel walked in the house as I watched him closely. "Wussup Moni," he said with a puzzled look on his face. " Marcel I want you to be honest with me, what are you doing at all hours of the night," I said. He replied, Moni can... before he could finished I interrupted and said ," No Marcel I'm tiered of hearing those words so no we cant talk about it later I want to talk about it now." " Monica I don't want you to be stressed out about where I'm at and I don't need this tonight I had a hard night." Tears fell down my face ," Why wont you just be honest about this, why do I have to think the worse of everything. Marcel are cheating , laid up in some other females bed huh because that what I think you want me to think."" No Monica why would you think that when I said I would never hurt you I meant it. Everything I do is with you and Miracle in mind. I only do what I think is best for us."" Then be honest with me where are you at everyday that causes you to leave early and come back late. "Monica I just want you disappointed in me so let me explain."

Marcel's P.O.V

Monica I just don't want you disappointed in me so let me explain, were the words before I had to tell Monica about what I do . I tried to think of ways to get out of it but there was no getting out of it this time she wasn't going to let it happen. " Okay so a couple months ago when Ray and I went to find the other dealer that was selling in my territory I was offered a business proposition. The person who offered it to me was my uncle, Uncle Que. This proposition was for him and I to go in business together. If it makes it an better I wasn't going to take him up on this till he offered to take my old place which was the place my dad had. He wanted to be the big boss which gave me the option of stepping down from my position. He didn't want me to leave so I still have boss like duties but I'm not first in command. The workers go to him if they have questions or problems, all I do is make some runs and give the workers their cut of the money," I explained as well as I could. All she could do was cry I let her down not even meaning to. " Marcel some part of me wishes you were cheating because you would be safe and I wouldn't have to worry about you." She walked away not even looking at me. It hurt to see her like this but there's nothing I can do about it. I walked to Miracle's  room knowing she was sleep but seeing her face brightened my days and nights up. She looked at me and said," Dada." All I could do was smile. I picked her up and laid her between Monica and I,  its been a minute sense my family and I have been this close to each other.

*Next Morning

I woke up early to make Monica breakfast. She walked down the steps ," Is this your way of apologizing for what you did?"" No, I just think you deserve something you haven't got in a minute. Am I wrong for giving you what you deserve Monica?" I raised my eyebrow and waited for her response. "No I don't think you are I..." I cut her off with a kiss. I surely did miss kissing her. She truly was all I needed to keep me happy.

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